I recall when compiling my response to WA’s so-called “Covid Response review” in mid 2023 going over the excess death data for 2020 through 2022. It was bloody obvious even then to any layman who cared to look that there was something horribly wrong with how the Australian Bureau of Statistics was treating the data and the methods they were using to obfuscate. Misattributions and weird conjecture about “Covid” deaths being worse in 2021 and 2022 despite the “miracle” vaccines was the least of it … large upticks in cancers, heart issues, alzheimers and dementia, respiratory issues, you name it. The ABS data at the time noted ~23,000 excess deaths in 2022 alone, with claims that about half were “of Covid” … we all know that last part is a complete furphy, so that’s upwards of 15% increased mortality and it’s barely slowed down since. I recognise that these feckless bastards at the TGA and the like will never come clean or get their comeuppance, but I’m grateful to Phillip and others who continue the fight to make this public.

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Much ...I mean, much MUCH more victims & their details will be made evident , when the Dr Mc Cann case is heard .

Her case involves hundreds more people than what appear on the Daen.

If you would like a current video, produced by Dr Mel McCann , on the case details , pls let me know by response on here ....

This entire Daen system has been a fraud from the outset ... early in the piece , in 2021 , figures changed regularly

Thanks again Dr Altman ...

As a thorough professional in this field for 40years , Dr Altman ; , it must make you feel quite upset to witness this despicable cover up ; honest people believed the messages they received from government & media on cv vaxs.

As someone who saw your first video presentation on this subject, with Senator Malcolm ROBERTS ,, way back , I’d like to thank you, congratulations for your strong stance on this , shocking medical malfeasance.

Les Catterwell...

Is Les Kraft

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We humanity were assaulted by demons and the majority took the bait

Hopefully never again will resound worldwide

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I concur with Greg,... you are doing fantastic work. You are a man of great character and principle. And I am blown away you chose to subscribe to my substack. Please keep up the good work,... which must be of great personal sacrifice to you.

You may have written about this, as I haven't looked at your archive,.. but if not, you might find some interest in some serious developments going on in other countries....

France - War on Freedom has Begun with Draconian Measures... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/war-on-freedom-has-begun-with-draconian

Italy - BioNTech/Pfizer and the EMA Knew the Vaccines were Toxic... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/biontechpfizer-and-the-ema-knew-the

USA - Big Pharma's Relentless Assault Now Attacking the Co-Founders of the FLCCC... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/big-pharmas-relentless-assault-now

Please feel free to share, edit, add or critique....

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Professor Ian Brighthope breaks down as he talks about the evil inflicted upon fellow Australians after being injected with the experimental genetic shots. https://x.com/craigkellyXXX/status/1862722470501097948

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..yes... he spoke so well , didn’t he .... heart felt ....

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Philip, you and your patriotic colleagues have done a fantastic job of assembling the evidence and making it available to the community so we all can

1. weigh it and make up our own minds

2. make objective and INFORMED personal decisions re whether or not to get jabbed (again)

3. make objective and INFORMED decisions about who is lying to us and who is telling us the truth

4. inform family and friends and guide them to reliable sources of information (like your Substack)

5. make informed decisions about who is deserving of our financial support

6. contact our elected representatives and make them aware that, eventually, there WILLL BE adverse legal consequences and much more immediate adverse ELECTION consequences for them if they continue to lie, obfuscate and deny reality, and

7. make INFORMED decisions about who to VOTE for at the next election

The reality and the objective truth - untainted by conflicts of interest - is now readily available, easily accessible and very obvious to anyone who seeks it.

Thank you.

Your job is far from over but ...

It's up to all of US now ... to shoulder more of the burden by spreading the word with everyone we know and as widely as we possibly can.

An easy way to do that is by sharing the link below. It shows everyone how find your Substack archive https://substack.com/home/post/p-139187722?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Speaking of the 'truth', I happened to be in an Aged Care Centre yesterday, and noticed that residents (and their families) are still being advised to get COVID-19 boosters. Extraordinarily. Furthermore, the explanatory material left for residents and guests refers people to https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true to make sure that they have access to the authoritative information about vaccinations, described by its authors as "accurate evidence-based information". As far as I could tell, there seems to be remarkably little information on their website that would withstand careful scrutiny ... but readers of this SubStack might find it useful to see what people are (still) being told. Curiously, those who were injected with AstraZeneca will not find any information (at all) about it ...

