I recall reading the Provisional Approval for “Comirnaty” granted by the TGA in ~Jan 2021, and realising the extraordinary degree to which they had gone to gaslight and deceive the public. Every part of that document is scientific and clinical obscurantism … avoiding saying something factual by either making false assumptions, or declaring they didn’t know about something but intimating that this was trivial or otherwise rational under the circumstances. That was my wake up call to the false dogma of the pharma industry - the whole shibboleth of false clinical trials and efficacy and safety malfeasance.

“The duration of efficacy is not yet known …”

“… a correlate of protection has yet to be established. The vaccine immunogenicity cannot be used as a surrogate for vaccine protective efficacy in the real world”

“The sponsor has included the following as missing information in the updated EU-RMP (version 1.0):

• Use in pregnancy and while breast feeding.

• Use in immunocompromised patients.

• Use in frail patients with co-morbidities (for example, COPD, diabetes, chronic

neurological disease, cardiovascular disorders).

• Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders.

• Interaction with other vaccines

• Long term SAFETY DATA”

ALL of which was undisclosed to the public because they knew 99% of people had their heads in the sand, and assumed we’d all just capitulate to the propaganda.

What a shit show.

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All vaccines cause more harm!

Vaccinate for what?

Never found and never will be found.

All a fraud since about 1795.

Your first step to learning about the Virology pseudoscience.


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Just eat real food and avoid the toxic chemicals.

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Yep this is why Skerritt would not answer questions in senate estimates

And no doubt between him and Morrison and the other goons they have money in offshore accounts as profiteering from this event.... At the expense of Australian citizens....

If you look at Morrison and his push to have no jab no play no jab no pay policies only a couple of years earlier you can see this guy's been tangling with public health for far too long

And now that mother f***** is messing with nuclear weapons what could go wrong

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I was told by someone-can’t remember who-that whilst he was Prime Minister 🤮 Morrison’s bank account went up by $53 million in a matter of months. Just remembered where I saw it-Cairns News!

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Morrison is RESPONSIBLE for every kid with ADD, autism, ADHD, neurological issues, diabetes type 1 and other autoimmune disease etc etc even childhood cancer that can all be linked to childhood vaccines that he mandated

This Christian man even stopped people claiming religious exemption from vaccines as apparently aborted fetal cell lines in childhood vaccines don’t qualify as far as he is concerned

Absolute monster

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It has taken some time for me to unravel the chain of mechanisms that led to the disastrous outcomes for communities that occurred as a result of Covid-19 mandates, particularly in my home state, Victoria, Australia.

I was concerned as to how Covid-19 mandates were rapidly implemented in Australian states within hours of similar declarations being made in various overseas countries eg; USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Germany, some Scandinavian nations etc.

The origins of the “authority” that demanded compliance to standards set by US Government agencies can be found in the fine print of international Trade Treaties, most of which were “negotiated” decades ago. There is a fateful obligation for signatory nations to adopt and observe Mutual Recognition Agreements whereby signatory nations agree to adopt standards, production protocols, professional practices etc that are dictated by US Government Agencies without question or amendment. Thus the EUA declarations by the US Congress became a law that was exploited by the pharmaceutical industry worldwide with the assistance of the US “industry captured“ Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Centre for Disease Control.

It remains clear to me that main stream media - MSM (print, television, radio and internet) were, and still are, complicit with government agencies with the dissemination of mis-information and dis-information in this regard. The frequency and intensity of such information campaigns initially over-powered the critical thinking faculties of many people such that whilst there was a degree of public protest the majority of the population submitted to the mandate narrative.

I have often discussed this curious coincidental and simultaneous chain of events with friends and it seems to me that most people I know (including some health professionals) are still mystified, so:

Why were/are the Australian medical and health professional fraternity so united to follow government health agency Covid-19 mandate narratives?

Why was/is there only isolated public criticism on MSM of the “science” about “safe and effective” Covid-19 vaccines, social distancing and masking despite the availability of well credentialed professional opinions opposing such narratives?

What is the nature of the relationship between government/s and MSM?

What is the origin and authority of legalistic mechanisms that were/are employed to de-license dissident health professionals for publicising their professional concerns?

The answers to these questions and other related information are to be found in the following references, all of which are from official agency websites easily found on the internet.

A brief summary explanation for Australians is that our Federal Government acted according to the recommendations of the International Association of Medical Registration Agencies based in Texas, USA. A recent criticism of the structure, function and activities of the IAMRA was posted on SubStack by Dr. Pierre Kory is a highly credential American medical practitioner.

