Thank you Phillip. This is the most important issue Australia is facing right now, but Penny Wong just gave the WHO 100M in a 5-year commitment, 75M of that being voluntary. I think this is a done deal.


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Not sure about the done deal, if you are correct Aus is lost .James Roguski is very up to date on this and says the deadline is December 1, 2023 . My curiosity remains.......

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Do you think the majority of the Australian politicians listed voting for this will go against the money and the media/Health Department pandemic fear?

If they vote against this it means admitting that the covid response was a failure, the SOE was unnecessary and the jabs are killing people.

Edit: 10 of them are Labor/Green and they will vote in a majority block along with most of the coward LNPs. Canavan will likely be the lone dissenter.

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At the moment there are no dissenters at all, unfortunately that we are aware of - it has bipartisan support - but we are fighting this hard. A campaign to email all MP's and let the JSCOT Committee, that rubber stamped the amendments that will be set in concrete at the end of this month know we are watching begins on Monday. www.australiaexitsthewho.com Join us along with Stand Up Now Australia & AMPS (Australian Medical Professionals Society).

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That's a nicely laid-out website.

I phoned a lot of the Senators who voted against the excess deaths enquiry and it was not a productive experience. A reader then emailed all the Senators who voted 'no' and only two responded.

The staffers of the two Senators who responded gaslit, insulted and intimidated the reader.

Here is the article: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-senate-rejects-and-obfuscates

Respectfully, I do not interact with politicians anymore. They are performance artists in a fake government.

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Yes understand more than you know. But we do have some that are awake in Canberra & we are working to help them. The eventualities if the country cannot be set on the right path peacefully are not good.

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I admire your work so much. Thank you for doing this. I totally agree - I think the country is headed towards disaster. I have been fighting so hard the past three years that recently I have decided the only chance to make a difference is at the citizen level. I am somewhat resigned to my fate, and am pretty much just trying to enjoy what time I have left to breathe free air.

I am so glad there are people like you in Australia who have my back - it will come down to the individual choices on the day.

God Bless you in your work.

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OZzzz appears doomed, like NZzzz, until there is possibly a civil war in both countries and the populace declare they will no longer submit.

The UNEP/WHO/WEF grip maintained on Oceania is fierce and ratchet like.

In OZzzz you have the doyen of shots, none other than the Chair of the Board of CEPI, Prof. Jane Halton. In NZzzz, there is Dr Sir Ashley Bloomfield, co-chair of the IHR review committee.

The GOVs of both countries are in tyrannical lock-step with the WEF (for the moment).

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Thanks Phillip, I have written to my NSW reps (only 2, I note in D O'Neill and A. Charlton) and also to Senators Canavan Qld and Cox of WA with this -

I am writing to you as a (NSW representative) of JSCOT and forthcoming decisions you will face on the nation's behalf regarding the WHO.

Currently there are around 307 amendments from 2023 which are due for deliberation within a very brief period of time. My impression is that as a busy parliamentarian you probably do not have sufficient time to fully appraise yourself and comprehend in detail the manner in which these amendments have been made nor the potential of them in toto and individually to remove our sovereignty as a nation with regard to key decision making at critical times when new pandemics may be emerging.

This loss may be gradual but it may also be immediate, precisely when Director Tedros decides. The demand for a $30 billion per year global budget for just the 'Preparedness' phase of any proposed pandemic should ring loudly in the ears of all our representatives.

Our government has embraced the IHRs and so called Pandemic 'treaty', with very little real scrutiny the evidence of the last pandemic (which is clearly not over). To be handing over decision making power on such matters given the unmitigated disaster we have witnessed and continue to witness in excess deaths and the almost weekly revelations from various scientists, doctors and even mainstream actors the catastrophe that WHO and similar global players have visited upon us - consider the last major apocalypse - Plasmidgate in which leading scientist like McKernan and Buchholtz have shown the disaster of rushed manufacture by Pfizer and Moderna which has sent excessively high levels of DNA fragments and endotoxins from e-coli into potentially millions of people risking many of the illnesses we are in fact witnessing.

