They always have done, the science, data and studies have been there the whole time. So has the silencing, shelving of studies, and campaigns for vaccine benefits were smoldering. Vaccines have always absolutely made no sense and have certainly been proven to cause harm, long term disease, slow onset of disease, and in most cases have no logical method of protecting you if you follow the flaws in the science. The facts are there, the agenda has always been bigger

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Depop. National and International Policy and doing a Plan B.


From the Harvard Law Review of the Stockholm Declaration. This is what the USA wanted...from the footnotes, the "delegation of the United States further stated that regardless of their population

density, all countries had to give due regard to population growth." Gee, Kissinger was National Security Advisor at that time. So who would push

such a reawakened eugenics agreement to be adopted with the Stockholm Declaration. It was Kissinger who got Nixon to China and it was welcomed into the UN and signed on to the Stockholm Declaration

Kissinger also had hid while getting Nixon to sign off the USA policy to work on the depop of the global south with NSSM200. Fast forward

by 1994 the UN had the Cairo Plan.

In September 1994, the UN International Conference on Population and Development met in Cairo, Egypt, and agreed on a strategy for stabilizing the world's population at 7.27 billion no later than 2015.

The 20 year "program of action" accepted by over 150 countries aims to avoid population growth and environmental consequences of that growth.

Called "the Cairo Plan", the plan first discounts the term "population control" (emphasizing coercive means and quotas) and instead (for the first time) gives support for policies that give women greater control over their lives, promotes economic equality and opportunity and giving them a greater voice in reproduction decisions.


Question. As one who studied as I did Human Cultural Geography and Political Geography and Economic Geography. what would nations colluding from their seats at UN do if the population figures shot up to 8 billion? Would most national leaders agree to work Plan B because as they say in climate talks "There is no Planet B"? Would it now be emphasizing coercive means and quotas? Or would you run a plandemic and let those with little discernment or those who Kissinger noted "useless eaters" willingly take one for "the team", "the overpopulated planet", the man who never treated a Covid-19 patient proclaiming he was the embodiedment of "The Science", a narcissitic President running a live exercise in "Warp Speed", a paid to lie "Rhodes scholar" talking dumb stuff MSM head. Oh and I almost forgot, there was coercion to take those shots and censorship and more, wasn't there?

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No vaccine has ever been proven to work, they do not prevent disease rather they cause disease. A "dis - ease" within the body due to the poison being injected. You only have to look at the ingredients.

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I believe Denis has clarified his current take on the "17 million" figure in this article: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/did-the-c19-vaccine-kill-17-million

Since the mRNA platform is being pushed as a way to replace most conventional vaccines, the past vaccine harms are now superseded by a new threat: the real battle is to demonstrate that the act of injecting RNA coding for a foreign protein inside a lipid nanoparticle intramuscularly (transfection) is in itself harmful, with or without the current DNA contamination issue and all the trimmings (spike, SV40 promoter, etc). Researchers should be focusing on the mechanisms and immune sequelae of transfection, not just the "spike" and the DNA issue, because the gene-therapy-vaccine pushers can always claim to have "cleaned up" the latter.

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Thank you for posting this study - it has been out for years, yet only now starting to see the light of day. They have been killing and maiming us for decades. There is no doubt in my mind this is what so-called 'vaccines' are designed to do. When you eat and breathe, the mucosal surface protects the user (to a large extent). Injection by passes the mucosal protection, so you have to be very sure what is being injected is not physically poisonous (think heavy metals), or a spiritual abomination (think other species tissue, think abortion proceeds). Surely out of everything this is a superior way to weaken the peasants. And the concept of a virus was created to allow for these all important injectable poisons.

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After 40 yrs as a nurse and midwife …..My take on all of this is that Vaccines and Gene 🧬 Therapies cause chronic illness and disease until proven otherwise 🥹🙏

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My favorite parts of Covid:


The zoo was closed today.

So we went to the airport and threw peanuts at the tourists wearing masks.

My five year old wanted to bring one home and watch ‘em swing from the hanging tire.

My wife had to explain that they shit everywhere.

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Dr Stanley Plotkin appears to be a psychopath who quite happily admits that no true safety studies have been done for any childhood injections. Just this week I heard the appalling story of an 8 year old boy who was jabbed with Pfizer for Covid. His mother is devastated. This little boy, who already had Down’s syndrome, had developed autism and ADHD, now is afflicted with Graves’ disease. It is very very unusual for a male, let alone a little boy, to get this autoimmune condition which is incurable. Poor little child is now suffering from the medication he has been prescribed. His hands have swollen, and are painful and itchy. He can’t sleep and is crying all night every night. I feel so sad for those parents. They believed they were doing the best thing for their child, and now he is suffering even more. When will this stop!?

