My experience of shedding from the covid vaccine. I didn’t believe shedding was a real thing until 2021. Glyphosate and paraquat are two herbicides that people use to get rid of weeds. I can detect an open bottle of glyphosate in 5 meters and paraquat in 20. Not by smell but a strange taste in my mouth. To my shock and horror the very first person I knew who got the c-19 vaccine was a first responder. The same taste in my mouth formed . To put it simply it’s like eating fly spray.
As the number of people got jabbed rose during 2021. I became quite itchy. Then at work three people walked in and I could literally feel what ever was coming off them as a kind of pressure. For the first time in my life I felt faint and my blood pressure drop. I actually needed the bench to stop myself from falling over. Luckily they left and I was ok.
Finally my wife was required to have the jab, I protested my concerns. But she trusted the science. That first night I woke up next to her with an incredible head ache, a small blood nose and wanting to dry reach into the toilet. I was forced to sleep in the spare bedroom for a further 18 months until whatever was shedding off her came down to Torrance levels.
Still today 4 years later the world tastes like fly spray. I cannot believe we did this to ourselves.
I am under the impression that a gene therapy must be teated for shedding and when you look at the safety protocol pfizer put in place......
Shedding safety protocol from the Pfizer clinical trial -
"Inhalation or skin contact" was the exact wording in Pfizer's clinical trial protocol document (linked below). Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
For some reason, one phenomenon that the "shedding" crowd appears to avoid discussing is that the female menstrual cycle is under pheromone control. Speaking as a molecular/cell biologist, I find it much easier to conceive biologically that any interpersonal menstrual effects of the vaccine are due to disruption of human female pheromonal signalling rather than some mysterious transmission of the "vaccine" or the spike protein (in quantities that must be extremely limited). Problem is, while we know that pheromonal control of human female menstruation exists, we know very little about it. So someone needs to do some controlled experimentation with the "vaccines" but who on Earth would ever want to be injected with them now? So this discussion regarding the reality of "shedding" will go on in the absence of any solid scientific evidence and reach mythic proportions IMO but we will never have much of an answer as to what is happening.
And another problem is that, by labelling this phenomenon "shedding", one has already pre-supposed a mechanism for the interpersonal effect phenomenon and locked us into a blinkered debate regarding what could be going on. It is just poor science all round!
I'll suggest that the more likely culprit is coming from the sky but it seems no one wants to know anything about what is happening above them or any of the US DoD Patents linked to 'aerosolised chemical spraying' 'aerosolised nano technology' or even Bill Gates' GMO Mosquito's and 'aerosolised vaccines'
I guess it's just another crazy conspiracy theory to most people;
Conspiracy Theory; Just like the 'weather' at the moment, if you don't like it, wait 10 minutes.
And, even with all the documented evidence about US DoD, DARPA and BARDA being 100% involved with all things SARS-2, everyone seems quite content with the 'wuhan lab leak' nonsense that Congress is quite happy to run with now after nearly 2 years of denying even that...just blame China; Everyone hates China 'cos we tell 'em to!
I am convinced my heart issues, both A-fib and A-flutter, are a result of shedding. I can't prove it, of course, but I had never had any issues before everyone started getting jabbed. I have had 3 ablations and 2 cardioversions and think things are finally under control. It infuriates me that the makers of this poison knew EXACTLY what they were doing. I'm equally furious that so many people fell for the lies or were coerced into injecting themselves with these clot shots.
I think it is. I saw a post on someone who claimed he was unvaxxed and that he had had a test to ascertain his spike protein levels. This has been my big question all along. How can we test if it is true and if we have been affected?
Sadly i lost the post before i could ask what the test is. Despite this, i noticed i got sick as soon as i spent time with recently vaxxed people when the started the vaxxine rollout started and ever since, so something is definitely going on IMO.