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Because , for some, the music hasn’t stopped ... it’s a money trail for big Pharma

Aus spent 20 B $ on this Covid Fraud... 8.5B$ on the ‘ injections ‘.... they are NOT vaccines as defined

The largest Medical FRAUD in world history

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23 yr old, fit and healthy. Cardiac arrest, collapsed lung, 6 open chest procedures, life support, 80 days icu, 5 hospital admissions, heart transplant to stay alive. All after 2nd Comirnaty. ICU cardiologist says “not vaccine related because timeframe doesn’t fit”. Therefore no doubt not reported by medical staff. “Safe and effective”. That’s my son’s story.

I am baying for the blood of those covering this up.

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Australia 🇦🇺 has 60,000 excess deaths since May 2021 and 44,000 fewer births since 2020 based on 2015-19 data. Confirm for yourself on ABS.GOV.AU

No one is talking about what happened to the unborn. Where is the miscarriage data that explains the 44,000 fewer births? In November 2021 at my local hospital all the maternity ward nurses refused the jab and were sacked. I suspect they were seeing the problems. I don't have the data and can't prove it yet.

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Beware of vaccine misinformation - It is important when looking for information about COVID-19 vaccines to consider whether the source of the information is credible and trustworthy.”

So NOT the TGA obviously. 🙄

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Who were the irresponsible Ministers at the time?

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All of them , both parties ... in sync

Both signed Cv vx supply doc ,,, a copy of which , was demanded in,our own parliament by a senator , BUT denied

Both have refused to commence a R C into this malfeasance

Albo sleazy promised to have it , and investigation into cv prior last election ... BUT he squibbed out ...DENIED it to every Australian

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I don't want to tell friends that they took the injection without considering the consequences and without knowing the murderous makers knew all along the shit was never SAFE or EFFECTIVE.

I couldn't tell them that the manufacturers deliberately avoided all LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS their poisonous mRNA injections might cause.

I haven't mentioned the 'EXCESS DEATHS' that still mount up with many of the injections.

I haven't explained that the mRNA injections destroy natural human immunity and that after taking the shit, people are far more likely to contract many diseases because mRNA damages human resistance to Cancers, Blood Clots, Heart complications - these never get better!

Pfizer's, Moderna's, J&J's, etc, mRNA injections seem to be deliberately poisonous! Their new mRNA jabs are doing everything they were planned to do = "Kill as many people as possible without causing concern to our complicit and cooperative Governments!" That's my guess!

None of these poison manufacturers carries any culpability for INJURIES and Vax-Induced DEATHS caused by their useless crap! Is this the end of 'VACCINES' as we knew them pre-2019, when they were LESS DEA#DLY and were effective to some extent?

Nobody trusts the medical profession any more because, at best, they collaborated in silence. At worst, they knowingly killed their patients.

My local MD stated, when face to face and asked about 'Excess Deaths and ZERO LIABILITY, he stated "Yes, it's a mess isn't it" followed by "but what can we do about it?"

This told me he knew exactly what has been, and is, going on and that the Cull of Humanity was/is a deliberate, well-planned and calculated project!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without taking another dubious injection from evil medics!

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Absolutely criminal that TGA shut down adverse reporting after only a few years...this cannot be tolerated. The corruption is blatant. thank you to everyone involved in setting up and maintaining OpenDEAN. Every person in any position of power in TGA needs to be in jail.

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I just listened to an informative interview on Dr Rima Laibows substack She points out very clearly that the UN “unelected nothings” are the force behind most of Australia's woes. We say NO to them We get out of the treaty which is fraud We start to get our freedoms back. This seems to be the only course of action which will work Then begins the hard work of unravelling all the tentacles which have been placed in power over many years You may find the interview interesting

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'Trust' in a 'System'-'Truth' is Generally ONE SideDead (-Sided).

Trust/Def; A firm belief that someone is good, has integrity, and honest and Will Not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable. assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in which confidence is placed; dependence on something future or contingent!

System/ definition: A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex Whole.

Truth/Def; Conformity to fact or actuality.

Reality; actuality.

The reality of a situation.