Can you honestly say that it's fine to apply the rubber stamp to what the WHO leadership is demanding through its backroom deals. What of the 40+ countries that are objecting to this process? What of the constant chopping and changing in methods, wording and protocols the WHO engages in which makes your job even more bewildering? No wonder that many representatives in your position will listen to the (Big Pharma appointed/funded) advisers who hover around you urging your signature?

I humbly request that you, at the very least, seek a stay on these vital changes which have every possibility of limiting your power of decision making on our peoples' behalf.

Thank you for your deliberations,

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That's a brilliant letter. Briefer than the one on the website, more hard-hitting, still respectful (though we might not feel it) and covers all aspects. Thank you.

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Thanks TeeCee, I hope others can make use of it. I would, in retrospect, make a few editorial changes, in my rushed schedule I neglected to do so, but others can proof it for improved grammar.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I cannot understand why this is permitted to happen, considering that Section 44(i) of our Constitution (no longer adhered to by our Politicians!!!) clearly states our politicians cannot have allegiance to a foreign POWER! By signing such agreement, these (traitor) politicians are signing us up to acknowledging allegiance, obedience and adherence to a foreign POWER!!

They clearly have no legal right to do so and should be charged as TRAITORS as they do this knowing that it shifts power to an unelected FOREIGN power!

Most seem to focus on the citizenship aspect of S44(i), but that is NOT the total meaning....

Section 44 (i) Any person who:

is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; or....

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A question: Can we refuse to obey the WHO, UN, WEF as they are a FOREIGN POWER and we have not elected them, nor did we vote for them to have control over us?

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It seems a curious thing , that this urgent and pressings issue which has been around for some time now , remains in the background ? I do not watch msm and even on other outlet's this " issue " remains in the background so thank you Phillip .

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I tried to get King Cobra MP Paul Fletcher to pay attention to this, he replied "don't worry, anything Australia does must be legislated first in Parliament".

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Is that like " don't worry be happy......" ? You know that lovely song from quite a while back ?

Why is this man called a King Cobra when he has such a passive response ?

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He is a snake of the highest order. Have met him 3 times in the past months. Takes copious notes. Pretends to listen. Pretend government.

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The amendments changing the IHR timeframes were approved by the JSCOT Committee, not that several of its members knew anything about it. They will apply to Australia at the end of the month. They have never been mentioned in parliament and the petition that garnered over 55,000 signatures on this has not been replied to by the Dept of Health - ignoring all timeframes for a response. But still we fight this. Join our Aus wide campaign launching Monday.

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All the politicians say that! I have written several times to my local federal member about WHO, and he said it has to be debated in parliament first. Then I wrote again, to tell him that his answer is the same as what other politicians say, like ‘you’ve all been told to say the same thing!’. And many more comments to him.

Only one further answer received-“I’ve already answered your question.”

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That is pretty standard. They have all been lied to for the last 3 or more years - some know they have been lied to and lying to us is part of the game. The only way is to get their attention and quote from the source documents. The question "Do you support the WHO recommendations being binding on Australians" (Article 1) and "Do you support the removal of "full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons" (Article 3) and "Do you support the W.H.O being able to demand Australian implement mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns" (Article 18) - 307 Amendments from May 2023 that will be in place in May 2025 if Australia does not reject them or exit the W.H.O. https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/pdf_files/wgihr1/WGIHR_Compilation-en.pdf

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Thanks for that-I wrote to JSCOT and mentioned the 307 amendments, I’ll write again, I think there’s an action day today (Monday)-I’ll get on to it.

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Great. Thanks. We are hoping to make some noise starting 11am today!

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Yay! We all know what's going on. Let's write more stern sentences on the interweb and hope everything changes and the tyranny stops....

We are so fucked.

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For what it's worth I'm just documenting the decline until I cannot. Hope you can join me x

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A future Novak Djokovic would be prevented from entering Australia by the WHO, not the Australian people!

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Thanks for your support Phillip and to everyone that does not want someone considered a terrorist, accused of genocide, in his home country in charge of Australians, please support our campaign. #whoisjscot #ausexits. www.asutraliaexitsthewho.com

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Someone should correct the graphic of the Volvo slash over the WHO in lieu of the proper ISO symbology.

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⛓ “The UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, data sharing rollouts in 50 countries." - https://open.substack.com/pub/lionessofjudah/p/bill-gates-digital-ids-will-be-mandatory?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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