However, the spike protein is being argued by JJ Couey to be a furphy. There was no novel coronavirus, no bat soup, and no lab leak. All the damage is by transfection, toxicity, and induced autoimmunity. Thus, ‘shedding’ becomes a complete red herring.
Will read up but if true then y idea is valid. The unvaxxed will have no traces. I do suspect shedding is a thing though. I began to get certain symptoms immediately the vaxx was rolled out when spending time with the vaxxed and still do. Coincidence?
I am a massage therapist, so I have full contact with clients skin with my hands and forearms for at least an hour. My first experience was with a nurse who had been injected the day before.
Her first comment was as if thinking out loud ; I don’t know what is going on with my daughter’s cycle.
The next day I commenced heavy bleeding for a few weeks. I also had a rash on my neck hairline and down my spine.
I did not have a cold but developed an asthma like cough which progressively got worse. It felt like a long Covid cough and kept me up at night coughing for several months.
I had a few other people who had been jabbed over these next few weeks and was always sicker when massaging jabbed people.
The following year when boosters were rolled out the same thing happened again.
The third year after going overseas and also a few more boosted clients I had the same thing for a couple of months.
My best friend of over forty years, who lived in Western Australia, was never vaccinated. She lived in a small regional community and, prior to the forceful exclusion of unvaccinated individuals from every day life in that state, she was in close contact with other women, all of whom were vaccinated. She attended a seniors’ gym with them, enjoyed coffee and lunch and other social outings with them, attended a writers’ group, and sat on committees with them. Very soon after the vaccines began to be administered she began having menstrual bleeds… she was a post-menopausal, vibrant, healthy 74 year old. She did not have a GP or any existing medical conditions, she took no pharmaceuticals. When she was permitted to socialise again, it was with the same group of people - all of whom were receiving boosters as they became available. In May 2024, my friend began experiencing fatigue and back pain. She was still bleeding. None of these conditions improved. By early August, the pain in her back was unrelenting. She lost her appetite and a lot of weight very suddenly. She dropped from 64kg to 52kg. She consulted a GP and, on September 6th, had a CT scan of her lower back. On September 9th, she was found dead on her bathroom floor. She was 77 years old. Upon autopsy, which was conducted by way of a full body scan due to the provision of the report on the scan taken on September 6th, she was found to have systemic cancer. Her cause of death was a heart attack. I believe my friend was made ill and died due to contact with her group of vaccinated friends and acquaintances.
I am so sorry to hear about your long time friend who died alone. We all have so many stories, but to be fair, any post menopausal bleeding needs immediate investigation as this is very often associated with cancer, together with sudden and unexpected weight loss with associated back pain, it's sadly, actually classic text book profile. It's very sad how many friends, previously well, have died with various ailments. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
My mother passed from endometrial cancer in 2018, prior to the vaccine. Her horrible medical treatment was one of many reasons I NEVER got that death shot as I explained over and over to the brainwashed fools that "trusted the science". When you are a 78 year old woman bleeding, receiving messages to stop bleeding, the specialist scheduled her for surgery 2 months later (now she's 79) because of his "vacation". Is that part of protocol?
I always got headaches and fatigue after various social events and having my friend and her 90 something mother and aide in my car. After 3x of this in the summer of '21, I had to stop doing these social events. I enjoyed eating outdoors even when it was colder for the fresh air. Shedding is real.
Do you remember when there was a mouse plague in Victoria a couple of years ago, prior to Covid? Farmers were reporting that the mice were so prolific they were running around their bedrooms and literally over their faces. When they made a potion which they administered to just a few mice, these mice were able to infect and kill the others. It was the first time I had heard of such a thing, shedding. It worked very well on the mice plague. I remember finding that a chilling development.
That wasn't shedding; Mice, being mice, hump like no tomorrow; They are also all over each other with saliva from their noses; That is how they infect one another
It works just like the caliche 'virus' does with rabbit infects 20 more rabbits due to their near constant humping and sniffing each other.
