Phillip. I feel your despair and fury. I share them. I am unvaxed and have been following the real science and evidence for three years now. It is incomprehensible to me that people, society, our country are so fricking ignorant, unaware, oblivious, gullible, uncritical, stupid…. And many are like vacant robots. As for our so called governments, politicians of all colours, so criminal and corrupt. And most still carrying on as if their narrative is real. WTAF.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to justice, at your own personal expense and sacrifice. Some of us out here greatly appreciate it.

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I am unvaxed and just can’t believe how people still believe all the lies

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Well said. Thanks

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In Thailand, to which I retired many years ago, many people are still wearng masks, even while walking on quiet roads or riding motorcycles, which are still ubiquitous here. The staff of most hotels, big stores, restaurants and other touristy places in the resort town where I live are similarly masked.

What we are witnessing is a global prepping operation for the next phony pandemic, spearheaded by the private sector, with governments and big businesses colluding to ensure mass conformity to their controlling agenda, irrespective of how medically and scientifically absurd its irksome components.

By definition, we are slipping quietly but irrevocably, I fear, into a fascistic way of life which millions of people of my parents' generation sacrificed their lives in a world war to avoid. Thank heavens they are no longer here to witness our craven self-enslavement.

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Hello Michael. I too live in Thailand and agree with your comment. It has been a lonely journey not knowing many like minded people here. In my city of Chiang Rai I know two other people who are unjabbed and see the unfolding chaos as I do. I am in Pattaya at the moment and see many wearing masks, while not wearing motor bike helmets. The stupidity is mind boggling. They are more concerned about an airborne virus than a serious head injury. Best wishes.

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Maybe the mask brainwashing is more efficient on people living in cities, used to watching propaganda on tv every day ... Is it the same in the countryside ? Driving with a mask is stupid and very dangerous.

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Who needs a crash helmet when you've got Buddha looking after you!

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Malone did work on mRNA many years ago but as far as I am aware, not mRNA "vaccines"

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I saw yesterday at the supermarket, a fully masked man dutifully sanitizing his hands at the dispenser prior to entering the store.

There are still some stuck in covid fear.

It is a reality that is theirs, but not yours.

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I too sanitize, but on the way out as I always pay *cash, often with little plastic bags each with $5 of silver coins - and who knows where they've been.

I'm not popular with check out staff and try to use the auto check-out machines when not too busy as $32.65 in 5's, 10's etc can take a while. As a sensitive person, cold, hateful stares do upset me, a little..

* the covid scam is a prelude to the climate change hoax which will coincide in CBDC total slavery. Use cash.

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So you've fallen for the "climate change hoax" nonsense like others fell for the pandemic nonsense. I assume you don't live in India and aren't suffering from the record temperatures.

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The climate changes, as it always has for billions of years, sometimes drastically (think ice ages).

So I should have qualified my comment by saying 'man-made" climate change hoax.

Man's activities have little significance on the climate - the climatic effects of one decent volcanic eruption equates to dozens of years of car exhausts, factory chimneys etc. etc.

Even many greenies acknowledge that our best efforts will/maybe reduce the temp by 1/2 degree over 30 years - or something like that, at immense human cost & suffering.

The concept of man-made climate change is a hoax - and no accident.

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You are regurgitating ideological talking points. Ice ages don't start and end in a few decades. Temperatures have risen significantly with the recent increase in the use of fossil fuels, and especially in the last few years with reductions in sulfur from ship fuel and in particulate pollution from industry. Sometimes correlation is a strong indication of causality.

Humans have evolved in particular climatic conditions. With wet-bulb humidity of 100%, a person cannot survive long in a temperature above 32C.

The IPCC and the COP meetings, with all the private jets in attendance, give many people the impression that there is no urgency. And the lifestyles of people like Gore and Kerry, while very unhelpful, are irrelevant.

Governments are still focused on economic growth. They give lip service to a "green transition", but that will not happen since wind and solar, apart from problems such as producing only electricity, are completely dependent on fossil fuels, and we are past peak oil extraction. Who is benefiting from this "hoax"? With covid it was clear.

I suggest you look at someone like Paul Beckwith, himself quite conservative by nature, who presents a clear picture of current developments in climate change.

You might also spare a thought for Indians and others getting regular heatwaves who don't have air-conditioning.