Direct from the WEF (YES them!) Site. 'Australia's' Newby 'E' Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant. - HUP!! Agenda 'Contributor''.

'Julie Inman Grant is Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. In this role, Julie leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online.

Julie has extensive experience in the non-profit and government sectors and spent two decades working in senior public policy and safety roles in the tech industry at Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe.

The Commissioner’s' career began in Washington DC, working in the US Congress and the non-profit sector before taking on a role at Microsoft. Julie’s experience at Microsoft spanned 17 years, serving as one of the company’s first and longest-standing government relations professionals, ultimately in the role of Global Director for Safety & Privacy Policy and Outreach. At Twitter ( Now 'X'), she set up and drove the company’s policy, safety & philanthropy programs across Australia, New Zealand & Southeast Asia.'

Connections to FOREIGN interests;

Foreign/Def; Belonging To, or Associated With, A Country which IS NOT yor own.= In 2020, the World Economic Forum designated her as one of the #Agile50, the world’s most influential leaders revolutionizing government. Inman Grant also chairs the Global Online Safety Regulators Network, and co-chairs the WEF's Global Coalition for Digital Safety.

She is an external contributor to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and is a member of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue's (ISD)Digital Policy Lab. ISD - IS an 'Independent, Not for Profit organisation dedicated to Safeguarding human rights and reversing the rising tide of Polarisation, extremism And disinformation worldwide.' = ONE only 'View' - THEIR View ONLY! Isn't that, EXACTLY the Agenda? ZERO Individual thought! - LOL! (THIS also includes Data 'Extractions', on/For Yourself & fellow Citizens for ongoing Informed observations of YOUR WholeIstic 'Systems' performances! Both positive/Negatives - For PUBLIC Welfare/Economics/Management 'Tuning'!)

For Inman - Grants (She/Her/They singular) 'Supporters' + Govt Agencies & Politicians@Large of NO Speak, NO 'Allowable' Independent forum/s for Representation of Victims of State/Corporate cabal (COMIC) Criminal Crime - Legal or Moral, 'Rubberised' Data & Acceptible Gerrymandering(& Not just Political 'Boundaries'- But Pollies/Crats DO seem 'Adaptable' thru other Arenas.) of ALL metric 'Fallout' ( Not the Movie - Maybe),& Only Mono Vision 'Allowed', consider Global Citizens Rights under the UNITED NATION'S UDHR - Written in 500 Languages no less, in case 'E' CommieCsars, Bureau of Statistics & Others Failed to get the Memo;

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Happenstance Partners; Nick Grant - Australian. & ConnectiviTies.

Pre Last; With the pigeon holing of Incriminating data (Generally associated with The Lake Burley Griffen 2 Step Academy/ 1 A.C.T playwrights in CAN'TBERRA), I see the Local Crews have Probably Spotted, that they need a Wriggle on, for ONE of their MANY, 'Foreign Systems' Directors! World Bank.Org (For Profit) - Bank - IFC Collaboration, Global SPRP (COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program) Project I.D; P 173789, 'Started' in 2/April/2020, is Due for 'Closure' (Expected), 31 March/2025! - U.N.less, something 'arrives' for a Bank 'OverDraft'! LOL!

Last; UNbiased Data/ Info 'Production'-Logs/retrieval/Usages.; - See Trust & System definitions. ANY Govt/Corporate 'System', set up by THE 'Guards' is FOR the System Instigators/Investers/Maintainers, & IS Open to Abuse by the SAME guards (Codes of Conduct, 'Leveraged' on the Same Consistent Untrustworthy Units, as a P.R Stunt/Swindle, for the Populations MISguided believe, that 'Something IS/WAS done'! = BUT ISN'T! Meanwhile the COC Crew, go GangBusters ahead - SAME M.O! - Including Data COOing, & Agency Wagon circle Techniques= IS it NCIRS, or NCRIS?.) The RUM Corps of Australia - NEVER Really left! Their Morphed legacy (C.O.M.I.C), IS the Model that Runs societies Today! - Tried, Protected, & Time Tested!

COMIC; acronym; Corporate OrganEyes'd[a] Military InDustTrial CONplex. a] .OrgAnEyes'd. 5 >9 Eyes Plus Co-Op ref SureVeilLance Group.