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Similar to the "Climate Experts" who are so obsessed by the cult they belong to that the suffering of mankind by a collapse in the economy and an increase in poverty/decline in living standards is of no consequence to them?

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While the corporate for profit private shareholder business 'person' a legal term for corporations and businesses may have been giver 'immunity from prosecution' within the national legal systems in many if not most nations, the men and women acting in positions of influence within these corporations, the CEO, CFO, COO etc. roles and down many layers, AND the medical industry people mandating, enforcing, promoting, distributing, and injecting these chemicals ARE LIABLE in LAW for all harms caused. Done properly no court within a legal system can interfere, block or negate this Lawful Liability of the individuals who do harm. No actors performing the functions of government, no parliament can block or negate a Lawful Liability correctly written and presented..

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Nothing seems to change. I hope one day somebody will be held accountable. Preferably the medical staff and employers who went along with it. Allopathic medicine has always been harmful.

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Actually many people worldwide are doing exactly what I am talking about. I have 16 contracts regarding liability for harms caused by vaccines of all types with significant growing financial compensation liability involved in each. I am only one of several thousands.

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It's encouraging to hear.

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All existing vaccines as well as all future novel injectable products require rigorous review and safety testing that includes toxicologic assessments to confirm whether or not the cumulative effects of adjuvants pose a risk to health in the long term. Considering the frequency and diversity of components of US childhood vaccination "care" programs it is quite possible that such accumulations may produce adverse undesirable reactions within the immune and neurological systems. Long term pre-marketing safety and efficacy testing and long term post-marketing observational studies are essential to resolve questions relating to efficacy and safety of all medical products, not just vaccines.

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Its actually much simpler. No Vax and No Quax (mRNA) is either safe or effective.

All are harmful...

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In medicinal terms, the new 'mRNA vaccines', (depopulating injections') appeared unbelievably quickly following the deliberate release of Fauci-designed Covid! Less than a year is impossible.

My hunch is the 'System' created both depopulating agents simultaneously and probably in the same laboratories. It was a New World Order's depopulation Plan - not 'a disease' and 'a cure'!

Furthermore, the dictionary description for the word 'vaccine' had to be dramatically altered in order to enable the crackpot vax makers to qualify as a 'vaccine'. Before mRNA injections were described as a 'vaccine', such a medical process included parts/remnants of the relevant disease.

NO LIABILITY tells you all you need to know about how UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE these poisonous injections really are. The makers don't want to go bankrupt with lawsuits!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) You'll live longer by avoiding all mRNA poisons offered by CORRUPT medics!

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Most new vaccine studies use a control arm comprising an older version of the same vaccine. Ask yourself, why would they do that instead of using a placebo arm in a CRT study? Technology has improved and moved on over the decades but a placebo is still a placebo. The only possible justification for doing so is either a) they are deliberately trying to conceal the SAEs or b) they believe it would be "unethical" to use a placebo arm in a study they know the active arm is dangerous. Either way.....

Isn't that a bit like, for instance, comparing the death rate per 1000 car crashes in 1930 as a control for the same thing in 2024? That clearly makes no sense, right?

Except to our dear vaccinologists. Turtles all the way down.

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Why are they Poisoning the Herd?

Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.

And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.

Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.

I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.

The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.

We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.

Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?

Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.

Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.

All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.

Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?

You are Expendable

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.

They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.

Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.


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WE need to do something about this. Gov’t at all levels won’t help.

Please read this substack article, in which Peter Dutton is hung out to dry (so corrupt), and how politicians & other gov’t people are compromised by a drug, and child trafficking photos etc- this is why they won’t help.

Read the link that says “BLACKMAIL DRUG” it’s so informative. It looks long, but it’s a normal substack article-we need to see what is going on! https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/unveiling-the-global-governance-con?utm_source=substack&publication_id=1113275&post_id=151842624&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&isFreemail=true&r=22lupr&triedRedirect=true

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My feeling is that at some time in the distant future (very distant future due to vested interests involved), vaccination as it is currently understood, will go the way of blood-letting or the four humours.

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except that there is very good reason to blood let on occasion and the 4 humors have some merit.

All vaxs and quaxs are harmful. That day in the future may not be so far away. Big P and the Medical cartel are quaking...

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The last page shared is from the emergency use use PCR manual where they ADMIT THEY HAVE NO VIRUS!

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Yes this is from the Pfizer safety study they tried to hide for 75 years.

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