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The weather has been constantly changing literally ages before the industrial revolution; before cars, machinery, private jets, even fossil fuels.

Temperatures go up, temperatures go down. Populations thrive, populations decline - and have sometimes moved, en masse, due to dramatically changing climatic conditions.

I suggest you look at history. The concept of man-made climate change is the biggest hoax perpetrated on Mankind. The covid scam was the 2nd largest.

Last summer I experienced 43C without air conditioning & I suspect the Indians didn't spare me a thought.

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I wonder how humid it was when you experienced 43C, and how long it was for. I still don't know who is benefiting from this "hoax". But never mind, time may modify your views.

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I like to say people use sanitizer but it doesn't make them any more sane!


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Have we learned nothing? Absolutely. Besides the 5% of us who saw through the bullshit and/or held the line, the vast majority of people are not just clueless, but stubborn and full of hubris. They believe what they see on TV and don’t feel it’s necessary to look past the surface of ANY story, because they listen to “the experts” rolled out by the media. I work with these people, bright, educated etc but totally credulous and uncritical of mainstream narratives … hell a guy I know in his 50’s who “gets his bloods checked” every 6 months looked at me in stunned silence the other day when I asked him, “why, do you feel sick?” He just couldn’t imagine not going to the doctor to get his next diagnosis and prescription for whatever variable they’ll determine isn’t optimum … along with his next flu shot. It’s absurd, depressing and infuriating.

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Surely it's more like 20%

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It’s Australia. Australia’s physical isolation from the rest of the world has created this & will continue to make Australians vulnerable to unscientific propaganda.

Whilst the rest of the world has moved on, many Australians are stuck in a ‘20/‘21 time warp. They are injected to their eyeballs & wear masks even driving alone in their cars (which due to visibility & oxygen intake risk should banned). Many have been too scared to travel & haven’t seen that the rest of the world had moved on.

I flew into Vietnam mid ‘22 & the difference between Australia & Vietnam were worlds apart. People gathered everywhere, families out & about, restaurants full & the only time I saw a mask was occasional motorbike drivers.

Arriving back to Australia was a time warp.

Since I’ve been to 14 other countries, all have moved on. And then there is Australia, clinging to the covid era like a life raft of validation for their gullibility & justification of horrendous treatment of unvaccinated.

Australia is a mess psychological & economically & it will take time & our voices to move them on from 2020 / 2021

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Yes, the Australian motto - "Let's do the time warp again....yeah yeah, let's do the time warp again....it's just a jab to the left....and then a mask to the face.... and when sitting in your car keep it firmly in place...bring on another PCR too ... cause it brings no shame....so let's do the time warp again. Yeah, yeah Let's do the time warp again." It certainly is a Rocky Horror Shit Show!

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LOL, I can see the video ;)

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There's no more 'physical isolation'. People jump on a 'plane & visit foreign countries almost as readily as jumping on a bus.

No. Australians have a particular type of stupid and the search for a cure is ongoing. We must not give up.

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Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness.

Werner Herzog

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I agree

We are closer to societal breakdown and savagery than many think. Of course I maybe inadvertently exaggerating too in the other direction. Hopefully we will never find out for sure

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We will find out and very soon. The immune escape killer virus will very soon emerge and kill the vaccinated by the millions. Prepare to set your clocks back 150 years.

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Maybe the people who put up the Deagal site had inside knowledge. 2025 is just around the corner and if their de-population forecast stats were anywhere near accurate, a whole lotta people gonna die...soon.

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I don’t know much about the Deagle thing. I do know about the science behind the poisoning of billions with MRNA injections that has sparked an evolutionary drive toward achieving herd immunity. All of which added up to what is a planetary gain-of-function experiment that WILL result in a virus that will kill the altered immune systems of the vaccinated. Prepare for a population like we had in the 1949s.

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'We had a great love, a great bond, but both of us planned to murder each other,' he said after the premiere at the Cannes film festival. 'Klaus was one of the greatest actors of the century, but he was also a monster and a great pestilence. Every single day I had to think of new ways of domesticating the beast.'


