Privatization of taxpayer assets like CSL, created to give Australia its own strategic supply of cheap effectve medicines, is always a disaster.

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OZtopian Constitution; 'NO Government of the day, shall sell off a part or whole there of, of the Common Wealth.' - NO statute of Time limitation.

Maybe this is why the Labor/Liberal UNI party system, IS the Only Globalist INSTALLED Govt's 'Allowed' in Australia!

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA; U.S Registered Corporation; U.S.SEC search Reg Corporation # CIK 0000805157. HQs WASHINGTON D.C. - NOT Canberra/ A.C.T/ AUSTRALIA. = FOREIGN Governance. I HOPE, that the UNI Party of OZtopia 'Informed' the People that they 'WORK' for- WE THE UNIFIED PEOPLES OF AUSTRALIA, about the 'Change of Address'- REQUIRED BY LAW!

Wellness - John D. Citizen

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The newfangled transfection injections latest iteration "proves" itself using the same mythology as the vax-enthusiasts have fooled us with all along: "neutralising antibodies". This is a false representation of the immune response conjured up by those who profit from "vaccine" sales and are indifferent to collateral damage. They don't like us using the transfection word because if understood it would reveal the fraud: this is not new technology, not unique intellectual property, and definitely not safe, as is known by every scientist who has used transfection on experimental animals: the transfected tissue is quickly destroyed by the real immune response in the same way that a transplanted organ is rejected. They are training human bodies to reject themselves! What a subtle kill box.

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Thanks for the reminder. I had added this important data point to the pandemic timeline

November 2012. Interesting to see what else was going on around this time



CSL, began as Australia's Commonwealth Serum Laboratory, established in 1916, to provide a source of anti-toxins and other biological agents during war time, it took over manufacture of smallpox vaccine, then produced Australia's polio vaccine in 1950s. It was privatised in 1991.

Read more within the TGA history


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1 BIG happy CSL Family = CSL Behring/CSL Seqirus/CSL Plasma/CSL Vifor.

CSL & BAMGF - Ebola.

CSL - 'Sponsors' vaccine & other research at Groups such as Peter Doherty Institute, who advise ATAGI on Vaxx Schedules & other - Who have 'collaborations' with Benet Institute, who have collaborations with> & on & on> Who ALL have Permanent Drip feeds into the Commonwealth Govts AU $22 BILLION MRFF. Round & round , without Tangible results for Coin- OR HEALth, we go!

Sept 2010 gets an honourable mention for reactions to CSL H1N1 Junior Vaxx - WHO knew it wouldn't just 'GO AWAY'! Q; Which came First, The Chicken, or the DEconstructed/ RE-CONstructed Chicken Threat - LESS Natures Biological Checks & Balances- Purposefully UNlocked FOR HARM, by 'Researchers'?

CSL Joins The United Nations [Sic] W.H.O. (Maybe include U.N.N.W.O) & others globally on PBM (Patient Blood Management] for an apparent blood health awareness 'program'- According to U.S/Israel/U.K/Australian Authorities ( Not Official) - Home Nation Bank mortgagees, Nor Palestinians need not apply, - because of lack of 'Spare resource'.

Extra; Polio Vaccine Contaminations in Mid 50's ( Thanks U.S.NIH) via SV-40(Carcinogenic Polyoma Virus) & other( Where have I seen this [SV-40] in the News in recent Years? Check; 'The Project' - Dr Mary Sherman (Includes A Mr Lee Harvey Oswald), 'Working' at same Facility/BioLab in Louisiana. Project; 'Carcinogenic Virus Development protocol/Protocol to Induce Metastatic Cancer in Humans'. = Guess it wasn't THE Chicken that came First after all then! LOL.

Is that Rhetorical, or RetroSpective? Either way, it's STILL happening!


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OH DEAR! OMG! BLAST & DAMN NATION! = SAFE! The UNI-PARTY has Already Filled this 'GAP' (- Pine G Not Included!). MY 'DIS/MIStake'! THAT should have been (2nd paragraph. Thanks EDU Dept, BEFORE, you became Predatory 'Foreign' - 'Groomers' of Modern Kids). > Cont'd -

SO - OH BUGGAR! that Should BE - 'Burnet' institute! ( Not DO-HURTy institute + Benet- The REST - 'STICKS' as Related, & easily researched!). God Damn, Dot the Tees & Cross the Eyes!

Where's My BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street 'Investment Algorithms' to Protect Me? Any Last Inputs OZtopian UNIparty Prime Minstrel SCAMO, on COINcidence of MAJOR BlackRock Pfizer/AstraZ InvestMeants, EndCompassing CONVID-19 NON Pandemic? "Help Me Elbow-One-'F'Kin-Can-OB"! = Locally, in OZtopia - In a CurRent timezone near us, that's called 'F'Kin- Can-OA'! (Order of Australia[1]) - Limited Edition, Reserved for WEF/U.N./IMF CONpLieAunt Orchestrated Tyrants (VicTopia & WestStranglia States)! If you can Sort that lot, you're NOT ingesting the other Strategic Organized Poisoning- Safe & Effective 'Tap water'!

