The TGA is just there to run cover for their pharma sponsors, just like the FDA and the CDC … they didn’t even attempt to hide the conflicts of interest and blatant fraud, never mind the every day obfuscation, data manipulation and lying, and nebulous definitions around what constituted the “emergency use” or “clinical indications” … they just rubber stamped whatever the EMA, CDC and WHO declared as “truth” at the start of 2021, and haven’t stopped bullshitting since because the entire stinking edifice lies to cover its own sins.

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Between the corrupt TGA and the bullies at AHPRA what chance does an ethical doctor or vaccine injured patient have? Doctors were pressured to deny that conditions could be vax injuries and most of the general public would not have the knowledge to file their own report. Add to this, government websites generally have a time-out “feature” that deletes your input if it’s not acted upon in a specific time frame. This is how use of these sites is passively discouraged. How many times have you called Centrelink only to be disconnected, run around from department to department, or left on hold for hours? Completely designed to frustrate you into giving up because it’s too hard.

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Sadly, Danielle, this is by design. It’s the end state of the “State as parent and protector” phenomenon … working as intended in other words. Like social healthcare, no one outcome is important, simply that certain key performance indicators are met across a sector, health by the lowest common denominator per patient. Treatments that work withheld in favour of treatments that are sponsored by big pharma.

No state entity represents you nor cares for you. Certain individuals within may be ethical and caring but the system itself is entirely unthinking, uncaring and ruthlessly clinical. Sterile, devoid of empathy.

But this isn’t a bad thing, we all needed to realise eventually that we shouldn’t rely on the state at all for anything, and Covid showed us all that the best way to stay healthy is to avoid one’s doctor, unless they practice natural/holistic medicine and/or know how to diagnose underlying health issues. Very few now do.

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I’ve called Centrelink often enough to be prepared timewise, paperworkwise, and hopefully just plain wise! Often they (and other gov’t and private departments) play this message, something like-we have more than average wait times at the moment, blah, blah. But what I’ve usually found is the message is a lie! It doesn’t take that long at all.

I’ve not known that gov’t websites have a time-out function. I’ve heard this exists in America, but haven’t known until now, that it exists here.

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“and haven’t stopped bullshitting since because the entire stinking edifice lies to cover its own sins.”


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I think we are all holding vague optimism that anything will ever come of it. No amount of compelling evidence seems to be enough to prosecute the clearly and obvious corrupt organizers of the Plandemic/psyops as they are deep rooted in all rolls and tiers of Government. It is to me at this point more akin to a South American country being run by a drug cartel. Please excuse my pessimism, I do however continue to applaud those working arduously to induce the justice required and expected.

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I believe It will take time to prosecute, expose corruption.

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The sooner we start .... the sooner we....

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Best explanation of the white clots that I've seen thus far. Thankyou to all the people doing this important investigative work, something our regulatory agencies should be doing but of course, won't. If you don't look, you can't find stuff that you don't want to find.

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Their favourite excuse:

“There’s no evidence…..”

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The data on babies is very distressing. Time to stop jabbing our kids.

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That step down in the heat map pictured above (showing a sudden increase in adverse events in the youngest age groups) coincides with Jan '22 when they started jabbing the infants with the transfection injections. Pretty clear. This, at around the same time that our illustrious judges told AVN that they had "no standing" when they tried to prevent our children being transfected like experimental animals. Going on memory, correct me if I'm mistaken.

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And this one seems to be the judiciary’s favorite excuse:

“No standing.”

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Like all regimes that are in the pockets of Big Pharma or/and The WEF's New World Order, they will do what is dictated by those who pull their strings, which assists our controllers keeping us enslaved.

Why did any Government get involved in undertaking the responsibility of LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by the deadly injections sold to us as 'VACCINES'? They all did though!

Would you buy any product without Warranty or a guarantee? Particularly if it is something new and EXPERIMENTAL and injected into your body? No LIABILIITY was the biggest clue that this was about depopulation and money. But for some inexplicable reason nearly three quarters of the planet complied.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer because I took time to consider the implications!

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No liability, but the government will look after you - ABSOLUTE NO BRAINER

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Thanks Daniel!

I think the 'No Brainer' might be another Adverse Reaction caused by the DEADLY 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA poisonous injections they pretend are "vaccines".

Regards! Unjabbed Mick.

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Hi Mick, take care in the UK seems like it's erupting over there.

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Judging by some of the unhinged drivers lately on SE Queensland roads, I suspect you may be correct.

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It is safe to assume to TGA actively made sure adverse events reporting and accepting was as difficult as possible.

They need to prove otherwise.

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looks like I cant get to the video link that I could open last night - maybe has now been closed off. If anyone knows an alternative way to view that video it would be appreciated.

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Beware the Noahide Laws.

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Unfortunately there are a lot of Royal Commissions needed but even if we did have one on any topic here in Australia what effective outcomes come from it? It's really wash, rinse and repeat until the general population forgets. As I like to say, it's just changing the deck chairs on the Titanic, hoping for a better outcome.

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