All that heartache, separation from our families was for nothing.

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Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"



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thanks for that I posted it on twitter but Im sure it might get a knock back

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How is it possible to justify forced injections?

Because they can.

It is that simple.

Everything else is just theatre to enable the sham to continue.

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I find it very strange that Dr Alt,man makes no reference here either to the work of finance analyst Peter Halligan on Substack and/or to Denis Rancourt, recently cited by Dr Yeadon in his open Telegram letter to Dr Malone.


Rancourt has submitted ca 800pp of evidence to the Canadian citizens' enquiry, some of which is on Bitchute.

Rancourt's rule of thumb is: divide the number of doses given by 1,000 and you have the resultant deaths, except I think for India.

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Is there a point in time when you and the rest of the concerned population will pay attention to 5G?

It is not an either/or scenario. The current death rate is due to the interplay of at least THREE factors, the wild virus (if it exists as anything more than a seasonal cold), the injections (some of which are highly toxic), and 5G (which was rolled out and switched on during the pandemic). Some of us were electro-sensitive before "covid", and some were turned into electro-sensitives by the ingredients in the injections or perhaps some aspect of the wild virus bioweapon. Once the body has become an aerial, 5G assaults the body's nervous systems (central, peripheral and autonomic) and triggers all manner of stuff in those who are electro-sensitives. Once you start to study the symptoms of long covid you will see that it is possible to attribute them all to nervous system failure.

Until you understand what 5G is doing to the human body, you will not understand long covid, which is a serious affliction finding no successful treatment. That is because we are treating the wrong disease. What ails us has nothing to do with a bug and everything to do with the impacts of 5G damage, on bodies that are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution.

There are many thousands of medically peer reviewed articles on pub med and other databases, of research into different aspects of electro-sensitivity and electromagnetic pollution.

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Great comment.

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Christine, I'm wondering whether you are in Australia and whether you know how much 5G has already been rolled out and where? Is there a site you can recommend where I can find the research you mentioned?

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Yes, Australia. There are lots of sites that all seem to give us slightly different information.

There are two types of rollout, the official rollout of what I will call public cell phone towers used by the general public, and other private towers used by military, rescue services, police, and up market properties that want a reliable signal.

For the public towers, you can get full details in two different places. There is an app called AusPhoneTowers, that shows each tower, each cell phone provider using that tower and what services they supply. In my area currently only Telstra has 5G. It is a user friendly version of the RFNSA information below.

Then there is the official RFNSA website which covers the same towers. https://www.rfnsa.com.au/site-list?csrfmiddlewaretoken=g7pJGui5JgPC7HFQAEj2NOjGhnVAk87rIalQTrLkgOWuUAbJB0kIXMsx4tjlRRPQ&search_type=search&search_criteria=2540

And finally there is the following site that I can't really make out. For my area it is showing a private tower and not the public tower. It seems to crowd source information on private towers. So use it advisedly. It does give an indication that there is more going on than the official RFNSA information https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g

I think you will find that most of the coastal population was covered after the bushfires, with the rollout going full tilt during lockdowns.

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I might add that those cruise ships such as Ruby Princess which did so much damage in Australia apparently had an early form of 5G on board.

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Correct - it was its maiden voyage with the 5g towers

Just a coincidence …..,

If you look at a photo of the ship it’s 5g domes look military grade to me - I was in the Navy and worked on Radars


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OMG those pendants! "pop it on and then forget about it" alright!

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I have added some links for some places to start looking at the mechanisms of harm etc. As Christine stated - there is a lot of published evidence on Pubmed etc. Prof Martin Pall publishes on mechanisms related to Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC's); This is a great summary: https://no5gparty.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Frequencies-Used-In-Telecommunications.pdf https://phibetaiota.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Pall-Letter-to-CalLegis-FINAL-8-7-17.pdf https://www.orsaa.org/uploads/6/7/7/9/67791943/orsaa_submission_to_5g_inquiry_oct__2019_final_v2.pdf Books by Dr Robert Becker: Cross Currents and Body Electric; Andrew Marino: Going Somewhere. EMR Australia is a great resource when starting out - free newsletters etc and also ORSAA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tpGnpsKqRA

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Thanks Kylie. Lynn from EMR Aust has been very helpful for us in getting off the "wireless" tech in our house. But the 5G cells on light poles plan is hideous

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5G on lamp poles - absolutely agree is hideous. Yes another clinical trial - this time with no consent whatsoever. This is what everyone should be concerned about - this is what covid was all about and the rest...

