The real bioweapon was not the messed around virus as David Martin and Sasha Latypova point out .....the patents on the poisons were lodged way before the pangolin met the bat in Wuhan .....or was it North Carolina ....who cares about the bloody virus .....it was the gene altering contaminated jabs "what done the real dammage " , wrecked peoples immune responses forever more with the Ig4 switching , the antigenic sin , and not to mention that sv40 thingy .....do ya reckon they had a plan....? I do....🤷🏻‍♂️🦧🤦‍♂️🙏

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Sadly, Phillip is misrepresenting my work. I hope people actually read the article because I also said it was the jabs that were the real bioweapons.

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There's a lot of that about...

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People can think what they want, but it is not an article terrifying people about 'pandemics' but rather questioning what is happening in those labs.

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I'm with you there 100% and you ought know by now I respect You and admire your tenacity greatly;

You've been at 'covid' from the very beginning and You have paid a great personal price for doing so

I've also been copping flak left right and centre for exposing 'AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT' (US) ©️™️for exactly what it is to my fellow Aussies but I will not back down

It is because of these Corporate pretend Governments that the Covid1984 show even happened in the first place.

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I'm fairly confident this will interest you muchly:

Fair Dinkum 'EMERGENCY' Global Evidence of Death Dumps from Our Sky


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I did read your article and , many others and I am aligned with your thoughts on most things .....Keep up the great work , you are making a difference and people will filter the message in their own minds irrespective of the author ....the main thing for me is , that they don't get distracted by the propaganda and govt antics ....but getting them to see the bigger picture .....that's our aim...

I agree with you 100%

They want you dead....do not comply ...!🙏

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Yep, got it Excess! (somehow I missed that article, I’ll check if I got the email)


People do need to read your article for full context!

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There is no virus as David Martin admits in a interview with Alec Zeck at around the 39 minute mark

There is a patent, there is a sequence but it is all computer simulated and all bullshit

GOF to engineer contagious viruses is Gain of fiction to obtain grants and launder taxpayers money


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I agree on “no virus”, although I’m no fan of David Martin, I believe he’s limited hangout, but he obviously speaks a lot of truth as well as omitting a lot of truth.

Computer simulated bs indeed, patent: whoo hoo! GOF in Wuhan, double whoo hoo!

We’ve gotta have something to blame, don’t we!

If there is a next time, we can only blame ourselves if it takes off. “They” need to know we’re ready for any more of this rubbish, so it won’t work.

Who’s ready to stand up to Big Gov’t ! So big that Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts wouldn’t vote against these “hate laws”.

And no gov’t in the world that’s on board with WEF/UN etc gives a toss about taxpayers money. Although they do care about that more than taxpayers. And all Aussies pay tax.

Basically, gov’t is the people’s enemy, the proof is the part where we know they’re trying to kill us.

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I agree on Martin

He states he makes his case on their own claims of GOF by which they hang themselves and the no virus narrative just isn’t going to work - which unfortunately is probably true

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Yep, the 'no virus' as factual as it may be is just too hard a pill for most to swallow

There's been an entire industry built on the 'virus' narrative.

I believe the 'shedding' narrative is also a Lie:

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Weaponised Fog using Parasites and Toxins


Fair Dinkum 'EMERGENCY' Global Evidence of Death Dumps from Our Sky


Patent to manipulate Hu-Mans by frequency US Patent No. 6,506,148 B2 (Jan 14 2003)


While everyone is Still focused on Covid1984 without a single Genocidal maniac held to account despite 'court cases' all over earth, there is much more dangerous and life threatening activity happening all around us

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Yes, I see Paul, thanks for your reply.

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No virus, who cares, but what are we going to do about all this? Waiting for gov’t to do something is a complete waste of time.

Take Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts as examples of our gov’t, please, someone, just take them…..

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Good onya Mac... go get 'em Tiger.

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Ha, thanks Mark !

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Keep at 'em mate; You're becoming quite the Lioness.

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I don’t know about that. Just trying like you have been for so many years to save our country. That sounds pompous! It’s not meant to be!

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Nothin pompous about havin' a go Lioness; Many heads are better than one and the more heads the better if ya ask me...That's why I never 'shut up' about it.

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"the patents on the poisons were lodged way before the pangolin met the bat in Wuhan .....or was it North Carolina"

Seems NoOne is interested in any of those facts... let's just keep boxing at shadows while playing 'cluedo' as the covid1984 show keeps rolling along....that'll keep the kiddies entertained for a few more years yet.