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I have found it interesting to watch the increasing radicalization of conservative commentators over the 4-ish years since this all started. I had the advantage of being a conspiracy theorist and an anti-vaxxer before it all started, so it took me two days to see exactly what was going on. It was a point of frustration to me that others did not. Over that time I have watched naturally conservative people insist that it is all some huge mistake, until they are simply forced to face the reality that "mistakes were not made".

All that remains, once it become abundantly clear that "mistakes were not made", is to determine who is succeeding at doing what to the human race, and just what we can do to put it right. - and that is the tricky one - how do we save the lives of the bulk of humanity, whether vaxxed or not, who are undergoing the slow genocide and who will lose their lives over the next few years? We need to be paying far more attention to what is killing people and how to fix it. Pity it has taken 4 years to get here, but have we arrived even yet? Have we actually arrived at a determination to fix the problem?

I will be dead shortly because no-one has found a solution to the slow kill (I am unvaxxed with "long covid"). And so will millions of others die soon, yet few of the conservative commentators, "respectable people", are actually addressing the slow kill genocide. How much longer do we have to wait for anyone with the necessary knowledge or skills to help us stay alive?

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There are numerous nutritional and lifestyle strategies to assist with the resolution of 'long covid' or VAIDS. I suggest you need to support cellular detox and check out the Substack for the Second smartest guy in the world for solutions.

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I have written lots of articles my self on these very things. But theories and practical actions are two different things. I am living it, which gives me a huge advantage when it comes discriminating between fact and garbage.

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What is this 'long covid' of which you speak?

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And btw, re your: 'I had the advantage of being a conspiracy theorist and an anti-vaxxer before it all started'. I've been refusing the annual flu shot like, for ever without any scientific reasoning, just a gut feeling that if I stayed healthy through diet & moderate exercise my body would take care of a dose of flu, if it came my way.

Then came the scamdemic & the massive push to 'get the vax' and I refused the doctors, State Premier, MSM and all those nice letters from d' gubermint, cajoling me to comply.

Eventually, I told my doc I was an anti-vax (muttering something about aluminum not agreeing with me) and it must have gone on my record as not a word since then. Recommended.

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It’s gone on your record all right, but not in a good way.

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Yep. And I'll accept the consequences (actually, no alternative. Present situation is a result of past actions; future circumstances result of present actions.)

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Philip, reasoning and evidence will be mentally blocked by those who wll not receive them. No amount of evidence can con vince anyone to see or hear what they refuse to. Waste of time and effort. So what to do.

It is ALL taking place in Commerce, ALL of it. So learn how Contracts work, and how as a merchant (which you are, all are) you have equal standing to ALL others including the monarch who stated publicly in his oath that he claims only to be 'first amongst equals'.

When ANYONE wants to force you to do anything, by what authority? Require they put it in writing with verifiable evidence sworn to be true ie as an Affidavit. If they will not do it they have no authpority, none, and their claims are void. It all Contract.

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Yes, it’s all contracts. I agree. But it works both ways. You’re told to wear a mask in a clinic. You refuse, and ask for proof in “…writing with verifiable evidence sworn to be true ie as an Affidavit.” However, their condition of entry is to wear a 😷… if you don’t, they refuse entry and you must leave. There is no meeting of the minds, and therefore, no contract. Now, if you can find a way of their stupidity, regarding mask wearing, costing them 💰 that might turn them. However, it’s a big indoctrination program and most people are being herded in one direction. And, after all, that’s what Phillip is ‘telling’ us he has concluded. I agree with him!

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That's right Gaz, they can refuse entry.

We have to challenge the medical 'profession' as a whole, and the 'regulator' Ahpra.

In a right world this would likely be effective.

However, we're not in a right world, the whole situation is corrupted.

It's a matter now of persisting in ways to obtain accountability.

I suggest pursuing specific individuals who are accountable.

For instance, perhaps Phillip could write to the Surgery management and ask for them to provide the evidence they're using to support their use of paper masks?

If more people carried out this sort of grass roots action, it might make an impact?

Particularly now after all the madness that has run unchecked?

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In Australia, they are not willing to challenge a Stat Dec. I wrote out a Stat Dec in 2020, saying I had medical reasons for not wearing a mask (unspecified medical reasons), signed it, got it counter-signed, folded it up and put it into a plastic lanyard. Only once in the several years I wore it everywhere, was I asked to get the piece of paper out of the lanyard so the other person could read it, and amazingly, once this woman did read it, she let me in without a mask. That is the one and only time I was challenged as it was "common knowledge" that the mandates did not stand up in law and could be construed as discrimination if forcefully applied.

