How interesting that these vaccines are implicated in about 75% of deaths post-vax. I've also read (help me if you can recall the source) that 75% of SIDS deaths were within the first week after vaccinations. Keep on marching 'til the walls come tumbling down!

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And blow the trumpets!

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during the convid years it was impossible to get an autopsy done . All those deaths were from age, pre existing illnesses, hospital wrong diagnosis and wrong procedures. FMD they were putting people on ventilators and this was killing them as they were drowning. Simple Ivermectin, hydroxy, zinc and Vit d were getting most people over the flu. However they persisted in experimental jabs under emergency. There was no emergency as we now know. I can state that very few autopsies were done as I work in that industry.

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My brother's girlfriend 'died suddenly' after covid vaccine and multiple boosters mandated by her employer the Queensland Corrective Services. As her Doctor refused to certify her death (due to lack of any prior aliments) her body was taken off for a coronor's report. The death certificate came back with probably cause of death as being haemopericardum (duration seconds to minutes) and ruptured thoracic aortic dissection (duration seconds to hours). No biopsy was done, there is no other information listed on the death certificate at all. I've been adviced by a nurse that coronor's are now just running bodies through an MRI machine, no biopsies or autopsies are being done. Fiona was 61 fit, healthy and looking foward to an active retirement. I tried to warn her about the dangers of the mrna vaccine but like many, she could not accept that the government, media and medical profession might all be lying.

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🇦🇹⚰️ “Alarmingly, the main cause of death is now cancer, and the dead are getting younger and younger.” On excess mortality in Austria, 18 November 2024: https://fackel.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-in-austria-consistently?r=20pd6j&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1i-c2N6rMVJCr4yWRtH_2NUQHgAIV4WiC4fIw5HJrn1LuWVH888ApjKOk_aem_uhDICnv_wPizFpD60qYwiQ&triedRedirect=true

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The truth is coming out - maybe slowly but it is emerging for all to see. This link outlines a major document download from the esteemed Robert Koch Institute in Germany whereby incontrovertible evidence shows that ethical German scientists' advice was ignored by German politicians who were pathologically intent on creating and maintaining a universal pandemic for the purposes of WHAT?

It is a 2 hour video that pertains to the political implementation of Covid mandates across multiple nations including Australia. What more do our politicians need to learn before they admit to the truth?https://www.worldcouncilforhealth.org/newsroom/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Unfortunately they all are organized crime operatives. This is a eugenics operation plain and simple. I'm pretty certain they're not even close to finishing.

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I agree...it's part of the globalist's diabolical plan. They are using 5G, the sabatoge of our food production and geoengineering as well.

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So are we to assume the narrative implied by the word 'contamination', is suggesting something like 'bumbling politicians', considering we've had 5 years to see how premeditated the whole atrocity really was? If this seems like it's intended to absolve anyone pushing these injections for any reason considering not one person got informed consent, in spite of the writing on the wall in early 2020 for some, and earlier for those already warching the orchestrators, that the designers of these injections knew exactly what they were doing.

Ignoring every aspect of the Nuremberg Code could only happen with premeditation on the scale that it has. It's not logical, that it could happen in Lockstep across the world as it did.

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Try to share this on Facebook or Instagram and instantly removed as spam and misinformation and a warning issued of not meeting community standards. Clearly their community standards are non existent and anything is subject to the deranged mind of some purple headed fact checker.

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People are and have been wilfully blind even when presented with evidence of Covid vaccine harms, I am sorry but they are their own worst enemy.

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the TGA will act when it is too late

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Thank you for the truth!🙏

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No Surprises here!!!

We knew all along!!!

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Here’s a different type of stack, with an invention that could save our world: https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/introducing-a-new-method-of-transportation?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share

Don’t write it off grasp the concept in general, at least.

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The TGA is well and truly captured. I believe they are dancing to the tune of the masters, follow the 💰

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They know it was the disaster they expected. Morrison, Jane H. threw out the existing protocol for handling epidemics/pandemics and created National Cabinet, Premiers thrown in the deepest water. Some became dictators, 'good work' rewarded with medals from Britain. All part of military operation 'Confuse, ignore human rights, and demoralize the public'. One World Govt with slaves is the plan. Do everything to slow them down. Support the polliticians who stand up. Help Aligned Council of Australia. Now. Please.

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Why use a spoon fed controlled opposition shill like the only guy never censored ?

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You may be right Sonny!

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It can’t be swept under the rug, they would have had signs, there’s no way they didn’t eventually work it out. People were forced into it, threatened & abused. There’s also no way they just dropped mandates for no reason, and they no longer push it. Why hasn’t Albanese had another shot? Wouldn’t they want to keep the Prime minister “ safe” ? I’m convinced they know it was a disaster

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