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The Government is not the Government you would expect, it is an organization, a private business. They are part of the evil cabal.

Also don't forget PCR tests were on order and delivered way before anything was announced by the corrupt WHO.

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Good on You KoalaPower... keep the message going mate; You will love this;

Aussies: The Grand Jury Indictment is in; The Poly Ticks are now on Notice!


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Trickle-down corruption, alive and well. And when it comes to the excess deaths in Australia, I’m still gobsmacked that the ABS had the audacity to amend its historical point of reference data by literally wiping thousands of excess deaths from its records. Technically, then, these deceased people never existed.

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ABS and other gov’t bureaucrats don’t care about us, and gov’t cares even less about us David. They are almost all obsessed with power and greed, and want to be seen to be doing “the right thing” by the WEF/UN.

When is gov’t going to realise they are being chewed up and will be spat out when they are no longer useful ?

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I agree, rrodynmac, they don’t care. If they hadn’t taken their share of the cut then others would have is perhaps how they look at the situation.

Hardly a moment goes by that I don’t think about all this - the carnage here in Australia, in Malaysia, the Philippines, Brazil, Slovakia, and in so many other countries, and yet it’s not over. Bird flu and Stargate cancer jabs are on the horizon for the “greater good”, the excuse of reducing the burden of healthcare costs it seems. Going by the reactions in social media, however, one could be optimistic that a good portion of the population has now woken up to the lies.

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Great comment David

Have you seen this? While all the covid1984 theatre continues, some of us are actually doing something about the bastards that played it onto the people of Our Commonwealth

Aussies: The Grand Jury Indictment is in; The Poly Ticks are now on Notice!


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Thank you for the video, Mark. For me, the immediate focus should be on getting these gene-based injections off the market. People are waking up but they’re apathetic. They need to know that this charade is not over, with mRNA bird flu and cancer jabs on the horizon that might well impact on themselves and their family. If you’re in Facebook, please consider joining me where I post peer-reviewed studies on the shots on scientific institutions’ pages, as well as on the pages of prominent doctors and politicians. Many of these Facebook pages have thousands of followers, everyday people who need a good shake.

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Dave, it appears that there are many Aussies fighting that battle and I am not researched enough to enter that fight...I know the 'advanced basics' but that's about the sum of mRNA for me; I would have nothing useful to offer that hasn't already been offered

AusGovCO and the rest of it I have become quite familiar with; Some have labelled me an 'expert' but I don't claim to be an expert on anything...I just know what I am 'talking' about when it comes to that subject as I have been asking questions about 'how is all this happening'? since 'covid' came into our lives

You know how it goes I'm sure; One Rabbit hole leads to another and another and another until we reach a festering warren full of rabbits

There are 101 ways to skin a cat apparently; I'll do what I can about what I know...I'm sticking to my 'lane' with a clear focus on the road ahead.

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I don't do facebook or any of that stuff Dave

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Mark, it’s very easy to join and you’d be influencing thousands of people. Substack is great, but on its own we’re preaching to the converted. We need to share these very informative Substack articles. Courage is the cure.

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Thanks for that comment David. Spot on.

These so called cancer cures are an absolute disgrace, but glad to hear that a lot of people commenting on social media are awake! 🙂

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Great to witness you running the ball up Mac

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Hi Mark, I’m just trying to say and spread what I know. Don’t you go anywhere Mark, you’re very much needed !

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Awe...but I want to bury my head in the sand for a while; It's been working for most others for a great many years

At least Phillip hasn't blocked me or deleted any of my comments which is more than I can say about a few other SS 'truthers'

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Biochemical agents may have been used to simulate illness simultaneously in several continents, but virology has been bid a fond farewell. They don’t exist, even in government labs!

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That is Sasha Latypovas theory as well

You can guarantee if you give someone a placebo but tell them they now have the flu some people will get the flu - proven time and time again

Map the trail of the introduced gypsy moth into the US and then follow the spraying of toxic chemicals like DDT to kill them on fruit orchards etc - presto you now have the POLIO ‘virus’

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I heard today on the White Rabbit podcast (may have been yesterday’s-I’d have to check), that an Aussie farmer, didn’t say where, has a blood test that says he has Agent Orange in his blood!! He said his crops have been constantly sprayed for some period of time, again, not said how long for.

These podcasts are on Rumble-I don’t know how long they’ve been going, but I listened for the first time today. The lady is very knowledgeable and easy to listen to. Apparently she also has a substack. I subscribed, but have no info just yet.

