The real story is that the WA Government saw the data come in month after month during covid zero yet stood by while we were slaughtered.

Then, they (McGowan, Cook. Roberts, WApol) threatened the survivors with kerbstomping for refusing the narrative.

This is mass murder. If the ICC was not captured, we would bring charges at The Hague.

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They KNOW in Canberra!! But if they admit the vaccines have caused this they would be swamped with more litigation than our Federal coffers could deal with. The ARROGANCE of our politicians is that they believe if they continue doubling down and ignoring this overwhelming tsunami of data, it will be eventually be forgotten and they can plough on regardless with so called Climate Change and so on ... Seeing our loved ones hurt, or worse, dead is not something anyone forgets. Its beyond disgraceful and they have won themselves only contempt. One Nation is the only party who have the guts to call it as it is.

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My guess is, they will do nothing. Parliament voted to not look into the unusual amount of deaths since 2021. How astounding is that? Apparently the health authorities are stumped as to why so many people are falling over dead. Really??? These people -government, Premiers, health authorities all need to go to gaol for mass murder and collusion to keep the truth from the people and knowingly killing people in hospital with toxic concoctions (remdesivir) etc.


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They will of course choose to arrest and prosecute themselves. And then we can vote in some non-psychopathic ones. Ha-ha-ha.

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The day I see anything actually happening about this, I will be celebrating. Sometimes the impossible does happen, but I won't hold my breath.


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Thank you, keep up the good work Phillip 🙏

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Staggering, and possibly underreported, and 2022 will likely be even more devastating.

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Without doubt.

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🇦🇺💉From Senator Gerard Rennick’s latest Facebook post today:

“Another great expose from John Campbell in regards to WA vaccine injuries as reported by the WA government.

The injury rate from Covid vaccines are 264.1 per 100,000 (underreported) v 11.1 per 100,000 for other vaccines.

A reported injury rate 24 times higher for Covid vaccines.

48% of these went to emergency and another 9% were kept in hospital overnight.

Red flags galore yet not a whisper from the media or government.

The narrative must always prevail.

Full links in comments.”

It appears that Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle was right from the outset, that LNPs do leave the injection site:


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WA Covid Report- Staggering results, and even more staggering is most people's non interest and ignorance of the issue. The propaganda was hugely successful and continues to be so- most people just don't want to look or can't be bothered. We were lied to from start to finish. There is unlikely to be any accountability and meanwhile the WHO the UN etc just keep going with business as usual implementing the One Health programme.

For those interested see the interview with M Nass- on One Health and how to fight back


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Blessings and appreciation to you n yours Phillip.

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I pulled off a little basic mathematics when I first saw this data a few days ago.

Of the 2m+ vaccines given in 2020, before covid rollout, 270 resulted in adversity reports. Let's round that up to 300 for ease of maths.

If the same ratio of the almost 6m+ vaccines given in 2021 also resulted in adversity reports, we might expect a three-fold increase in adversity reports seeing that three times as many vaccines were given in 2021. 3 x 300 = 900.

But instead of 900 adversity reports in 2021, we have well over 10 000, more than ten times higher than in 2020 before rollout. To anyone sane & capable of really basic maths, this can have little explanation other than that the new vaccines are at least ten times more likely to result in an adversity report. Does that mean they are ten times more dangerous at least? To my mind, yes.

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People will continue to get sick, shorter lives, and die for the next decade. Many people will take other vaccinations, go to hospitals, go to killer doctors, eat GMO foods smothered in glyphosate, meat wit mrna, lab meat, breathe in geo-engineered air full of unhealthy particles - and we'll die die die. Maybe once we're starving, weak, poisoned to near death, then maybe people will bring out their garden implements, but that is still years away.

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