I don't even know why I produced this Spiel - You ARE Already 'Wired' awake - Or, EWE'r (You're) either Shaken awake, at LEAST - over happenings, this last 3 > 4 Years, OR, or, Nothin' is going to wake you - and Good luck to You, your Partners,Your Offspring, Your relations, Your Associates & Work Buddies on that 'Pan out'! - Buggar! Forgot Your Food & PETS (No! The other Personal Pets. mRNA Coming/here Soon for Them!!).

The PETS; Pretty Easily Trained StupidDoes. Just more than a Few Pollies & Crats involved there!

Wellness & Keep up the Interest/Inputs. More than a Pity, with ALL of the Tangible Energies 'Wasted' on Both sides, just to get back to an Equilibrium!- John D

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Yes .. what a collection of horror stories there are!

And what a vast amount of institutions and officials behave like morons !

The blind leading the blind and the nefarious leading the nefarious ....and the gullible or should I say the victims are dropping like flies.

The insane part of this horror story is that the evidence for a global interlocking corporate ,government and ngo cabal is staring us in the face!

But as the saying goes “ there’s none as blind as those that don’t want to look”!

Globally it’s been estimated that way over 200 million victims of this substance exist and maybe that’s the wrong word because the fact is they don’t exist anymore.

But you probably could count them from a satellite because apparently as discovered by a Spanish scientist one of strange results of this needling is that the recipients start to transmit a Bluetooth frequency MAC address..

and it’s no use anyone attempting to deny this fact or get their “ fact checkers “ to try to blindside everyone ! The truth is out there!

The cats out of the bag!

And furthermore the now infamous Bill Gates had been saying for years that they wanted everyone to have an RFID chip in them for tracking and identification purposes.

If you listen to the famous Henry Kissinger he refers to the humans on this planet as “ The Herd”..

And don’t forget that also the term “Sheeple” was handed down to us from these lofty heights. Not to forget the very endearing title of useless eaters!

But .. going back to the MAC addresses.....

Why do they want to track corpses???

They don’t actually ,

it turns out they are eugenicists.

Look it up .. it goes way back over a 100 years.

Then comes the turbo cancer face of this needle faced Gorgon!

Again .. the numbers are horrifying but you won’t find the statistics unless you go to court.. Although recently some are surfacing,

probably because people in power positions are noticing they may be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

For this part of the story check out the fate of the “ vaccinated “ doctors and Airline pilots and Sports people etc etc .

Don’t forget this is a global phenomenon.

The injectable stuff has left a trail of destruction wherever it went.

People have begun to notice.

Check out Del Big Trees / the Highwire show !

Here you will find a monstrous collection of government and corporate “ secrets “ that for example one of the manufacturers wanted to keep hidden for 75 years I believe it was.

In the USA The Highwire has been sending out freedom of information requests to government and corporate entities and had to fight for this legal access in the courts to collect this vital information. Needless to say this is an expensive and time consuming process!

The buried information of research results are astounding and

indicate very serious problems in various ways.

The information proves many many things. And they all point to a collective malfunction or malfeasance in various ways.

Out of the USA is a Dr David Martin who has been on the trail since 2002 I believe he said.

This trail is a trail of patents and fundings and what he calls interlocking directorates.

The interlocking directorates he talks of are government and corporate entities and ngos etc etc .

The gain of function research and it’s funding plus the patents it generated beggars belief!

I suggest everyone looks into this work as a matter of urgency.

That trail leads to the US.

The gain of function research for this was started in Chapel Hill and infamously when a moratorium was called the “research “ was moved to a US funded lab in Wuhan China.

For this you must go to Dr David Martins many videos etc. Go to Rumble or bit chute or brighteon to find these very important videos.

Amongst all this information you will find a interesting quote from D J T saying it came out of a lab in China ...

But it turned out that there is a collection of “ bio labs “ in Chyna western Ukraine!

These were funded by the usual suspects!

The Russians had this bio weapons research going on next door to their country!

It is now well known that this was probably the main reason they went into Western Ukraine!

Dr David Martin has been to the EU Parliament where his speech went famously viral .. ( global ) with billions of views!

There’s Dr Mike Yeadon out of the UK is another ones info to look at.

He worked as a top level scientist CEO of Pfizer for many years.

He has another mountain of info that shows us very clearly the true nature of this mRNA stuff.

