THE HIDDEN CRIME: Expert Vaccine Virologist who worked for Bill Gates, GAVI and the WHO says if the world knew what these people did, they would be stoned in the streets.

Immune escape and immune pathology in the vaccinated are creating sickness, disease and eventually death.

Will H5N1 Bird Flu be the coverup for disease and the predicted mass loss of life in the vaccinated? https://x.com/SpartaJustice/status/1791244056778899605

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Thx for this link, it was interesting but I’m not sure if I believe this doctor or not because Dr. Yeadon has called him out plenty of times and he dodges!

Not that I’m disputing his theory, and trust me I am not a doctor or scientist…but it kind of also sounds like fear mongering. Plus this guy has a bad record because of who his last employers were. Dr. Yeadon also confronted him with his investments during this genocide.

I only trust Dr. Mike Yeadon and for good reason. Dr. Yeadon seems to always be the only truth teller among all this because isn’t it funny they block him out of table top conversations. My opinion…they don’t want to hear what he has to say…the truth…they are murderers. They can’t have that…they just need to make sure they continue their little S**t shows and hope we buy it.

That’s just my opinion of course.

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He is the only one I truly trust.

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Doc Yeadon is the best!!!

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Depopulation is behind the planned Scamdemic. Surely Long Covid is simply another VAX INJURY? Most Vax believers can now, at best, anticipate a shortened Life Expectancy which can, unfortunately, never be proven to be attributable to the DEADLY JAB!

Surely Long Covid is simply VAX INJURY? Un-vaxxed Mick - I'll live longer than those who believed in the Covid and SAFE& EFFECTIVE 'Vax golden goose' which makes Pfizer even more wealthy.

Un-vaxxed Mick - I'll live longer than those who believed in the Covid and SAFE & EFFECTIVE 'Vax golden goose' which makes Pfizer even more wealthy, while the bask in the ZERO LIABILITY for their crimes against humanity.

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I have seen tgat video from Geert Vanden Bossche, but he makes wild claims that the virus, mutating in response to the gene-vax, will rebound with such virulence that it kills the jabbed in 24 hours. If it did that, it would swiftly burn out as people would be sick at home unable to spread it. So I do not think he is correct, and so far his dire predictions have not eventuated

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Talk about all in the family, the connections of all those involved is unbelievable. Do these people all sit around the barbie and talk about how they are going to swindle the people and make millions? Or is it just the lure of funding, bonus payments and high wages? Sickly greedy bunch of evil people who have lost their humanity.

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Never part of humanity.

Poltical Ponerology

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I had to look up that word!

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Total sweetheart. Bitch is too soft a word.

"Vaccine or Starve

In May 2020, Halton, as National COVID-19 Coordination Commissioner, pushed for a ‘no jab, no play’ policy to be adapted to adults, where people who refuse the Covid-19/Vaccine will be denied access to all public social programs[4]"

University of Washington should have dumped her sorry butt into an outgoing tide in Puget Sound. Folks like her, true monsters, have no place in civil society.

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I find it frightening that Brett Sutton now leads Biosecurity with CSiRO.. puts him in a position whereby he can be very influential with animal populations. ’CSIRO appoints Victorian Chief Health Officer to lead health and biosecurity research’… mirrors Neil Ferguson ( Imperial College London) who was responsible for the very controversial cull of the British cattle herd due to a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak

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Should read ‘a foot and mouth outbreak’

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I am also sure that there was no reason for Bill and the Steering Committee at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security to be hidden now from public view. The whole cabal was there.

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Good to correct any inadvertent errors - unlike the government which never seem to correct errors or misinformation. However, I do take umbrage to those who criticise any minuscule error (eg. minor spelling errors or typos) at every opportunity who set a high bar for everybody but themselves. There is much to convey. It is a matter of life and death. The criticism (like Jack) need to take a deep breath.