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Yep agent orange - mystery cancers, sickness, infertility, etc

Gulf war syndrome = Spraying and vaccines

Cancer, sickness, fatigue, infertility etc

Long Covid = vaccines

Cancer sickness, fatigue, etc etc

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Also radio waves can make people have symptoms of an illness. The use of 5G or 6G for example. All sorts of symptoms. I don’t know how, but they upset our own bodies’ electrical function.

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US Patent No. 6,506,148 B2 (Jan 14 2003) Patent to manipulate Mankind by frequencies


Smart Dust Nanotech...welcome to Your New City...Your New Life!


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In the first year of the Covid19 Coup D'état there was a report out of Sydney that wealthy residents of an area with only multi million dollar homes, many owned by high profile lawyers and doctors sent notifications to the heads of Telcos that they the residents would pursue criminal asault charges if 5G was installed in their Suburb.

This may have slowed the roll out in Australia, but shortly after I sold my home in Bonogin qld late 2023, I noted that it shortly showed 5G coverage. It seems that when I do buy another home in Aus, it will have to be in woopwoop. I currently live in Spain on a Mount in a natural park with absolutely no mobile phone coverage.

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Very interesting aj! It’s amazing what people talk about when they have a chance.

I can picture the area in Sydney of which you speak-I lived in Sydney’s east for about 3 years.

It also seems there is nowhere to buy a “normal” house in Aus as you say, except in woopwoop.

It sounds marvellous where you are in Spain! I’m envious!

Thanks for all your excellent contributions here aj !

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With 400 olive trees on close to 5 hectares on the side of a mountain that need picking and regular prooning and with plenty of rain in spring that needs clearing (no poisoning) before scorching summers such a retirement either keeps you fit, worn-out or both. I hand pick the green olives to press for eating oil which I use also for cooking and beat the rest of the of olives to sell to the mill at slave labour rates.

It is very beautiful here but the whole thing was meant to be a 2 or 3 year project 13 years ago.

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Wow aj!

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You probably have some experience of BSL facilities from your Pharma days - BSL4 facilities do NOT just "leak". They are designed to be human idiot-proof and Wuhan was a state of the art French design.

It's easy for the US to "admit" that SC2 was as a result of a "Leak" from WIV but there is absolutely no evidence to confirm that. And in fact the earliest published medically-confirmed cases occurred in Northern Italy in early September, 2019, so the timing is wrong for a WIV "leak".

We do know, with a good degree of certainty for all the technical reasons you will be familiar with (The Furin cleavage site etc.) that the genetic sequence was designed in a Lab. But I would suggest that we don't know which lab and we don't know how it was released.

Only two options were allowed through the Overton window for discussion in polite society and, frequently, when that happens it's a distraction and neither option is correct.


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According to a report out of Barcelona, Spain, tests in early 2021 on frozen waste water from 2018, found traces of the Covid19 virus.

However I am confused as still today there are reports that the Covid19 virus has never been proven to have isolated.

As for the Australian government's part in the Covid19 Coup D'état, the betrayal can't be of surprise to anyone that follows Australian Politics, as both the LNP and Labor have proven themselves to be treasonous terrorist organisations on multiple occasions. Whether from Gough Whitlam beginning the corporatizing of Australia and its people to the Howard government that was blatantly complicit in murdering 35 people at Port Arthur in order to disarm the very people that might stand in the way of the genocidal totalitarian state has been gradually brought to us particularly by Scumo and now Albanese.

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Excellent comment aj! And I had a friend and her daughters killed in this fiasco at Port Arthur. I am sick at heart from knowing the truth about this.

I like to call Albanese AnAl (1st 2 letters of his first and last name. I saw that from someone else.)

Treason will gather pace with the Dutton selection, whenever that will be. Apparently he’s a very wealthy man, I just found that out today, haven’t had time yet to look into that.

Keep telling truth aj !

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I call that Treasonous bastard 'PM' Anal Greasy...it rhymes with AnalSleazy, I mean Albanese the Mardi Gras loving poofter

Anyway, we are making headway I believe

Aussies: The Grand Jury Indictment is in; The Poly Ticks are now on Notice!


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They’re all sick so and so’s. Worldwide.

Will watch video when have time Mark, got to go out in this “heatwave!”

The video looks really good and interesting, thanks Mark.

I hope everyone watches it ! I realise you’re trying to get this done Mark.

Thank you for standing up to these sods time and time again, at great personal risk.

