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Another little known fact is about Netanyahoo and vaccines:

Make of it what you will, but I read it.

Israel’s Adverse Vaccine Report.

THIS CAN NO LONGER BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET: https://dobh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetings/2021/PC%20255b.pdf

In Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu has in fact imposed a massive vaccination campaign, even resulted in complaints to the International Criminal Court in The Hague for violation of human rights, using only the vaccine of the American Pfizer of New York, one of the main sponsors of the election campaign of the new Democratic president …

«It is learned from the Knesset Finance Committee that Israel has already paid Pfizer-BionTech $ 788 million for the 15 million doses it has procured in the past few months. Far more than in the United States and the European Union and this would explain the US pharmaceutical giant’s immediate willingness to supply the Jewish state with millions of ampoules. Netanyahu also made Israel a sort of laboratory available to Pfizer to study the efficacy and adverse effects of vaccinations. Now we learn of this new huge investment, anticipated by Netanyahu himself who spoke at the beginning of the month of the need to guarantee the country another millions of doses for a possible second immunization campaign .

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And, 'How's that working out', with Adverse Effects & DEATH from CONVID # Something 'Mythical Beastie' JABS, Being in the Same Ratio's for EFFECTS (1), as the Europeans Who 'Pushed' MAN-DATES as well? = It's the SAME, Death & Mayhem! So much for Belief in THE 'Chosen People', 'FUTURE'!

(1) Effects. CAN, Folks just STOP referencing 'SIDE' effects! There is NO such thing as a 'SIDE' effect. It IS an Effect, or it ISN'T an 'effect'. 'SIDE', smacks of Corporations 'Offsetting' Negative outcomes of THEIR 'Products' - DITTO 'Allergies'! = Offsetting AGAIN, Fallout from Chemical/pHARMa CorpoRat[e] Products, Which IS 'Anaphylaxis'- NOT an 'Allergy'!

Pharma Rep; "OOoooow! But Language is SOOOoo Flexible - On Representaion of VenNears!"

Last; For ZioNists - Sorry! All out of 'HollowCost' cards! You'll have to Smelt those 'A Nazi travels to Palestine' MedalLions, for the 'COIN'!

Wellness to All - John D. Citizen

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It was a citizen/doctor's panel. Would be wonderful if someone had the skills to recover it. Sometimes I copy the entire transcript. Next time I find something I think truly important, will copy all of it. But the point of this is that Netty had no trouble using his own people for an experiment. BTW neither will Donald Trump.

You might be interested in the following, of which I did copy a great deal of the text. Got kicked of X some time ago for my "revelations" and took myself off FB prior to being permanently banned from X, oh and this was when Musk owned it. There's a lot of collusion in the world and some very very deceptive shit going on to the point you can't even trust the alt media.


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Well, I wished you talked in straight forward English, yes, sadly my language. I'm sure more would know what you are saying. Here's this on The WHO , vaccines and much more: my caches or saved things I thought important, esp since those in power are scrubbing the web of what they don't like. This woman saved our 2024 elections. Numerous legislatures knew about this. Watch it to the end to find the number of people that were silenced by murder or else and might have much to do with how the collective west ended up supporting a genocide. I highly recommend everyone subscribe to Nations In Action. I knew this was important and saved it two years ago. This is "absolute" (maybe) proof that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. They did not dare repeat their nefarious actions again because once Zack got it out in Kansas, every g-damn person in congress knew, but did not talk. The fugly nature of our “elected” officials?

There's another problem and it has to do with the phrase, "you will own nothing and be happy." Guess what, that's true if some of these shit hole congress creatures don't ACT in the interest of their state's asset holders (mortagages, land and securities investments) to revise the Uniform Commercial Codes in their states. So far as I know, only North and South Dakota, Tennessee, and Oklahoma has convened a panel for at very least, discussion. Interesting to watch mostly for what they are most concerned about in Q&A section at the end. Here's a low down with only two websites to visit but don't want to fill this space up. I picked the best that would most fully inform you. Best first:






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I'll find some time between work, to glean some of your References - I may have to split myself into groups of 4 to get thru it all - Thanks!

As for plain 'English', several things - English like all languages has Multiple meanings for any one word - Plus Capital insertions, giving multiple more therein ( Acronym 'Agencies' DO this as Regular protocol. As a baseline, ther is the actual word, then there is the 'Sound' of the same word - Hence same sounding words with different spelling/ Meanings.

Next per 'Spelling'. With the advent of A.I., algorithms & Mass Bot expansion (Even on Non main stream sites), it is more difficult to speak in 'Plain language'.

References to Israeli's; The 'Standard Jewish citizen' IS in the same boat as the rest of us, However, The 'Radicals' of ANY Nation, are a historic Blight on All, & NOT only Nationally! Ref; 'A Nazi travels to Palestine', is a reference to All metric 'Deals' done by/ For The ZION/NAZI Collaboration Circa Mid 1930's ( Including Commemorative Medals struck. - Hence the smelting reference.).