The IAMRA is influenced by the international bio-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

Unfortunately the current Australian Government refuses to address this controversy and the obvious vested interests contained therein.



https://www.ahpra.gov.au/medical https://www.tga.gov.au/how-we-regulate/manufacturing/manufacture-medicine/good-manufacturing-practice-gmp/international-agreements-and-arrangements-gmp-clearance



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Nice summary there, Phillip.

Organs directly serving Evil.

Paraphrased: Government is Evil.

We're in The Monster's killhouse, Phillip.

Over generations it built that killhouse. And now it is performing the cull. Of course they will make sure their asses are covered from a legal POV.

While weaponising it against us. Just witness what is happening in the UK, as a harbinger for what is coming to Oz. If we don't wake up, stat.

Meanwhile, people advertising IVM or other things were closed down, fined, or shipments seized due to claims about the efficacy. They literally watched people die for want of a few antibiotics. In the USA they killed people wholesale because the for-profit medical sector was offered bounties for murder. What force compelled our medical professionals to act as executioners?

I'd love to know who the foreign agent was in National Cabinet*, what their role was in killing our countrymen. And driving others to suicide through the insane policies that body enacted.

Until we have a true reckoning we can only assume that every single one of them is on The Monster's payroll and has declared war upon our people. Every single act from them lends more circumstantial evidence for that conclusion.

Trust is so utterly broken. Unbridgeable. Probably by design. It was one of the WEF goals, after all, to pressure test and break everything that held our societies together.

Like the Bolsheviks did to Russia, the WEF is trying to do to the entire planet.


*-Andrew Liveris. For starters. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-faces-and-names-of-150-bilderbergers

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If you can find, or if someone can cross post the agreement Julia Gillard signed for n 2013 with US DOD it will all make much more sense- this is a US /DOD/DARPA BIOWEAPON.

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I suggest ExcessDeathsAU may have it, or be able to find it ! Excess, I’m calling you! Please help!!

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Let us hope the next time the power mad controllers tell us the sky is falling, we say, I don't believe you. The blatancy is so, well, blatant now, that the masses are awakening from the hypnosis. That is the catch 22 for being so blatantly f...ing obvious.

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It’s So Cruel

What People Just A Little Bit Smarter

Than These Morons

Did To Them.

It Makes For A Life

Of Those Smarter Than All Of Them

Replete With Horrified Disdain.


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...those who know the least obey the best.

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Yup. They did something similar in Canada. Gave it a Notice of Compliance but in the regulations, they were exempted from "establishing safety and efficacy." A special carve-out specifically for Covid drugs and vaccines.

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Brilliant work. Keep is safe for when the trials start one day.....

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Excellent work! It proves that the Government arbitrarily and illegally breached its own regulation. In this, it has misled the public and caused harm, which it has yet to admit. What it has done, should be held to account in a court of law.

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And this sort of thing happened globally. It wasn’t only in one country.

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Re: “…the COVID-19 “vaccines” were not “Approved” when they were released for use. No. They were not “Approved”. Anybody who tells you they were “Approved” either is lying or doesn’t know what they are talking about.”

It appears Brendan Murphy, former Secretary of the Australian Health Department and Chair of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia - Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group, lied to the Australian public on this matter.

During an interview with Leigh Sales on the ABC’s 7.30 program on 3 February 2021, Brendan Murphy assured Australians that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine products had "gone through the normal, full range of regulatory approvals for our vaccines...we have been able to do the full, safe, regulatory approval...we have not cut any corners" and "...we decided that to get the confidence of the people in Australia, because we had no community transmission, we were not going to do anything other than our full normal registration process".

Brendan Murphy’s statements were in response to Leigh Sales' questions "...what is your message to any Australian who might be legitimately worried thinking, "This has happened all pretty quickly. I'm sort of worried. Is it going to be safe to have a vaccine? What is your official advice on that?"

Brendan Murphy’s 'official advice' on this matter was misleading because in fact both the Pfizer and and AstraZeneca vaccine products had only been given 'provisional' approval by the TGA. This was NOT made clear to the Australian public. 

The vaccine products were not fully approved, and at that time the TGA admitted it was not yet known whether they prevent “transmission or asymptomatic disease”. 

The Australian public has been told a tissue of lies about ‘Covid’ and the vaccine products.

When will those responsible be brought to account?

For further background, see my email to Brendan Murphy, sent on 24 February 2021: COVID-19 vaccines are NOT fully approved by the TGA: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/covid-19-vaccines-are-not-fully-approved-by-the-tga.pdf

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Lies, lies and more lies. Nothing but DISINFORMATION and propaganda.

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Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception.



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