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May 18·edited May 18

Very interesting to read your friend's suggestion to Senator Roberts in the context of JC's interview with Emeritus Professor Clancy:

Professor Clancy (and JC) seem to be saying there are very well-understood reasons for believing the experimental mRNA gene therapy "vaccines" COULD BE causing really serious problems (if not conclusively contributing to excess deaths). And they are not alone in believing that.

So, with such eminent and expert people warning that the experimental mRNA jabs MIGHT be a factor in (at least) causing serious adverse events and long-lasting problems, one would think that Trevor Sutton at the ABS and Jane Halton would be EXCITED and HONOURED to be invited by Senator Roberts to assist him and his parliamentary colleagues to find out exactly what is causing the excess deaths.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have Jane Halton volunteering to make all her experience, credentials and (WHA, WHO, UN, IHME, Johns Hopkins, Bill Gates, ++) connections available to Senator Roberts and the Australian Parliament. She and her associates, like Bill Gates and at the WHO, did so much to try to save lives during the pandemic.

Let's hope she is not now too exhausted - from all her selfless efforts during the pandemic - or just too darned busy now ... to help Senator Roberts and the people he is working with worldwide (including Dr John Campbell, Australian Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, UK Professor Angus Dalgleish and UK MP, Andrew Bridgen) discover the REAL cause of excess deaths.

I'm sure that, if people of Trevor Sutton's and Jane Halton's standing were to advise the Albanese Government that Senator Roberts and his team REALLY DO need access to ALL the anonymised, record-level all-cause-mortality data, Anthony Albanese, himself, would issue instructions to the ABS to have it made available IMMEDIATELY.

So serious are the excess deaths, - with Trevor Sutton and Jane Halton assisting Senator Roberts - I daresay, PM Albanese would probably also allocate at least $100 million of emergency funding to help expedite their efforts and to stop the excess death phenomenon in its tracks - here and worldwide. Didn't the Albanese Government provide $100 million for Ukraine just recently?

What an outstanding legacy that would be for an Australian Prime Minister to have - and what an outstanding Australian contribution to world health.

After all, providing unlimited emergency funding for the expedited rollout of the emergency use-authorised experimental mRNA gene therapy "vaccines" to save Australian lives during the pandemic was no obstacle to our government's resolve...

... and now the world has a PANDEMIC OF UNEXPLAINED EXCESS DEATHS.

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Who authorised the following payments?


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Trevor Sutton got paid even more money for statistical services to Health - as per here, 2020 to now


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Thanks Alison, then the Quantium Group's tenders & who is in that business? National Cabinet Documents would reveal all.

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Ohhh Quantium. I shall have a look

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Very interesting. Obviously one VERY busy lady ...but hopefully not too busy to help Senator Roberts and his colleagues find out why tens of thousands more (young) Australians are dying than should be the case.

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Check out the Quantium Group & see who is involved & the staggering amounts of money paid out in tenders. Many, many, tentacles.

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There are too many search results. Who are the Quantum Group?

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Quantium Group; health industry & statistical analysis. Check out their website.Woolworths up to their eyeballs in it, interesting to read Banduccis background. Would also be interesting to cross reference what tenders were signed off when the "Minister for everything" aka the former PM was doing his best. After all, it is OUR dosh.

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Ok quantium looks like a bunch of former Woolworths execs?

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Current execs moonlighting.

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Thanks, Roc. Will do.

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Makes one think, who was invited to the National Cabinet meetings?

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There needs to be an inquiry into this alone, several politicians past and present need calling out over this. I’ll settle for present thanks.

Where are our Senate Estimates ‘heroes’?

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Is it possible to subpoena these personalities to some sort of judicial inquiry in order to elicit the essential information that could assist in preventing any future and similar (H5N1 avian virus) public health disaster? Our 2 major political parties failed us miserably during the Covidian crisis and are still reluctant to discuss this issue.

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Excellent. I discovered the intertwining thread of Jane, Trevor & Brett & all those lovely influential connections back in 2020. It did make me think that maybe just maybe Australia is not so much of a follower but in this case taking a clear lead in setting precedents

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Trevor and Brett are not related


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Letter goes hard but can someone, anyone provide evidence for this claim:

"Trevor Sutton’s brother is Brett Sutton."