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Really helpful post thank you.

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On what basis did Australia go into lockdown in March 2020?

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The beginnings of a long campaign to frighten people, one purpose of which was to sell an expensive and profitable “solution”, a second purpose of which was to test how well society can be forced into compliance. Unsurprisingly, these reasons were not made public.

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Otherwise known as the biggest crime of all time Barry…

Time to bring the perpetrators to account…

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The reasons look very thin.

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Yes Jillian, I suspect the reasons were very thin indeed…

This what we need to do now, revisit exactly what was going on in early 2020, see what underpins the diabolical manufactured ‘Covid’ crisis which was used to steal our freedom, and set us up for medical, financial and social slavery…

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Hi Elizabeth, the "National Cabinet Documents" unredacted, would be THE common link for ALL Australian's who have been hammered by these grubs. Former Senator Rex Patrick's request, supported by Justice Richard White back in 2021 is still being denied, this is so wrong. EVERY freedom/ truth follower, group, whatever,( it really should be every Australian?) should demand the release of these documents en masse, nothing to hide, nothing to fear & if they're collective decisions were correct, as they say they were, it would shut us up, once & for all. My question is this; are the coerced, mandated, bullied, poisons Bioweapons? If so, under our own Commonwealth government terms & conditions, this is an act of terrorism, which carries a term of life in prison. Therefore, imo, this is why they are pushing back so hard, doubling down & just plain lying through their miserable teeth, because, if this can be proven, via the extremely important National Cabinet Documents, they would be done & dusted. Something to consider. 🤔

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You only have to look into the sub-stack of Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova and Ana Mihalcea to see the patents on the Dept. of Defence's (DoD)website that these so called vaccines are not vaccines but "counter measures". CM are bioweapons. Pfizer, Moderna and other DoD contractors were instructed by the DoD to manufacture the CM and distribute them. Pfizer conducted "sham" clinical trials to make it look like they had "made" the so called vaccines and probably why they wanted these trials buried for 75 years. It seems that the DoD is the only body that knows what is in these vials. If you look at Ana Mihalcea's work and Karen Kingston's they also prove either by microscopy and/or patents that some or all of the vials contain nano technology. The 5G as Christine points out in this forum enables the nanotechnology to activate. Why nano technology? Well because they (WEF - World Economic Forum) would like to merge humans with synthetic technology - check out the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwabb (WEF).

The TGA was complicit, knowingly or unknowingly in "rubber stamping" the "safe and effective" BS. Why? Why are people dying "suddenly"? Why all the excess deaths? Our parliament voted "NO" to a Bill that would seek to find the answers to these excess deaths. WHY? Why are all the bad actors now resigning from their positions, both here and overseas - my guess is that the truth is coming to light and like cockroaches they are scrambling back in the shadows. This is not about health - it's about one world control in health (WHO), CBD currency (IBS - International Bank of Settlements) and total control (WEF). This is a dark agenda run by the Cabal that goes way beyond Covid - we are the frogs in the boiling water unless we wake up fast.




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'Breaking Bad' Actor Mike Batayeh Dead at 52


No history of heart issues says sister.


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There is so much wilful blindness on this.

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Totally agree, & thanks for your reply & info. Regards Roc.👍

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Is it a Bioweapon, if so it is, by definition, an Terrorist act?

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Thank you Phillip

It is important to keep going over this as people unaware of this may suddenly or slowly be wakened.

I guess it’s it’s important to understand compartmentalisation and that’s what has happened here, in a military operation nothing needs to be explained to a subordinate.

The reasons for this are plenty.