Last; If Folks at large want to 'Understand' the Current (I would normally reference this in alternate lingo as 'CurRent', or CurRentLie [Currently] = To Rent a Cur & Lie for Agendas or Non popular outcomes - Ho Hum), Sorry! If folks want to understand current Globalist Desired outcomes, via U.N/WEF/IMF (1) Agendas, study The organised/orchestrated Global collapse of The Great Depression round 1. Circa 1929 > 1931 & Beyond! (Current Game plan a Retour of Duty)= Further Wealth transfer to the Already Rich industrialists, via transit of Paper assets to Tangible 'Bricks & Mortar' for Cents in the Dollar! PLUS, Coincidental 'Installation' of the Nazi regime in Germany for Later total destruction of that Nation - And Others! ( Note; I think Trump, has been 'Installed' for the Nation's fall as well( The Deep State DOESN'T allow the 'Peasants', to 'Maybe get it Right!!'). The Dominoes, have been PRE setup, with Denigration of Civil Everything/ Weaponised weather/ Bankruptcy IS already DONE to/By the Privately 'Owned' Federal U.S Reserve on Loans -Interest Repayments - NON Existent U.S Pension/401K/ Super Funds = $ 28 Trillion - M.I.A/Blown by consecutive Admins. PLUS, intro of Multi 'Illegals' - Escorted/Paid Transit/Housed/Fed/Clothed/credit card gifted & Social other benefits, by a 'Cash Strapped' FEMA & ICE [BOTH Agencies of 'Homeland Security'], Whilst strategically/purposefully Demolishing Tangible AID to Local U.S Citizens - Mainland and Offshore States - in 'Created' Multiple disaster zones!

Q; WHY haven't the U.S Citizens at large, refuse to pay 'Government mismanagement & Incurred Debt', on MULTIPLE Useless systems, to the Privately Owned federal Reserve, And, Start a New peoples Bank - FOR American Citizens? Let the politicians & their Corporate Buddies - Sort out THEIR 'Created Debt'!!

Wellness - John D. 4th Gen OZtopian (Australian) Citizen

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Here's another you might like to see but the net is being scrubbed faster than people can get to watch:



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ZION Influencers & Mafia, Been 'Pulling the Strings' - FORE$VER1 LBJ was ALWAYS, TOO Conveniently There - CONnections and all! good old Lee Harvey Oswald, WAS a Patsy - 3 'Accurate' Rounds from a Bolt action Rifle, in 6 Seconds 'BEHIND' JFK's Vehicle & 'Moving' = Kennedy was Hit in the Head from the Front Right on approach. GOOD LUCK with Boomerang Bullets!! Oswald (NOT mentioned in Normal 'Search' engine Profiling), was also associated a secret New Orleans Biological Cold War weapons Lab @ 23 years old, as a Driver/ Equipment procurer - with his associates in the FBI/CIA & local Mafia/ & part time Lab Tech - ON 'The Project' ( Protocol to induce Metastatic Cancer in Humans) New Orleans., Louisiana 1963. = 'Researching' unethical human experiments & Viruses/ Tainted Polio Vaccines (SV -40 KNOWN in 1963/64 as a Cancer 'Polyoma' virus - REused in CONVID 'JABS' STILL!! [All that FEDERAL Research Investments, NOT gone to Waste 50 YEARS ON! NIH/CIA] = SAME 'Result'!). See Orthopedic Researcher on THE Project - Dr Mary Sherman - 'Murdered', in her apartment - New Orleans, 21/July/1964! No one Charged & Still a 'Mystery' - ApparentLie (Stabbed/ Mutilated/Burnt! = Just your 'Average Attack' - & Considering The Coincidental Timelines of The NIH/ AIDS - HIV/ All forms of Cancers-Leukemias, Polio Alibi for DDT & other Chemical Deployments, Convenient NEO Research & Cold War Russia/Cuba Visionary Bio-Military Options/Protocols, & Instigations of Multi Theatre 'Wars' By the U.S/ZION Alliance & PET Allies, PerpeTraitor'D by the Usual LYING by FALSE Flag Incidents OR CONjuring ( NOT Bay of Tonkin 'Incident' - Vietnam. Thanks for 'Being There' LBJ! - 1964,-Again! ). All Incidents - Minus 'Loose Ends' of Course! ON & ON we go!

Wellness - John D. CitiZen.

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I have to devote energy to cutting off the head of the snake. I can't follow all issues but something the author of The Great Taking said, struck a bell in my head, mainly because if the issue is not stricken, buried under the Uniform Commercial Code in Sec. 8 in the exemptions section, it would allow banks too big to fail to take everyone who owes on a mortgage and other assets as the first entity in line to receive that wealth should banks fail. This is a horrendous thing and I must act tho I have no skin in the game, but I care about people and my country and what happens to all those families whose homes might be taken.

Another issue is the use of Tesla research and discovery to exacerbate climate change and weaponize direct energy programs, when that technology might be used to aid in fighting real climate change by providing energy to homes and industry instead death and destruction. What a world!