Shedding or some sort of interaction does seem to occur. I am 60yo female. Never vax. However my situation is to do with transferring some sort of preventative 'shedding'. We came to this conclusion when I met my partner 25 years ago, he was always sick, and vax to the hilt as he use to be in the army, STOPPED getting sick. After a few years being together we use to joke about it. He would only get sick when he had to leave town for work. My partner is rarely sick to this day.
About 10 years ago, a new person started at my work and she was sick alot. We ended up on a project together and became besties. She too STOPPED getting sick for the whole 7 years we worked together.
I noticed my adult children when they live with me at various times are totally fine. When they live independently (away from me), they get everything thats going around, to the point my son started getting the flu shots and my daughter was going to get her tonsils out hoping that would stop her from getting tonsilitis all the time. I've only just started being health conscious, so it had nothing to do with what I was feeding them lol.
I have lots of experiences when I look back over my past. And now the vax shedding. I thought that I was in danger of being shed on. But it never happened to me. I still noticed that people who work closely with me on a daily basis, dont get sick, even though they were vax. While many many others at work were off sick.
Is that shedding? I don't know. And anyway the problem is, the people get sick when not living or in daily close proximity with me. So theres probably no benefit to finding out.
Thanks for your hard work. Its very much appreciated by many of us. Kind regards Stansy
It has indeed John and the medical establishment will not sign peoples notices to the administration that any blood they are given is not contaminated with mRNA nor will they allow 'pure bloods' to provide their own supply.
For me it's real. I'm not vaxxed (injected with bioweapon). I sat next to a person at dinner who had just had a C19 booster. That night I woke up with severe hives all over my lower body. Never had it previously. Kept me up all night but by morning it had gone. I put it down to shedding.
I have grappled with the concept of shedding in terms of I believe it happens - I just fail to understand how. Particularly as person-to-person viral transmission has never been clinically proven (a fact which rocked my world) The most plausible theory I have heard to date is that 'virus' particles that can been seen microscopically are just cellular waste or junk, cast out by the cell in response to 'insult' or damage. In theory, it is possible that the injections damage the cellular membrane potential. As we all emit electro-magnetic frequencies (with the heart emitting a measurable frequency up to 1.5 metres) I suspect 'shedding' is a result of frequency interference. And yes, in the early days of the roll-out, when I was permitted back in civil society I often felt extremely tired/run down/sore throat when mingling with the super vaccinated.
I do belive in shedding and believe I was impacted by shedding from vaccinated colleagues.
By way of background, I decided the COVID shots were not for me as I had had a reaction to vaccines when I went to South America in 2005 - yellow fever and rabies - which resulted in a prolonged fatigue response (not too bad but noticable) and then later I became electrohypersensitive (EHS) with a particular sensitivity to digitally pulsed electromagnetic radiation (noting I think my EHS is independent of the vaccines and became apparent as we transition to the 3G network which saw introduction of smart phones and at the same time Wi-Fi became commonplace in homes and offices). My integrative medicine doctor described my case as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) exacerbated by man-made electromagnetic radiation and fields. An excellent case study on my case has been published in the ACNEM Journal but this article is NOT free access sadly: Bandara P, Hunter J. Case study: could electromagnetic hypersensitivity be exacerbating this case of chronic fatigue syndrome? (ACNEM Journal Vol 39 No 3).
I now work in a fern nursery as I cannot tolerate the ubiquitious wireless networks in workplaces and if I am too close to a mobile phone base station (MPBSs) I become ill. There is no Wi-Fi and radiation from MPBSs is negligible as the nursery site is in a bit of a black spot.
I became ill each time multiple people at the nursery were being boosted (for COVID). Prior to that, when everyone was being vaccinated in the first big push my menstrual cycle shifted by 2 weeks - the same happened to another unvaccinated friend - and my period was heavier than normal.
I'm super glad I wasn't working in high digital radiation loads as I wonder if this would have made it worse for me.