Ref [1]. Order of Australia. - The ONLY Australian 'Order of Chivalry'.

Chivalry/Def; nounThe medieval system, principles, and customs of knighthood.

The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

A manifestation of any of these qualities. = GLAD, we've got that Sorted, per Equal opportunity MANdates! In Caesar Dan Andrews case, NO stairwells were Inconvenienced in 'Chivalrous Opportunities'!

Stay Tuned for H1N -Infinity Variant, Chicken-Man/WombMan-Diversity updates in an UNprogrammed 2025! There's another AO going Begging - Maybe for future Clown princes COOKing up in WestTopia!- Only if He plays a Proper UNIparty PET.

Hey it's ResourceLess Xmas By Banksters/NotMyGov Combo - Wellness to ALL!

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Unreal, I still don't understand how and why people are taking these injections. Blows my mind. These ones, are they the one's that will shed way more than the current ones ?

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Povidone iodine is a no-brainer. 50 years of use. Completely effective in the right concentration. Some minor skin irritation. See Firebrick Pharma.

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Your article reminded me that "Op COVID Shield" was lead by the Australian Defence Force......

Also it reminds me the recent incidence in QLD - dangerous viruses mysteriously disappeared from a lab.....



'countermeasures' not pharmaceuticals.

Hmmmm. People keep telling me not to read too much into any of those events but it's hard not to, after being exposed to so-called 'conspiracy facts'. Sadly the situation seems quite precarious to me.

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This is why it is so extremely important to hang everyone who mandated the death jabs.

Without hangings, they will keep doubling down.

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I tried posting this on X just now and I was immediately blocked from sending 😖so much for no censorship.

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I just read about this on another stack.. It's the links so just copy and paste whole article instead.

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X is going to become the “everything” app, Musk said he wants to make it like WeChat in China, where you can pay for things and everything! There’s a video, I’ll try and find it.

It will become the platform for digital ID, CBDCs, social credit more.

I would leave X if I was there-think why does Musk need to go to the Whitehouse? It’s not just for government efficiency.

Never trust a billionaire! https://substack.com/@tholt/note/c-82426058?utm_source=activity_item

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The CSL 2010 fluvax was responsible, I believe for my father's "died suddenly" death after which it was pulled from market in April 2010 a few weeks after he was "vaccinated". I suggest anyone who unexpectedly lost loved ones in 2010 looks at the graphs in this hard to find government document, " Annual report: surveillance of adverse events following immunisation in Australia, 2010 "

In particular figure 1 is instantly very telling, however so are all the others too. I knew nothing about this until 2021 when I started questioning and looking back at my own and my family's health problems with fresh eyes.


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Self amplifying genetic material...that's how a virus infects and propagates, isn't it? What's to prevent sa-mRNA from being contagious?

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More names to add to “The List”

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Very interesting information Phillip! Thank you. And Happy Christmas to you and your family.

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There is no reason why dangerous 'experimental' injections called 'vaccines' should be tested for Safety and Efficacy because the profits make up the cost of running the FDA. Such irresponsible interferences are therefore hidden falsified or, worse still, carried out 'in-house' and lied about.

Cancer is just one of the myriad of negative health issues the DEADLY 'Experimental' injections cause. I keep hearing about people re-catching Cancer after years of stability was established.

These recurrences are severe and usually FATAL and within a short time frame = Turbo Cancers!

It's getting difficult to discuss these recurrences because so many have experienced it since mRNA injections were first used to DEPOPULATE HUMANITY in 2020.

DEADLY mRNA injections were initially notorious for causing Myocarditis and other heart issues within the bizarre issue hitting young healthy sports people during intense training programs. This was dismissed as 'quite acceptable' and they were told "Don't exercise for 30 days following your DEATH SHOT!" Let's be realistic -You can't Pfuck with the heart and expect it to get better!

We've since learned that these mRNA experimental injections cause many serious health issues.

My hunch is that all who have accepted the deadly mRNA Covid injections (Boosters) will now be more susceptible to Bird Flu and all other illnesses because mRNA destroys natural immunity.

No doubt the corrupt Pharmacists will have already prepared a useless but deadly injection for Bird Flu. Perhaps they'll just relabel unsold 'out-of-date' mRNA Covid rubbish!

ZERO LIABILITY comes free within every mRNA jab - no matter how deadly it might turn out.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by refusing all future 'Experimental' mRNA injections.

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I'm afraid the damage is already done. How do we fix this mess I wonder. A fortune could be made, trillions, not billions, by any company able to mitigate the effects of the spike protein.

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It’s utterly disturbing.

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