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I did the same. It was easy to get mask exemptions in Australia. I told many: Family, friends, strangers. I do not know anyone else who did it though. Which only emphasizes the immense subconscious social self-censorship and compliance willingness in the general population. As soon the mandates were lifted, they all ditched the masks immediately. So hardly anyone believed they worked - but they still conformed.

And they will again. Such is our social structure and always will be as long greed and power reigns. We have been castrated, tamed and scared shirtless for millennia by the elites. Freedom of that is only possible on a personal and spiritual level.

Forget societies, democracy and politics - just shows to give us the illusion of freedom. The only freedom worth fighting for is freedom from ignorance. Facing reality as it is. Only then can we get to terms with it all and achieve fearless peace no matter what.

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In the entire period I saw one single other human being walking into the supermarket without a mask, and no-one else with a lanyard. It gave me a sense of security once I realised it was magic and I would not have to defend myself from overt attack.

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You did not see me, I NEVER wore a mask. And I was rarely challenged, only time I did was visiting my mum in hospital briefly because there was a big security guard making sure you give details and were not allowed in without full PPE gear (mask and plastic stupid covering ditched in bin as you walked out). I took off my mask when seeing my mum. They cannot make you wear one, there is no LAW, you can claim exemption without paper work.

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Not willing to say more here but the process of doing what you say is underway now in at least 10 countries. the focus though is on the whole people not one clinic or local issue. And it seems to be working. People are stepping down and though no exact prof can be shown as to why it is beyond coincidence now that the notices are part of the process. Watch for people 'suddenly surprisingly deciding to abandon a high level post, (hint almost all state premiers in the last two years perhaps?). The medical clinics btw are public access spaces, check the legislation, and we can always require they prove their authority and/or that they accept responsibility for any harms their demands may cause. They wont give either, which voids their claims and to pursue their false claims is fraud..

I do wonder why anyone will go to such a closed minded clinic expecting to get true health treatment. Last place to go anywhere near expecting a good outcome.

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Well, I'd like to learn more about this...how I have equal standing to the monarch and cannot be forced to do anything, without the enforcers' written authority and substantiated evidence.

Where's the starting point to obtain this info? (genuine q)

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Law Merchant which exists as part of Common Law though we have also been mislead on this too. Borders which are artificial contain national or state bounded Legal Systems of 'manmade' laws regularly said to be Common Law and this has a history as such national or regional laws were meant for the commoners only and not the aristocracy. These are not the truly international borderless reality of Common Law which is universal. that said ask a Law Professor if Law Merchant exists and likely they will so no it was a merchant only system in medieval times and not written down. Somewhat true except... Go to www.gov.au and find current legislation 'Bills of Exchange Act 1909' which somewhat amended is still law. In section One, Item 5 sub para 2 will be words ....Common Law including Law Merchant ... (applies). Almost word for word the same in countries of the former British Empire - in US in the UCC code in slightly different words.

As a merchant you and i can make contracts using Law Merchant principals and when set in LM as an international contract living man/woman to living man/woman, on the land (ie not maritime or admiralty law) and no court can touch it. Learn Contract law in the basic form. There is a movement successfully doing nthis now. Be careful though and know what you are doing. It is not a weapon and we must remain in honour even when dealing with criminals.

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There is huge trauma that has been deliberately created in our world that comes from the increasing downgrading of what it is to be human. Our world is antagonistic to biological life and I used to think it was coming from stupidity and greed. Which is certainly present for sure but after the last four years I also see that there is strong intention behind this philosophical shift. It goes back a long time with groups like the Fabian Society and before, which I have only just been learning about from people like Matt Ehret and Mathew Crawford. The interests that are driving all of this are misanthropic, that is they hate humanity, the 'useless eaters'. So they have created this system that creates trauma for us so that we can be controlled. MKUltra is a good example of how trauma can be inflicted in order to create 'slaves' that have no will of their own.