Dr Altman,
My experience of shedding from the covid vaccine. I didn’t believe shedding was a real thing until 2021. Glyphosate and paraquat are two herbicides that people use to get rid of weeds. I can detect an open bottle of glyphosate in 5 meters and paraquat in 20. Not by smell but a strange taste in my mouth. To my shock and horror the very first person I knew who got the c-19 vaccine was a first responder. The same taste in my mouth formed . To put it simply it’s like eating fly spray.
As the number of people got jabbed rose during 2021. I became quite itchy. Then at work three people walked in and I could literally feel what ever was coming off them as a kind of pressure. For the first time in my life I felt faint and my blood pressure drop. I actually needed the bench to stop myself from falling over. Luckily they left and I was ok.
Finally my wife was required to have the jab, I protested my concerns. But she trusted the science. That first night I woke up next to her with an incredible head ache, a small blood nose and wanting to dry reach into the toilet. I was forced to sleep in the spare bedroom for a further 18 months until whatever was shedding off her came down to Torrance levels.
Still today 4 years later the world tastes like fly spray. I cannot believe we did this to ourselves.
Thank you for letting me share.
I am under the impression that a gene therapy must be teated for shedding and when you look at the safety protocol pfizer put in place......
Shedding safety protocol from the Pfizer clinical trial -
"Inhalation or skin contact" was the exact wording in Pfizer's clinical trial protocol document (linked below). Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.
For some reason, one phenomenon that the "shedding" crowd appears to avoid discussing is that the female menstrual cycle is under pheromone control. Speaking as a molecular/cell biologist, I find it much easier to conceive biologically that any interpersonal menstrual effects of the vaccine are due to disruption of human female pheromonal signalling rather than some mysterious transmission of the "vaccine" or the spike protein (in quantities that must be extremely limited). Problem is, while we know that pheromonal control of human female menstruation exists, we know very little about it. So someone needs to do some controlled experimentation with the "vaccines" but who on Earth would ever want to be injected with them now? So this discussion regarding the reality of "shedding" will go on in the absence of any solid scientific evidence and reach mythic proportions IMO but we will never have much of an answer as to what is happening.
And another problem is that, by labelling this phenomenon "shedding", one has already pre-supposed a mechanism for the interpersonal effect phenomenon and locked us into a blinkered debate regarding what could be going on. It is just poor science all round!
I'll suggest that the more likely culprit is coming from the sky but it seems no one wants to know anything about what is happening above them or any of the US DoD Patents linked to 'aerosolised chemical spraying' 'aerosolised nano technology' or even Bill Gates' GMO Mosquito's and 'aerosolised vaccines'
I guess it's just another crazy conspiracy theory to most people;
Conspiracy Theory; Just like the 'weather' at the moment, if you don't like it, wait 10 minutes.
And, even with all the documented evidence about US DoD, DARPA and BARDA being 100% involved with all things SARS-2, everyone seems quite content with the 'wuhan lab leak' nonsense that Congress is quite happy to run with now after nearly 2 years of denying even that...just blame China; Everyone hates China 'cos we tell 'em to!
Yes blame China and ignore the evil at home.
Good reason why there's a blanket ban by 'western media' about the Chinese unless of course it is to dis-credit them
People need to start asking themselves: What Sovereign lands has China invaded with Military Force for the last century or so?
Is it the fault of China when 'western leaders' sell their souls and the peoples wealth to China?
Or is that too much like 'radical thinking' because we can clearly see how much all the 'western leaders' love the people they apparently represent...
I am convinced my heart issues, both A-fib and A-flutter, are a result of shedding. I can't prove it, of course, but I had never had any issues before everyone started getting jabbed. I have had 3 ablations and 2 cardioversions and think things are finally under control. It infuriates me that the makers of this poison knew EXACTLY what they were doing. I'm equally furious that so many people fell for the lies or were coerced into injecting themselves with these clot shots.