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It's far from just I trying to 'get it done' Mac; I am but one among many

It's already stinking hot over here too; Been awake since 1am; Went outside around 4:30am with the hound, first noticed the hot breeze than looked up at the sky as I do always now and there were 'stripes' everywhere hanging below what I can only presume to be the 'natural' clouds...all the 'stripes' were diagonal 45 to what I know to be the flight path above us too

Went out again around 6ish with the hound and the sky was what I can only describe as 'fire orange' of the like I haven't witnessed since sunrise during actual bush fires; Now there is a constant hot wind; Not a good day to be outdoors my friend

I'll keep standing up to 'the system' for as long as I continue to breathe Mac; It's just the way God made me...

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Mark, we went out in the scorching 33 degree (!) heat, and made it back. The weather here and chemtrails are not as bad as where you are.

We had a late wind change, I was waiting for the lightning strikes so they could start all the fires, but this hasn’t happened yet. Maybe overnight!

I’ve nearly finished watching the video you’ve been urging people to watch-it is indeed a fine video-very informative. These guys mean business.

I reckon everyone should watch the video Mark is suggesting!

Sleep for me now-very tired! Will finish video in the morning.

Thanks again Mark!

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Dutton had proven his corruption as a low ranking Queensland Police Thug. And "Thug" somes up this truly ignorant creature to the point that he is clearly a goon puppet doing exactly what he is told for a fist full of dollars.

It is sad that the Howard threat to charge critics with sedition worked to silence the chorus of condemnation for the blatant State Terrorism. It is plain the evidence including the number of credible witnesses and naming of two of the mercenary shooter's by a retiring Victorian police detective would have made a prosecution of the sedition charges the very instrument that should and would have back fired and seen Howard and a whole bunch corrupt high ranking traitors put behind bars for life.

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Very nice aj !

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Wuhan, with 19 million passenger movements per year and Italy are major trading partners including the fashion furs.

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True but the Wuhan "leak" was supposed to have taken place in late December 2019 - after the close of the World Military Games in Wuhan on October 27th, 2019 (The opening ceremony was on October 18th, coincidentally (?) the same day as Event 201 was held in NY. The closing ceremony was a few weeks before the now infamous Classified US Intelligence report that a "mysterious respiratory infection" had broken out in Wuhan, of which as evidenced by their actions, Chinese authorities were totally unaware.

There are also some strange events in the US preceding the plandemic. First the incidence of a cluster of respiratory deaths in the US which was blamed on "Vaping" (although no similar problems were reported before or after). Second the Greenspring assisted living facility in Springfield, Virginia also had an outbreak of deaths due to a never-explained respiratory illness. Springfield is located close to the US Ft. Detrick biological research laboratory.

There ARE other explanations?

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Great to read someone mentioning "the World Military Olympics" (Wuhan) after years of 'speaking' about it myself...but, please allow me to take the "World Military Olympics" one step further

'US DoD Fort Detrick'

In September 2019 there was a US media 'health alert' issued for the areas surrounding, drum roll please, Fort Detrick, Maryland US of stinking A

It was reported "a large number of people have been hospitalised and pets have died in the areas surrounding Fort Detrick with a severe influenza like Upper Respiratory Illness; It is unknown what the exact cause is at this stage" (not verbatim but along those lines) This was on or near my birthday, September 11 which is why I remember it...for some reason I saved the report on my old laptop

Fort Detrick was or is a US DoD "bio-research facility" that just so happens to be down the road from one Chapel Hill University

Also of note is that despite "people dropping dead all over Wuhan" Chinese air travel was not closed down until March 2020 if I recall correctly; I contend due to The worlds Military 'Elite' needing to get back home

Australia's 'first reported case' came from, wait for it, Annerley Air Force Base QLD in February 2020

Indeed: There Are other explanations...

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Robert Malone has told us he can't tell us all he knows, but has mentioned CIA and other US people returning and spreading the synthetic Coronavirus on both the East and West coasts of USA.


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Ah, the mysterious Robert Malone, another limited hangout. Why would a person of his stature-didn’t he invent the mRNA platform, and didn’t he say it should never be used in “vaccines”? Well why did he take 2 Moderna vax? He said he nearly died from covid (?), then had long covid(?), so he took the 2 jabs because someone (?) told him they were good to treat long covid ! Ref:his interview with Joe Rogan (another “interesting” character.)

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Malone, the Mal one. Mal means bad in French.

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Ironically, if "someone" was trying to cover-up the origin of a different plot, Wuhan would also be the perfect place to start a pandemic due to the presence of WIV, known by all (especially in the US) to be working on GOF projects (probably using viruses supplied by Baric working at UNC Chapel Hill.