So that is why all of this is happening in my opinion. I'm afraid I am not going to watch Robert Malone's presentation, there are better and more trustworthy sources for this kind of information. He has not been at all consistent over the last four years and seems to be basking in being a 'hero' of the medical freedom movement. There is no doubt that intelligence services manipulate the alternative media just as they do the mainstream so you have to be as discerning as possible.

Not being critical of you Phillip, you are doing great work and I applaud your efforts to bring accountability to our public institutions. Thank you and when we do prevail, however that occurs, it will be because of people like yourself. I'm sure you are super busy but I wonder if you have ever looked at a Substack called Lies are Unbekoming? He has a prodigious output of information and book reviews that cover a big range of subjects but all with the common theme of, what else have they been lying to me about? Again, gratitude for your perseverance and care for humanity. (-:

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Great comment! Especially about Malone!

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I did not watch because I don't trust Malone. I agree there are better sources of information.

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Too true Koala!

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I find the www.stopworldcontrol.com website has some very useful free documentaries that gives the whole Convid-19 fiasco both spiritual and geo-political context. I suggest watching the Mystery of Israel Documentary. Certainly eye-opening.

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Hello again Phillip , Elizabeth and everyone

Hello again on the road less travelled...I will listen to what Robert Malone had to say , but unless he starts telling real truth and stops pushing the virus propaganda I won't hold my breath on him...

His wife's favourite people are Bill and Mellinda Gates from Hell

I bet the doctor provided bins for all the hazardous waste produced in his clinic ? yeah right

Fear fear and more fear

No imaginary virus has ever been scientifically proven to exist , it's all imaginary computer models and photoshop and computer generated images - a bit like NASA the moon and mars and the space station or anything else out there in 'Space' - sold to the highest bidder...

I appreciate a lot of busy fellow country men and women just trying to make ends meet , looking after kids and all , a lot sadly brainwashed through endless multi level propaganda and not knowing where to start asking questions or giving up on it because of too little time - but that was always one of 'their masters' goals , which we can destroy if we persist to turn their near lost hope to actual faith.

Of course the ones at dis-ease will turn to the same doctors that slow-kill them for who knows how long , until such time that they may look for a different solution. Godspeed

I salute Mike Yeadon to hit the nail on the head - 'I came to realise my entire career was a lie' !!!

And don't we all have one aha moment after the other countless times every week as we sort through rubbish and stumble blocks strewn across the path to glory - wow wow and wow

Someone's being very busy to reverse LIVE bugger off aye

Anyone contacted Interpol to lay criminal charges ??? Do you know ???

Elizabeth , will you join me to formulate said criminal charges against whoever we may see fit to be held accountable in writing ?

Accountability for crimes against humanity , terrorism , fraud , treason and murder.

I would be glad to meet along the way to deliver those charges to Interpol/Federal Police in Canberra personally , maybe we can get a million people to accompany us along the way and two million to support the charges...

Phillip ? Anyone ? EVERYONE !!!!

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"Everyone in the waiting room was wearing a paper mask."

Everyone in the waiting room was breathing in and out the same air...the same air that all of them were breathing in and out.

It their paper masks were 'protecting' them from any dangers in the air, they'd have to be preventing them from breathing at all.

Think about that people, we're all breathing in and out the same air that's been in other people...

Yes indeed Phillip, you ask "What the hell is going on?"

Maybe it's a test of critical thinking, that the medical 'profession' has failed in spades, and brought the rest of the community down with them.

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I have a few questions about Malone's Venn diagram model, combining (1) gross incompetence, (2) nefarious scheming and (3) complex systems, to produce unanticipated consequences (1+2), corruption (2+3) and arbitrary bureaucracy (1+3), with the banality of evil at the intersection of all of these.

Firstly, "unanticipated consequences" may have been plausible at the beginning, but certainly not after four years and still full steam ahead. Could anyone still believe that continued injures and deaths are "unanticipated", or regulatory failure a symptom of "gross incompetence"? You yourself, Phillip, have acknowledged that the TGA is not a collection of "incompetents". Wilful ignorance is more likely in those whose livelihoods depend on staying mum. It is even possible that, despite realising the "collateral damage", there is idealogical acquiescence or even tacit agreement in bureaucrats, doctors, nurses and the public, after years of "overpopulation" PsyOps, that a cull is "for-the-greater-good".