I ask, and no one ever delivers. Will someone in this comment section be the first? Standing by.

Edit: I found The Age article Alison Bevige was talking about. Archive: https://archive.li/bkBV0

"No, my brother is not named Trevor or married to a woman working for WHO and [Bill Gates]."

Looks like Brett is confirming that Trevor is not his brother.

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Important point as it may be just coincidence

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May 18·edited May 18

See this site under the heading "Family":

https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Jane_Halton and this website https://australiannationalreview.com/state-of-affairs/more-conflicts-of-interest-exposed-around-victorian-health-minister-brett-sutton/

Curiously, a lot of information about the Halton-Sutton family roles and relationships that used to be available on the usual people/bio websites appears to have been removed - or is no longer accessible.

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Brett Sutton in The Age confirming that he does not have a brother named Trevor.


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May 22·edited May 22

Thank you for putting your shoulder to the wheel and correcting what I'm sure was an inadvertent mistake (as there are several web sites stating that Brett Sutton IS the brother of Trevor and brother-in-law of Jane Halton).

Your scrupulous attention to detail is applauded.

It is interesting how we all benefit by sharing information:

e.g. The reference to Trevor Sutton and Jane Halton in your linked article in The Age and what Brett Sutton, himself, allegedly ACTUALLY SAID has really contributed our better understanding of why Jane Halton is so well-equipped to help Senator Roberts discover what is causing 10's of 000's of excess deaths:

i.e. Brett is reported in The Age to have said “No, my brother is not named Trevor or married to a woman working for WHO and [Bill Gates].”

So, it is apparently the clear understanding of both Brett Sutton and The Age that Jane Halton works for the world's highest profile vaccine investor and advocate, Bill Gates ...

... while she was ALSO working on the Australian Government's COVID-19 Task Force during the pandemic - giving advice to our government that Australians who refused the EUA experimental gene therapy injections should not be employed.

I believe THAT is referred to as her "no-jab no-job" recommendation.

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You’re welcome.

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Thanks but nope - not hard evidence.

First link - no reference.

Second link - Only leads to a spoof page that references a broken link on Facebook. Not good enough, I'm afraid.

Needs evidence like this: https://web.archive.org/web/20140630223028/http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberras-power-couples--the-cream-of-the-crop-20140621-zs3ts.html

Halton and Sutton (husband) in Canberra times confirming marriage.

Edit: proper evidence would be articles and photos of the Sutton brothers together.

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Well you seem to know how to go about it. Please let us all know when you prove it right or wrong - one way or the other.

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I am not making these claims - the people making the claims need to prove this. As of now I have seen nothing to back up these claims and people just keep using the same non-evidence.

Edit: I literally use the same comment and just copy and paste when people show me these links. If this is all that people are using, this is not good enough. It's not personal, but this is just not evidence of a familial relationship.

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Yes it was written in an Age story on Brett that he is not the brother of Trevor

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Ok, interesting Alison! Do you have this article?

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Yes, i like Excess Deaths point, we must be evidence-based

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May 19·edited May 19

As I understand it, Senator Roberts is a stickler for EVIDENCE-based research, reporting and commentary - as are his colleagues and all those who are trying to find out what is causing the excess deaths - here and worldwide.

However, all those who refuse to be held accountable for their actions and decisions during the pandemic are DENYING Senator Roberts - and people like him - ACCESS to absolutely crucial EVIDENCE that they need to do their jobs and to bring an end to the tragic unexplained excess deaths toll.

Examples of crucial EVIDENCE being withheld by those who refuse to be held accountable include, for example, the anonymised, record-level all-cause-mortality data and the unredacted contracts with Pfizer, Moderna and other suppliers of the EUA experimental gene therapy "vaccines".