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Virginia, Maryland making GMO Coronavirus


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Unfortunately, it was pretty obvious something big and smelly (like a rat) was going on by February 2020. Following on from the total collapse of the financial system in Sept 2019 (Repo markets bailed out with printed money in the trillions), 'they' probably had no choice but to declare WWIII on the general populace on October 18 2019 (the start of the Wuhan Military games). The exceptional USA military team with all its Diversity Equity and Inclusion had 172 athletes who could only garner a grand total of only 3 Silver and 5 Bronze medals. Perhaps because the majority of the 172 were the 'Mission Impossible' type agents sent there to release the bio weapon to start things off?

The utter irony of it all is that 5 1/2 years on the average moron is still completely unaware that either of the above 2 things ever even happened. ('average moron' a tad harsh?, ask them how much a trillion is).

And the salt in the wounds is that the entire operation was financed with counterfeited printed money, and misappropriated taxpayer money, and laundered drug monies (and goodness knows what else). That indeed was the cherry on top of the cake for these vile felons.

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The cabal has its tentacles in EVERYTHING … they are complicit in depopulation certainly, but I increasingly doubt that “gain of function” or whatever amounts to attenuation of viruses is a legitimate concern. For mine, this belated acceptance of the lab leak theory is more about planting the seeds of doubt and panic to lend legitimacy to whatever or wherever the next aerosolised or media-driven pseudo “pandemic” is manufactured … but then I have a tinfoil hat on.

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The alledged SARS-Covid-19 GoF-narrative is only the penultimate stepstone for the final goal: Shriek the beejesus out of the plebes on a global scale and get the jabs/boosters into as many arms as possible before somebody "dares" to wakes-up.

All future plandemics will serve the same goal: get the slurry into the bloodstreams of all age-cohorts to cull as many as possible with the 17 pages of known side-effects ...

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The only issue with this is that, without all the media hype, there actually was no pandemic.

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According to Dr Mike Yeadon, there’s never been a pandemic ever, ever! But they changed the definition, didn’t they. But I think even with a new definition, there’s still never been a pandemic.

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Changed the definition of both 'virus' and 'vaccine'

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So you now trust the CIA? Come off it, this type of commentary is the same type of commentary that Ian Brighthope rabbits on about. Grant Simmons comments are correct, your comments legitimise the damn fake "vaccine" programme by stating their was a bloody pandemic & there will be future ones. All credibility lost after reading this tripe.

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It appears undeniable there was a pandemic, one of soulless absolute betrayal. There is a vaccine for that, the Nuremberg Code followed by the gallows.

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💯 percent correct AJ, duds the lot of them & the self proclaimed freedom leaders need to watched & carefully listened to, moving forward.👍

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You're a good man or woman aj... I don't which you are but I'm lovin' what I read from you here

Onwards and Upwards Soldier...we will have Our Day and Our Daily Bread

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Thank you for all these wonderful comments aj !

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Unfortunately Phillip is misrepresenting my article - I made the point that the jabs are the bioweapons. I report on the NHMRC.

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Better let Phillip know then & which part is the misrepresentation?

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I lost faith in Philip and his mob years ago. All participants in the virology fraud; all complicit in the fake pandemic narrative; all perpetuating and participating in a crime against humanity.

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Correct. Soon they'll be on the forgiveness bandwagon. Some of the already are.👍🦘

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Thank you for your unending integrity Roc!

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Thanks for that, quite a few of them really showing their colours. Their next move, or one of their next moves, will be the old, " We need to move on from this, don't look back, look forward, they've done what they've done, time to heal or it will eat us up,etc, etc. " The damn Trump, blind supporters/ acolytes are the bigger problem because ALL of that shit stops @ our doorstep. One Nation are fakes, like the rest of them but worse. Pretend friends I don't need.👍

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Who needs enemies with friends like the Trumpidians and there are quite a few 'Aussie Freedom Fighters' who have been and are still espousing the virtues of the AI, mRNA and Israel loving Vax Daddy?

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Right on the mark errr Mark.👍😀🇦🇺🦘

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You may mark my words Roc...

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If the commonwealth was involved in GOF Research Australia are we aware of any other Commonwealth Countries also participating in GOF Research?

How about🇨🇦?

Health Canada /WHO !!!!!

What about those labs that no one ever talks about?

Why is Canadian office associated with the WHO- located in US and not Canada? ????