Secondly, Malone repeatedly refers to a form of "nefarious scheming" in which people seized upon the pandemic as an opportunity for financial gain. But what if they not only used it, but actually manufactured it, through deadly protocols, media hype and other devices to feign deaths "from Covid"? Malone himself has said that RNA viruses are replication incompetent. So how does he not say the the whole "pandemic" was a fraud? His concept of nefarious scheming falls short - is it perhaps a limited hangout?

Where in this tripartite model is the overarching historical context of the longterm plan for one world government, technocratic takeover and trans humanist agenda, and the way whole generations of children have already been psychologically prepared for decades so that they are so terrified of climate change, systems collapse, and other apocalyptic visions of the future, that they would rather just bury their brains in their smartphones?

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Relatedly-- this one's before my focus, it's from 2018, and I focus on videos from 2021-2023, but it's well to remember:

"Laurie Garrett blows the whistle on mask ineffectiveness against viral infection"

Bec D Transformation, posted February 5, 2023


RUMBLE PAGE DESCRIPTION (EXCERPT): "In 2018 Laurie Garrett The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Health Journalist Revealed The Real Purpose Of Masks"


LAURIE GARRETT: — put it in a, in a context for the whole audience. What, you know, if we today said, uh oh, it's happening. There's a really nasty bug out there and it's carrying with it tremendous virulence and it seems to be like the 2009 virus, very, very efficient at human to human transmission, then everybody is this room and all of your friends and family would want to know, how do we protect ourselves?

And that would immediately go to, what do we know about exactly, you know, how important is sneezing versus, thank you for the sound cue over here, coughing?

[audience member coughs]

[audience laughter]

How much does washing your hands matter? Ah, you know, is there any kind of mask that actually keeps this virus out? If so, where I do get, you know, 5,000 of them?

And you go on and on down the list and what you can see is, that there are practical recommendations that I'm sure everybody in this room would follow because you would for any infectious agent. You know, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you're coughing, that sort of thing. But as you get further down to real hardcore specifics, you see that there's a a tremendous amount of unknowns.

And there's only a couple of countries that have ever really done large scale studies to try and figure out what might work. Japan, it may not surprise you, is one of them. And they, in one of their large studies, they basically showed that the masks, it seemed like the major efficacy of a mask is that is causes alarm in the other person.


And so you stay away from each other. And that's what I think happened with SARS. When I was in the SARS epidemic I saw everywhere all over Asia, people wearing these masks.

And it is alarming, when you walk down a street and everyone coming towards you has a mask on, you definitely do social distancing. You definitely— it's just a gut thing.

But did the mask really help them? Did the mask keep the virus out? Almost certainly not.



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Also related-- testimony from mask expert Tammy Clark in 2021

"Two mask and respirator experts speak out"

KristenMeghanTV, September 4, 2021


RUMBLE PAGE NOTES: "Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan. Have a nearly combined 40yr experience in the fields of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety, Public Health and Industrial Hygiene. This took place at the Oakland County Commissioners meeting."


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Oakland County is in the state of Michigan, USA.

TAMMY CLARK: Tammy Clark, Rockford. I'm an occupational health and safety professional and an OSHA[1] credentialed PPE [personal protection equipment| expert. I am also a court-approved subject matter expert and an expert legal witness who has testified in front of legislative bodies and in court cases all over this nation over the past year over the science behind masks and why they do not work to stop the spread of aerosolized respiratory infectious diseases.

Those in my profession are the subject matter experts. And we are the only professionals qualified to provide guidance on pathogen protection and disease mitigation strategies that include respirators, PPE, and masks. We are the ones who sit on pandemic planning and emergency response boards, and we are the ones who provide guidance to hospital systems and and government agencies.

The traditional multidisciplinary approach to pandemic response was completely ignored with covid 19 and for the first time when dealing with a pandemic the professionals who manage pandemic response plans were left off covid task forces.

At the federal level we have one man calling the shots, Dr. Fauci. A man who is not credentialed to speak on disease mitigation strategies, pandemic response, or PPE.

Those in my profession are the subject matter experts, and we are the only ones qualified to provide guidance on pathogen protection. Doctors have an amazing skill, we work with them on a daily basis, however, they are not credentialed to speak on pathogen protection, PPE, masks, or any protective factors, unless they are occupational doctors.