No one or very few people know exactly what is in each batch

The pharma industry loves sick people and money - enough said!!

Bill Gatesetc loves to sterilise maim and kill. - Eugenics

Big tech wants to imprison us via digital currency, vaccine certs and 15 minute cities etc

The military love to experiment it’s new weapons on whoever and loves continuous wars.

The big corporations want to change kids sexes (mutilate) and push LGTBQ …. propaganda


the frontmen we see are next level down.


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Oh don't worry I will not . Love your post by the way.

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I'm no scientist or anything, I'm a DJ who has been dragged off the dancefloor kicking & screaming & into the world of so-called conspiracy theories due to the sheer weight of bs there is to counter. I'm not offended by the term conspiracy theorist because I have been theorising re conspiracies my entire adult life if not longer. I cannot be offended by a term that so accurately describes me.

Back before I discovered what an IFR was, an Infection Fatality Rate, I was using stats out of the UK & Singapore to try to make sense of what was going on. This was in 2021 before Singapore rolled out many vaccines but of course some time after the UK started rollout. I was investigating what I called the "Deaths-to-Cases rate". How many people who contract the virus die from it. Basically. I kept many, many screenshots over the last few years so I can refer to them when repeating data that confused me, back in about May, 2021.

Here's what I found. At the time that Singapore was reporting 60 033 cases, they were also reporting 30 deaths, bringing a very convenient & simple maths to 0.005% IFR, or Deaths-to-Cases rate. At the same time, despite having commenced rollout, the UK was reporting well over 4 million cases & 126 000+ dead, producing an almost 3% (2.9%) IFR or Deaths-to-Cases rate. The UK's data appeared to show that in the UK despite their rollout, the virus was SIXTY times more deadly than in Singapore where at that stage hardly any vaccines had been deployed, if any.

This left me a tad puzzled. Was the UK failing to treat virus sufferers? Was the UK performing procedures on patients that were killing them? Or was the UK simply ramping up their stats to terrify the public into the vaccine queue's? Probably the later. But there must be some explanation for why the UK is reporting stats SIXTY times worse than those from Singapore.

The BBC would regularly flash British case & deaths stats on their TV news channel with the caveat that they were counting "ANY death for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test"! Singapore, by turn, were registering covid deaths ONLY amongst those with an attendant diagnosis of pneumonia! This makes perfect sense, because the R in SARS stands for "Respiratory", it doesn't stand for Run-over-by-bus. But by the British methodology, one might easily have been tested positive one week, run over by a bus the next, & by week three, one's a covid statistic. There's a reason this sort of British methodology has never been employed before whether for an epidemic or pandemic, & that's because it's bloody absurd & gives no genuine impression of the risks at all. It's basically propaganda. & it was powerful enough to frighten the British in droves into the arms of big pharma.

By this point I'd already become convinced that the virus was a risk only to vulnerable & elderly, already unwell people. Italy had been badly hit in 2020 but even they reported that almost every fatality was amongst the elderly & already gravely unwell. I was very surprised as the vaccine narrative shifted to include literally everyone, not just those who most needed protection, but even those who did not need it at all, like pretty much anyone in reasonable health, without being over-weight, who also happened to be below 75 years.

That took longer than I planned, lol. Thanks for your work Phillip, I was passed onto your Subs yesterday after a lovely Australian lady who knows you saw me trying to counter the bs on effbee. Really great work, this DJ is very pleased to have you onside.


PS I write my own Substack, focused on all sorts of propaganda & conspiracy theories, hidden history... whatever takes my fancy really. I'm thinking about one on Princess Diana's murder at the moment. My Subs controversial & subversive, but it's also free so anyone who can handle my nutty stuff, please subscribe. Thanks!

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"Financial incentives.." absolutely. In the US, adding Covid to the Death Certificate paid an extra $39,000. It varied country to country but the worst examples were getting elderly patients into ICU and euthanizing them! The numbers in countries like Canada and New Zealand are easy to see as it's legal but it happened in huge numbers in other countries like the UK.

No wonder polls show a huge loss of trust in the medical profession.

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