It also includes statistical and other adverse events EVIDENCE that our own and other governments and their bureaucrats are making available to Pfizer and Moderna but DENYING to Senator Roberts and his parliamentary colleagues here in Australia; to UK parliamentarians like Andrew Bridgen MP and his parliamentary colleagues and to their US Congressional counterparts, like Senators Ron Johnson and Rand Paul.

Of equivalent or greater concern: those who refuse to be held accountable are DENYING that same EVIDENCE to (seemingly all of) the world's most eminent INDEPENDENT medical doctors, researchers and scientists whose integrity and independence has NOT been compromised by conflicts of interest and/or by financial dependency on government benevolence or largesse - by way of remuneration, retirement benefits, research grants, consulting or other contracts.

Dr John Campbell has described and discussed how access to this crucial EVIDENCE is being given to Pfizer and Moderna but DENIED to eminent but non-captive researchers. He does this in significant detail in some of his more recent YT videos.

Under these circumstances, it is a distraction for us to split hairs over whether someone is or is not someone else's brother - when that does not impact the overall efficacy of the main proposition.

The EVIDENCE that we DO HAVE makes it very clear that we should be focusing on questioning the good intentions and virtue of those who are refusing to be held accountable.

Our good intentions and virtue have not been disputed. Let's worry about defending them when (and if) they are.

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Starpharma ASX developed a nasal spray Viraleze, the active component no virus has lasted more than 30 seconds in contact with it. Viraleze is not available in Australia or USA. Viraleze has been shown to be fatal to COVID, Influenza Aand B and the common cold. Viraleze Is available in UK, Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong but not in Australia. If it had been released in Australia at the beginning of COVID it could have saved many Australian lives. T G A is a puppet to the Vaccine producers and created many obstacles to its release

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Interesting. There was a nasal spray available in Australia in 2020 called Cold Defense which contained a seaweed extract called carrageenan but it mysteriously disappeared off the market. I tried to find out why but it became more and more mysterious. I wouldn't be surprised if they took steps to prevent access for the same reasons they went for HCQ and ivermectin. But that's SUCH a CT isn't it!

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Simple 1-to-20 mix of 10% povidone iodine in sterilised water up the nose does the same

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No conflicts of interest that I can see.

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The Halton-Sutton-Sutton with "Gates" - all in the family!

Kind of like Scott Morrison ex PM and brother Alan who headed AHPRA

No doubt more family connections

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Trevor and Brett Sutton are not related


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Thanks....I trusted Mr Altman would have double checked before publishing!

Brett Sutton 2023 " takes up a national post at the CSIRO as head of health and biosecurity" - hmmmm

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People have been repeating the Sutton-Sutton 'relationship' for years with zero credible evidence. When I ask for it, I get rants and abuse. They take it personally. Just look in this thread. It is very curious.

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May 22·edited May 22

Besides "rants and abuse", I believe some souls here have also provided you with links to websites that led them and others to believe (it now appears - thanks to you - mistakenly) that the Sutton-Sutton connection is correct.

This linked website (below) obviously does not have the pedigree and credentials of "🤔respected🤔 " mainstream media websites (that most of us now know conceal and suppress evidence of government wrongdoing and ANYTHING that criticises the permitted narrative about government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic) but it is just one of many others like it: https://www.kickstartqueensland.com.au/news/hidden-connections-of-power-elites/

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Interesting. I did not know Jane Halton and Trevor Sutton were involved with the IHME, however it certainly is public record that its parent Washington University got more than $100m from the Gates Foundation since 2007, as the Gates Foundation lists it on their grants page. I linked to it in my last substack as an academic promoter of the “vax lives saved” myth also works for IHME.

Trevor Sutton was deputy statistician in charge of overhauling systems at ABS but he has retired, so it is past tense that he worked there. I am sure he is still able to contact former colleagues however and has influential knowledge on its internal processes.

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It was noted that after the Rockefeller medicine takeover in Congress and making law the harmacutical hospital complex, that Johns Hopkins was one of two that remained legally conforming.

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I've encountered a little bit about that subject along the way but I don't recall the main thrust of the story.

Could you expand your comment a little bit please? We are all trying to learn from each other.

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