Doctors and health care workers have limited knowledge about PPE. In fact they only know what those— they only know about their own PPE and masks because of professionals like us who train them.

Doctors heal. Those in my career field, industrial hygiene, occupational and environmental health and safety professionals, protect. When doctors speak as experts on PPE and protective factors they are guilty of malpractice. We all need to stay in our lanes.

Many doctors have been speaking on the health hazards associated with prolonged mask wearing. There are many of them here. You are going to hear from them. We need to listen to them because they are seeing this on a first hand basis. Many of these doctors, occupational doctors, are in my field,

and they also prescribe protective factors, in addition to treating patients.

Second, what immanent danger? Show me what these mandates are based on.

If you're going to mandate mask mandates based on immanent danger, then the burden of proof is on you to prove it. Children have a nearly 100% survival rate from covid 19 and there is not one documented case of child to adult transmission worldwide. So where's the imminent danger? You cannot provide proof, yet you have created a greater hazard and put our children at risk of physical, emotional, mental,and social harm. That is criminal.

And nobody should be complying with these unhealthy, illegal, and unscientifically supported mandates.

At the state level, government bureaucrats who have no expertise in these agencies that they are overseeing are dictating mandates on us with absolutely zero science or [time alarm sounds] data to back them up. I know because I have FOIA'ed[2] the science that Dr. Gordon was relying on, and

he provided two—

MALE VOICE: Ma'am, Ma'am, Wrap up your comments.

TAMMY CLARK: — unscientific opinion fact, fact-checked pieces. Thank you very much.

MALE VOICE: Thank you very much.



#   #   #


[1] Occupational health and Safety Administration https://www.osha.gov/

[2] FOIA, Freedom of Information Act. Clark refers to having made a request for information from the government under the FOIA. "The basic function of the Freedom of Information Act is to ensure informed citizens, vital to the functioning of a democratic society."— Source: https://www.foia.gov/

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One more: -- Ha! The YT videos have since been removed

Stephen Petty, Certified Industrial Hygienist, Testifies Before the New Hampshire State Senate

From a clip of industrial hygienist Stephen Petty testifying before the New Hampshire State Senate Health and Human Services posted on YT. About 15 minutes total.


The clip is taken from from the over 4 hour long hearing that was lived- streamed on March 30, 2022, in which Stephen Petty appears at 2:17:34 .

You can find that original source here:




STEPHEN PETTY: My name is Stephen Petty. I'm a certified industrial hygienist, certified safety professional, professional engineer. I've been working 45 years in the field of health and safety. I spent my entire life trying to protect workers and the public from toxins, I've sampled for anthrax, biotoxins, the whole list. I've been in over 400 cases named with respect to exposure control and exposure and PPE [personal protective equipment]. And most recently I testified in the state of Kentucky, and a result of my testimony the mask mandate was overturned statewide.

So let me introduce the topic of industrial hygiene. Industrial hygiene is not well understood by many. We have a lot of physicians talking about industrial hygiene, it's not their field. Industrial hygiene is the science and art devoted to anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control of environmental factors and stressors that can cause you to be sick, make you feel bad, or even kill you. And I've testified 400 times in those sorts of cases.

The problem is that we have a lot of physicians talking about things like that, and they be perfectly talented folks, but it's not their sandbox. When I'm in trials we have a physician that talks about the disease, and I talk about exposure and exposure control and PPE.

The last physician, that talked earlier, I'm here to show you that every statement he made is false.





(6:32) The problem is, you cannot seal a mask by definition. A mask that seals is a respirator.

(6:49) In industrial hygiene, we don't look at solutions that do a little bit of good, that might help 1% of the people. We have a requirement that if we're going to provide a solution that helps the public, it better have at least a 90% relative risk reduction.

How would you feel if I walked in and I said to asbestos workers, "Let's put you in a mask, it might save 1% of you from asbestosis, but the other 99% will get it." I think I would lose all my licenses.

And by the way, asbestos fiber on average is 50 times larger than a covid particle and we have very high end respirators, PAPRs, that are used to protect asbestos workers. And I'm certified in protecting asbestos workers.

So, why in the world would you take a 1% solution when you need 90% when we have solutions like ventilation destruction and filtration that do meet that 90% requirement from industrial hygiene?

