Here is an excerpt from a paper by Seneff and McCullough:

Shingles is an increasingly common condition caused by reactivation

of latent herpes zoster viruses (HZV), which also causes chicken pox in

childhood. In a systematic review, Katsikas Triantafyllidis et al. (2021)

identified 91 cases of herpes zoster occurring an average of 5.8 days

following mRNA vaccination. While acknowledging that causality is not

yet confirmed, “Herpes zoster is possibly a condition physicians and

other healthcare professionals may expect to see in patients receiving

COVID-19 vaccines” (Katsikas Triantafyllidis et al., 2021). In a letter to

the editor published in September 2, 2021, Fathy et al. (2022) reported

on 672 cases of skin reactions that were presumably vaccine-related,

including 40 cases of herpes zoster and/or herpes simplex reactivation.

These cases had been reported to the American Academy of

Dermatology and the International League of Dermatologic Societies’

COVID-19 Dermatology Registry, established specifically to track

dermatological sequalae from the vaccines. There are multiple additional

case reports of herpes zoster reactivation following COVID-19

vaccination in the literature (Psichogiou et al., 2021b; Iwanaga et al.,

2021). Llad´

o et al. (2021) noted that 51 of 52 reports of reactivated

herpes zoster infections happened following mRNA vaccination.

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Thank you Dr Altman.

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The problem with society today is that “I told you so” is incredibly triggering to all of the die hards and double-boosted, even the ones who have realised they were lied to ... I recall back in ~October 2021 just before WA started mandating the jabs for practically everybody pointing out the chicanery in the so-called “pandemic of the unvaccinated” statistics in literal black-and-white to work colleagues, who would stare at the evidence of the obvious lie in front of their faces and then choose to ignore it. Data from the UK, NSW, several US localities, the TGA, ATAGI, literally none of it moved the needle at all such was the spell cast over 98% of the population ... the only thing that seemed to matter was rigid adherence to the narrative and conformity to the ideal of being seen to be “responsible, kind and intelligent” by trusting “authoritative” sources. To this day I can’t take any of them seriously anymore, they failed the ultimate test.

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Their self-image was abused by psychopaths like Pfauci, who claimed that they could not see themselves as “responsible, kind and intelligent” unless they obeyed him and the rest of the murderous NIH/CDC/FDA/Pfizer cabal.

And now their self image can _never_ recover, because they enthusiastically participated in the worst crime against humanity ever.

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I’ve wondered about this a lot. I can’t be the only one who’s had conversations with acquaintances during and after this whole scamdemic, and been left gobsmacked at the mental gymnastics of the double-or triple boosted mentioning their third or fourth bout of “covid” and getting offended by my suggestion that perhaps it’s time to stop getting boosted if they don’t want to be again for 2 weeks. Especially when they learn I’m the dreaded “unvaxxed” myself and so far had a couple of cases of flu-ish symptoms for a couple of days and haven’t supplemented with anything more than lemon-ginger-honey tea. I would have thought that by now the penny would have dropped for most of them, but they seem determined to keep the illusion going.

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Yep. Well said.

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Dr Altman, I will soon be 80 and not IT -literate (you may laugh). You talked about Open DAEN but I was not successful negotiating it. I would like to know about Shingles; my 'vaccinated' son (54), a dairy farmer in VIC, contracted it and thinks it is just bad luck. One side of his face droops. This is since December 2023. Would you please be so kind as to help me out? How many cases do you know of?

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No one should laugh if you think you’re IT illiterate-I’m close to 62, and am useless at it! I only use an iPad, I don’t even know if this is advantageous or not!

You’re doing fine Ms Ackermann.

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Thank you for your kind comment, rrodynmac. Old age is not for sissies!

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Don’t be sorry Dave, we need all the true info we can get!

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thank you again, for the both sad factual info aligned with a level of woken-ism that has captured the populous in such large numbers within our communities. To this day it is still astounding to encounter blatant refusal to identify with real science backed facts, dispelling the plandemic called COVID. Apparent smart people, clear minded and level headed are NOT able to accept that their governments elected officials simple spun the stories of the cartels out to make a buck. Of course there is so much more to this, while I am trying to gently introduce those close to me, of the lies spun along the Goebbles propaganda machines, which most Europeans are aware of and weary of, they find it hard to believe it is actually happening. This mass psychosis is not just dangerously simple to implement, it is even easier to maintain to the detriment of the populous.... sad sad sad indeed

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