
Yes, they are not incompetent. This is a real worry. If it was just incompetence it would be easy to fix - just sack them.

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A memorable day with so much information. Thank you Phillip.

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Well done Phillip for increasing awareness to the Community of the hideous, disgusting and appalling behaviour of these creatures - (certainly cannot call them humans!)

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If they are human, they are doing this for money, blackmail, or satan. If for satan, then they are satanists! Illuminati/freemasons, and any variant of these.

No matter what, (if they are human), God Himself will judge them. Just a wild guess, but I think they will be sent to hell where they will be in eternal agony. A fitting end (that never ends-eternity!), don’t you think, for the agony they have inflicted on others.

Oh, they should be punished under human law of course, I can think of a few big houses that will have them, but that’s on the taxpayer. Maybe we can play Russian roulette with the covid vaxes on them in the meantime.

Please, I mean no disrespect to anybody who has been injured, or to families who have lost loved ones to these atrocious injections, past, present or future. I just think the whole thing has been so terrible.

And Australia has pledged $100 million to WHO, for more of these things? Shocking. Albanese and Penny Wong, we know what you’ve done wrong!

Australia exit the WHO, now!!! Pass it on……

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Well said!!

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Not just TGA but ALL major Regulators with prior (dwindling) reputations to maintain. This is just another aspect that points to a globally-coordinated conspiracy. We don't yet demonstrably know who did the coordination and why - although we can make intelligent guesses by connecting dots.

And the dots that I connect point strongly to a military operation as the only possible explanation for all of the global "coincidences" we saw in the response to the "pandemic", including the use of EUA under a "Health emergency" which allowed the bypass of most of the usual Regulatory hurdles.

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A superb presentation Dr Altman. Yesterday the results on the investigation into the infected blood scandal in the UK was published. Reading the conclusions shows that nothing has been learnt since that disaster.

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What was that Iain? Do you have a link or where it can be found? I guess I can look it up! The Expose-news may have it.

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Thank you Dr Phillip for a concise summary of the total failure of regulatory agencies that we once trusted. Although when they recommended the shot for pregnant women my trust was shot completely. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I knew then I would not be taking the shot.

You also showed how our legislators had changed the laws surrounding approval of a new drug. In other words our Govt cannot be trusted because they aided and abetted this travesty against humanity. We need to get these laws changed back to safety levels that are currently abandoned as a priority.

Thank you again for using your qualifications and work history to be a beacon of truth in an appallingly dishonest situation.

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There’s no contagion this” virus” germ theory is false look at with Dr Thomas Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman cells are exposed to toxins the “virus” has not been isolated. Prof Edward Steel Aust when covid came out we were exposed by atmosphere which really is poisons in our food, water (fluoride) air emf radiation (Chemtrails aluminium and Sulfur to block sun ) look up we are seeing aircraft not in flight radar cross crossing our skies doco https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uJs_NKWzsT4 and https://rumble.com/v4jxhfu-under-the-weather-full-length-geoengineering-documentary.html

When my daughter inhaled smoke from fire pit used pallet wood may have been sprayed she had cough for weeks… when I have yeast foods I cough for weeks it’s not a virus

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An excellent summary of everything we have known or suspected. Thank you for your efforts in making this information available to everyone.

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More honest Experts are finding courage to speak out against the mass-murder instigated by the 'authorities' under the guise of a man-modified disease that was created to destroy humanity as we knew it (pre-2019).

Bird Flu is currently being experimented on to maximise it's harmful/deadly impact on humans. This will justify another dangerous pretend 'vax' that will cause injuries and deaths to all who are injected. Hey Presto = the next 'scamdemic' = lockdowns, mandated injections, cancelled elections, loss of FREEDOM = more World Economic Forum dominance = their New World Order!

Don't follow the science = Don't trust Big Pharma and Governments that promote the man-modified Bird Flu which they are being experimenting with to maximise it's impact on humans = thereby justifying another, highly profitable, pretend 'vax' that has been designed to cause injuries and deaths and more long term vaxxed illnesses. to all who 'followed the science' and got injected.

Unjabbed Mick! (I'll live longer)

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Excellent presentation. Sincerely and appreciatively Thank You Dr. Altman.

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What happened to the TGA?

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Phillip: "Prior to the COVID pandemic, Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), was highly regarded internationally for its rigorous application of the most stringent international standards of drug quality, safety and efficacy."

So apparently something happened, and quickly.

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This should have been obvious to all doctors from the very start.

What on earth happened tom the profession.

Is it because in a welfare state you can't expect professional standards?

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No. We Brits used to be very proud of the NHS. It produced people like John Campbell.

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