The sooner Pfizer is sued out of existence the better.

I don't think Pfizer were psychic when they took this investment path:


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As the saying goes, "create the disease and sell the cure," and Pfizer is practicing this. Pfizer must be wiped off the face of the earth.

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From your lips to Gods ears!

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Excellent move. I have forwarded this to my federal parliamentary representative - can it be circulated to ALL state and federal members?

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We have known about the bacterial plasmind DNA in the “vaccine” for quite awhile now. I am not sure that any of this means very much at this point. We can’t try and hang politicians who have died from the same poison they promoted. I believe that even ONE injection of these gene altering immune system damaging MRNA “vaccines” is a death sentence. You just have to look at Mark’s posts every week to see the hidden genocide going on all around us. https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrispinmiller/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-e1e?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webJu

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And there’s been no valid consent for the Covid injections, because it’s impossible to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination under mis/disinformation from ‘the authorities’, and coercion and mandates.

Coercion and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

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It would be interesting to know how much of the learnings of Katherine Watt about the extent of non-regulation in the US apply also to Australia, and therefore how likely any of this action is to succeed given the legislative spanners already in the works - here's a succinct summary of Katherine's journey: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/learning-curve

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It's not only the contamination that's the problem, it's the LNP's the mRNA is conveyed in. From my own research, I've found the chemists, like Dr Segalla in the videos, and Dr Pain, who fully understand the toxicities. rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos

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Has the SA Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner been put on notice too? He needs to be...

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Contamination is just one of the many reasons this mRNA platform needs to be banned altogether. If there is too much emphasis on the contamination issue, they can always come back with: "oh, we've cleaned up the contamination issue so now our "vaccines" (aka transfection injections) are Really Safe!" Injecting foreign DNA or RNA into people or animals is just asking for autoimmune attack with all its dire consequences.

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If Municipal Councils send the information to all the doctors in their area, this is a very clever way of extending their knowledge and awareness. Most Doctors are too busy to read the articles in non mainstream media that tell the real truth about vaccine injury. Doctors should also be made aware of the fact that vaccines do not have to meet the same level of oversight as other medicines

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Maybe the fed govt parliamentarians feel they will have their legal liability covered for inadequate safety checks before distributing the vaccine, and now not engaging with the scientific data showing harm. For government at the lowest level, the council members might listen because they accept great harm has been done or they worry about less protection from liability after hearing of the harm?? Either way if the councils engage with and help the public deal with the vaccine fallout, the public will be grateful to its grass -root representatives operating at the coal face - where they have easier and more contact with people.

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