The other thing you hear about all the time is on page 12, you see the top, let's move on to N-95s. As I just said, we wouldn't even use an N95 for asbestos workers. But here's a study by Shaw et al that shows even for N95 where you glue it onto a board, and that's where most of these mask studies were done, they literally glue the mask onto a mannequin or a board.

Now do you glue your mask on your face? Of course not. So what happens, when it's not, so if it's glued on, they say well it has 43% effectiveness. What if you put a gap on it? Three percent effectiveness. And that's the real world.

So about masks, on page 13. On January 2, 2022 Scott Gottlieb, FDA Commissioner, on Face the Nation spilled the beans, he said basically masks don't work.

I've been putting real engineering controls in real schools for two years. You can imagine, as somebody who spent his whole life defending workers in toxic [?] trials and the public, how infuriating it is to see people propose solutions that cannot and do not work.

He admitted it.

We also had CDC file an admit on January 14 of 2022, well, these masks aren't very effective, so let's move to N95s. I said, no, no, no, no, let's move to engineering controls.

If you follow the CDC guidance, I said, what science changes its position 180 degrees in two years? Masks, no masks, masks, no masks. No science does that.

The other thing I want to point out is, on the bottom of page 15, and I wrote a 27 page letter to the CDC in February complaining about this, as well as to Fauci and the White House. Along with eight other industrial hygiene folks.

They say, well, we want to put children in N95s, and then they link you to the manufacturers' websites, including 3M. What does 3M say about N95s and children?


And now also they say, well, as soon as you go to masks, you have got to start following respiratory protection standards which has all sorts of requirements. You can't just hand somebody an N95 and not incur a lot of liability if you don't ensure that they're fit-tested, that they're medically cleared to wear it, that they've been trained on how to wear it, and they've been trained on how to replace it.

So, on the bottom of page 16, we have industrial hygiene, as I said before, what we call the hierarchy of controls. Everybody agrees with this. The most effective hierarchy is engineering controls. The least effective would be personal protective equipment or PPE. And PPE for respiratory protection is respirators because you can seal respirators.

Now why are respirators on the bottom of the barrel for controlling hazards? Because they don't get worn right. You put somebody in, we know this from decades of doing this, you put a respirator on somebody for eight hours a day, they're going to break that seal. Guarantee it, it's not going to get worn right.

Well the interesting thing is, masks don't even fit in the hierarchy. They're below it. They're not even part of it.

Again, engineering controls is the solution.

Now what about damaged children? There's a lots and lots of data on this.



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Stephen Petty's podcast is Petty Podcast https://rumble.com/c/PettyPodcasts

He is founder of EES Group, Inc. http://eesgroupinc.us/about/

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Why wear it? I refuse and sit outside if necessary. From now on though, any lunatics engaging in this farce will be left for other clinics or whatever.

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It’s usually the Practice Manager ‘Karen’ holding everyone else hostage. I’ve seen this and the Doctors themselves don’t wear masks. It’s ridiculous.

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The unknowing are the worst tyrants, the buly who frightens the rest. They can be asked politely to put the evidence of any claim of authority in writing swearing it ot be true or they do not have any.

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CS Lewis said the "do gooders" those that REALLY want to help may be the worst type of authoritarian because they never tire believing that they are saving mankind.

Somebody else (I think) said the fascism will enter the US under the guise of anti fascism. I see that with Antifa

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Yes, especially at the Dentist....what a farce!

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My Drs receptionist has given up asking me to wear a mask. I simply told her a few years back that I am exempt and she didn’t ask further. They’re often just doing as they’re instructed to do.

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So were the Waffen SS…

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There’s no contagious virus it’s toxeamia cells that are dying cause of being poisoned see Dr Thomas Cowan, Dr Bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman .. our bodies are reacting to toxins in environment or entering our bodies it’s like kids after eating lollies and junk at a party, adults have hangover from junk and toxins from alcohol, emf 5g, medicines or vaccines, Chemtrails aluminium, barium and sulphuric salts causing respiratory illnesses…. we are not grounding and connecting our feet to the ground to stop our blood cells from clotting… defiencies of magnesium, zinc, vit C, D to combat a strong body to block these toxins no viruses it’s a scamdemic by bigpharma

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Agree with all four comments MOK78

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