He talks about the actual composition of it and it’s contents!

You will not like what you hear particularly if you rolled up your sleeve!

There are many many stories to tell us the actual true story of the facts of this global disaster.

None of the facts on the ground match the narratives from the main stream media or the governments or the corporations etc.

There are now many sources of real information.out there!

But you have to look further than the tv screen or google etc etc ...

Right now in the US because of the DJT election win there is the MAHA process being set up !

Make America Healthy Again.

This involves a total change of the use of big pharma and big agriculture products. and their regulatory process!

And .. very importantly ..!!!!

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were banned when they were found to heal the “covid “ sufferers very quickly!

The American Frontline Doctors proved this very early on when the “ plague “ hit!

They were having huge and very fast recovery times’

These American doctors who were actually having great success whereas the main stream protocols of vaccine “ and Remdesivir and ventilators were having no success!

The powers that be took.away the medical licenses of any doctors using the alternatives that saved lives!

And now globally there are a huge number of lawsuits gathering.

I wonder why ...

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Steve, well summarised, thanks - did you see quote mentioned by Dr David Martin on Reiner Füllmich’s ICIC (400+ interviews, Reiner presently jailed in Germany - another story)

Quote is from Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance

In 2015, Dr. Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance that funneled research dollars from the NIAID to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for coronavirus research, who has promoted the official narrative that SARS-CoV-2 has a natural origin, stated:

"We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine.

A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype.

We need to use that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues.

Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."

Sounds an awful lot like what we're facing right now, doesn't it?

At the end of the day, this plandemic has primarily been about profit and the shifting of wealth, from the lower and middle-classes to the already ultra-wealthy.

This is a war on the public, waged using biological weapons and information warfare, with the ultimate goal of "resetting" life and commerce as we know it.

See also substacks of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt

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Hi roger .. 2nd look ...

Yes I recall I saw Dr David. Martin talking about that Peter D ...

And it’s horrifying to hear a person talking in such disregard of the outcomes of their actions. We all saw and are still seeing the results in peoples lives of these peoples actions and planning.

The hype ...?

An admission of gross deception...

It looks like ..

Let’s pretend our intentions are to mass produce a substance that we can say will result in healing or prevention of this our engineered covid global plague that we have created..

And if we say investors can make huge amounts of money from our plans then they will put large sums of money into it...

Is that a good translation that genes to the root of their intentions?

Dr Davib Martin called the outcome a bioweapon and showed it’s lineage did come from dubious beginning that are labelled “gain of function”.!

That’s like taking some metals out of the ground and creating a cruise missile or something.. there is a very noticeable gain of function.

The same for this gain.

The humble common cold “ virus”. runny nose ... cough cough .. that is used as a platform to bring the

whole planet to its knees?

The hype can be used to gain investment in a grand scale ....

And this part of the story does not include the strange erection of 5g towers that mysteriously popped up in many landscapes overnight.

Another plague!

A bit like watching the red spots appear all over your body when you had chicken pox.

The graphene oxide and heavy metals added to this witches brew of nasty chemistry!

These strange rubbery threads appearing mysteriously inside of some of the victims.

And as you hinted at .. the assembly of nano circuits assembling themselves maybe powered by quantum dots inside the unwary.

Gain of function...

That’s for certain!

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The Ai changed a word ...


Is that a good translation that goes to the root ....

That’s the correction!!!

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Gt Depression Round 2. Same GamePlay Moves in Usage. - Control & Wealth transfer Again - NO Limits applyable. With Casualties, just More collateral damage & statistics.

Wellness - John D.

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Hi roger .. thanks..

Yes .. I think we must be seeing the same crimes!

Certainly the Peter guy is at the dark heart of the horror story we find ourselves in!

And it is very difficult to comprehend the scale and sophistication of this criminal ,and I think now ,evil enterprise.

I have seen some of Sasha latypova but I will take a deeper dive!

And , yes .. the shocking case of Reiner F ....

The lawfare aspect of these injustice systems are insane.

I do feel as if there is much progress being made but there is more to deal with.

That’s it for now ..

Best things!

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Now with Melbourne manufacturing our own poison they will pump it out to all the sheeples who are willing to take it or allow loved ones to be murdered or maimed

Follow the money trail

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