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When it is not true and you acquiesce!! Guess what? You are a liar. There is only 1 original de jure jurisdiction.

It is a path and you must do all of it correctly. Provenance, it is passed to us in de jure not de facto.

It is the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. It is not the Declaration of Independence and the only time the small U was used.

It is the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles. Not the Articles of Confederation, which eliminates perpetual Union.

It is styled The United States of America. Nothing else is the Union of the several states in Congress Assembled.

The preamble is for DC and is not part of the Constitution which is dated 1859 along with Oregon 1859. That is law, all treaties and SAL are suspect until verified.

it is the United States as named in the final article aka The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. It is not for or of apostrophe s shows ownership.

Provenance is critical. We have had de facto since 1861 and martial law since Lieber Code. Except on Oregon.

Deviations from original de jure jurisdiction are just another de facto. That is what some folks are selling. You cannot get there without implementing ex parte Milligan. ARTICLE I Section 1 de jure provisional government.

The prompts are all written down. There are 33 states, until we correct to a proper ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government on every state and then do the territories and undo all the bad and evil color of law.

Agent provocateurs and controlled opposition among us must be identified.

All the best of every good fortune for the good.


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Rosa Koire was so far ahead of this. The permanent State protects itself by building more and more layers of administration around itself, until it’s impossible to tell the original organ/host/function from the bureaucracy that exists, parasitically, because of it. The problem is the vast majority of the parasites haven’t realised yet that the host body cannot sustain them anymore, yet have become so absolutely convinced of their own importance that they truly believe they are more valuable than the host they are destroying.

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Can you get this archived. "They" mostly sayanim, are taking info down at a rapid pace. In honor of JFK and RFK and John, Jr.



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Digital ID looks like it's on its way. The govt just updated its 'MyGovID' smart phone app. It's now called 'MyID'. https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/ato-confirms-major-change-for-13-million-aussies-this-week-carried-over-032054300.html

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People whose states have not addressed this issue, not to do so ASAP, are people you do not want in office again.

Brief explanation is the way Uniform Commercial Codes are written, Ellen Brown talks "derivatives", but bottom line is your assets can be take by the too big to fail banks if smaller banks fail. Far be it for me to explain; I'm just a deplorable trying to protect those who haven't much against those who have far too much and still want more, piggigy backing on climate change while they do their damndest to create false flags, (I've wondered about the planes leaving chem trails in summer, at the height of the summer.

Judge for yourself and if you find these videos and articles make you worried, petition, talk to your state people and your neighbors. YOUR STATES CAN PROTECT YOU, you don't need the feds if only the people who represent you look into your UCC codes and change one little sentence. Now included is some thought for state owned and operated banks.

North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage and also takings in the securities market. So far Tennessee, North and South Dakota, and Oklahoma have addressed this issue in trying to protect their state resident’s assets. I urge you to look into this matter forthwith and protect the people of the great State of Washington. I personally have no skin in the game as I have no assets other than a caring heart, although I do have family with such assets that the UCC will effect in a very bad way.

PS: I have much more on subject if you would like a copy of my sources.




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Well, I have lots to say about world control but throughout I've saved websites I thought important.o begin my journey with me. First is an early save and surprisingly survived the cut.

This woman saved our 2024 elections. Numerous legislatures knew about this. Watch it to the end to find the number of people that were silenced by murder or else and might have much to do with how the collective west ended up supporting a genocide. I highly recommend everyone subscribe to Nations In Action. I knew this was important and saved it two years ago. This is proof the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. They did dare not repeat it in 2024 elections because many knew about what Maria is saying to the SD legislature, but did not speak. The fugly nature of our “elected” officials?









Transgenetic Edible Vaccines and the WHO

Check what Thomas Massie has to say about it at @13:00 mins in.



I smell a rat in Oregon. There are more rats in the Union just like them. If information has to be kept secret then it’s probably not good for Oregonians.




In this message I've included many resources about faulty UCC codes that will allow a great taking of homes and lands still owing on mortgages by banks too big to fail if smaller banks go under. The first website listed might be the first to inform you as it is a video of Oklahoma law makers trying to sort the situation out with their state UCC codes, AND with the author of The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb and others present.

North Dakota is the only state in the union that has a state bank in which a money spigot opens when disaster strikes their people, unlike the feds. They were the first lawmakers who when The Great Taking revealed an evil plot to take land and homes still paying on a mortgage and also takings in the securities market. So far Tennessee, North and South Dakota, and Oklahoma have addressed this issue in trying to protect their state resident’s assets. I urge you to look into this matter forthwith and protect the people of the great country that is America, even while we can all agree it needs improvements. I personally have no skin in the game as I have no assets other than a caring heart, although I do have family with such assets that the UCC will effect in a very bad way, Thanks for your attention to this matter.

PS: Some of the sites may no longer be available because the web is being scrubbed.








David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking






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🌬 Rosa Koire .

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They killed Rosa because she spoke the truth

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