Super clever rhetorical trick/lie attempt by von der Leyen: she tries to co-opt the reasons for the farmer protests. Oh look, they are protesting bc of climate change and Russia Russia Russia.

Similar to the US Dems telling the world the border catastrophe is bc of.... Republicans not passing border control.

Not dissimilar to Labor Stage 3 hocus pocus here, oh, look, Liberals objecting to a policy they instigated.

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Robert Kennedy Jrs comments on Ukraine War are brilliant, joins all the dots. Thanks Phillip.

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I have been wondering for a while at the back of my mind, are they also trying to modify a person's sexual inclination, as in more homosexuals or whatever? What has occurred or shown up since 2020 and ongoing, is beyond satanic. I read not too long ago, conversations from a monk from decades ago, warning of mass vaccination, global ID...who he attributes to the Zionists. The elephant in the room perhaps ????? I also came across that communism is a Jewish construct.

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