Was Health Canada set up by the WHO?

Does WHO have sort of Power over Canada? Over other Commonwealth countries?

We need real investigative journalists digging this out.

What about the NanoLipid coming out of Canadian University lab in British Columbia?

What is happening with all the NEW “ vaccine” manufacturing plants popping up in so many countries.

Are they getting ready, online , for mass production.

That seems PRETY MASSIVE endeavour if you ask me!

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The Commonwealth has been on the sidelines since Gough Whitlan was Prime Minister. The entire Western world including its people have been fraudulently labelled as corporate entities that can be bought, sold and liquidated by the very same psychotic banking families that fir generations have created wars and genocides for profit and through their usury have bought the souls of those that betray the well being of humanity as easily as they would flush Covid19 down the toilet.

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Again, nicely said aj ! I think the banking entities like the U.S. Fed, and AU’s reserve bank, and the boss of them all, BIS, and IMF, and World Bank or whatever it’s called are all involved also, and these private banks will make sure we never have a property title so we can’t own any property, no cars, nothing.

WEF-“You will own nothing and be happy”.

Film downloadable from internet for those who don’t know, called “The Great Taking” goes into detail about all this.

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WooHoo, does this mean I can finally take a break from trying to inform people about all of this for the last 10 years or so?

Maybe I'll stop getting so much abuse and even threats now?...

You keep the ball running Mac, aj... Love You Both

Aussies: The Grand Jury Indictment is in; The Poly Ticks are now on Notice!


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Thank you , Dr Altman - ever since Malcolm Roberts , introduced me to,you ...

I have the utmost faith & belief in your information-

Many thanks - not,long to go , until massive political change here in our country - in alignment with the United States

Please keep us informed .....regards

Les Kraft , ...is

Les Catterwell ....is

Les Katt

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Political change here will only change the names of the treasonous sods who want to tell us what to do then kill us. Or worse.

Trump also is no saviour, he’s only doing what he’s told to do.

Malcolm Roberts has betrayed us.

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Sorry , Rody M .... you are asking me to doubt someone that I have know , trusted in, and he - has trusted in me m for much more than a decade - ... long long before some inventive liars , Fauci, gates ,, the CDC had a brain fart !

No,,, I won’t betray my own beliefs & decisions -

All will be revealed when the time is right .... thank you - I’m sure we can to agree to disagree on this one.

Les Kraft , is Les Catterwell, is Les Katt

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You mean the Malcolm Roberts that sold out all Aussies to the hate speech narrative?...good for you trusting a Traitor as long as you won't betray your own beliefs and decisions; The very same Malcolm Roberts who voted to allow Foreign Military to have total immunity for any crime committed against we Aussies during 'military operations' (like Covid19)

You're dead right; "All will be revealed when the time is right"

Aussies: The Grand Jury Indictment is in; The Poly Ticks are now on Notice!


Might be best if you start questioning your beliefs and decisions Les

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Respectfully Phillip, you are misrepresenting my work.

I reported on what the NHMRC said and explained that the real danger, the real bioweapons are the jabs that they are creating.

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Are you really surprised?

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Your stacks are excellent. But I wonder, you are aware that it isn't a virus but a self assembling product of highly worrying complexity right? It is also definately on the swabs in the exact same forms. The Wuhan thing was never real, it was distributed in multiple ways and now shows up in most tap water samples. Take that example and consider what the WEF agenda was and their biohacking talks. It is definately not a vaccine, it is an extremely advanced biohacking material as was described by Noah horrari (spelt wrong I'm sure) in an indirect but clearly obvious way. Also by giardiano if I spelt that right. I've shown the consistent material on the swabs and compared it to the vaccines. The outbreak in china scenario seems fabricated by use of AI video technology. The doctors in china never had WhatsApp, it has been blocked from functioning in china since 2017. If that wasn't true what else wasn't true and why did they have to simulate the china origin deal if it really came from china. Many of us now know it is sprayed, in tap water, in jabs of all types, on swabs, and just everywhere else it has contaminated.

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No such thing as GoF. You can’t mess with something that doesn’t exist. Until Australians wake up to the fact that every single person speaking out on Covid as though it exists is COMPLICIT IN A CRIME, we’re not going to get anywhere.

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In 2021-2022, emails and reports were distributed to thousands of leaders across various sectors, including government, media, airlines, unions, universities, schools, and the medical industry worldwide, with the following 15 GB of information documenting concerns related to the pandemic and the associated vaccines.

15 GB Shared Mega folder for download - They knew the truth






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