I think it is. I saw a post on someone who claimed he was unvaxxed and that he had had a test to ascertain his spike protein levels. This has been my big question all along. How can we test if it is true and if we have been affected?
Sadly i lost the post before i could ask what the test is. Despite this, i noticed i got sick as soon as i spent time with recently vaxxed people when the started the vaxxine rollout started and ever since, so something is definitely going on IMO.
Antigen test.
However, the spike protein is being argued by JJ Couey to be a furphy. There was no novel coronavirus, no bat soup, and no lab leak. All the damage is by transfection, toxicity, and induced autoimmunity. Thus, ‘shedding’ becomes a complete red herring.
Will read up but if true then y idea is valid. The unvaxxed will have no traces. I do suspect shedding is a thing though. I began to get certain symptoms immediately the vaxx was rolled out when spending time with the vaxxed and still do. Coincidence?
This is what I have never understood. If we can test levels, why do we not just test levels of unvaccinated people?
I am a massage therapist, so I have full contact with clients skin with my hands and forearms for at least an hour. My first experience was with a nurse who had been injected the day before.
Her first comment was as if thinking out loud ; I don’t know what is going on with my daughter’s cycle.
The next day I commenced heavy bleeding for a few weeks. I also had a rash on my neck hairline and down my spine.
I did not have a cold but developed an asthma like cough which progressively got worse. It felt like a long Covid cough and kept me up at night coughing for several months.
I had a few other people who had been jabbed over these next few weeks and was always sicker when massaging jabbed people.
The following year when boosters were rolled out the same thing happened again.
The third year after going overseas and also a few more boosted clients I had the same thing for a couple of months.
I have not experienced this again since .
My best friend of over forty years, who lived in Western Australia, was never vaccinated. She lived in a small regional community and, prior to the forceful exclusion of unvaccinated individuals from every day life in that state, she was in close contact with other women, all of whom were vaccinated. She attended a seniors’ gym with them, enjoyed coffee and lunch and other social outings with them, attended a writers’ group, and sat on committees with them. Very soon after the vaccines began to be administered she began having menstrual bleeds… she was a post-menopausal, vibrant, healthy 74 year old. She did not have a GP or any existing medical conditions, she took no pharmaceuticals. When she was permitted to socialise again, it was with the same group of people - all of whom were receiving boosters as they became available. In May 2024, my friend began experiencing fatigue and back pain. She was still bleeding. None of these conditions improved. By early August, the pain in her back was unrelenting. She lost her appetite and a lot of weight very suddenly. She dropped from 64kg to 52kg. She consulted a GP and, on September 6th, had a CT scan of her lower back. On September 9th, she was found dead on her bathroom floor. She was 77 years old. Upon autopsy, which was conducted by way of a full body scan due to the provision of the report on the scan taken on September 6th, she was found to have systemic cancer. Her cause of death was a heart attack. I believe my friend was made ill and died due to contact with her group of vaccinated friends and acquaintances.
I am so sorry to hear about your long time friend who died alone. We all have so many stories, but to be fair, any post menopausal bleeding needs immediate investigation as this is very often associated with cancer, together with sudden and unexpected weight loss with associated back pain, it's sadly, actually classic text book profile. It's very sad how many friends, previously well, have died with various ailments. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
My mother passed from endometrial cancer in 2018, prior to the vaccine. Her horrible medical treatment was one of many reasons I NEVER got that death shot as I explained over and over to the brainwashed fools that "trusted the science". When you are a 78 year old woman bleeding, receiving messages to stop bleeding, the specialist scheduled her for surgery 2 months later (now she's 79) because of his "vacation". Is that part of protocol?
I always got headaches and fatigue after various social events and having my friend and her 90 something mother and aide in my car. After 3x of this in the summer of '21, I had to stop doing these social events. I enjoyed eating outdoors even when it was colder for the fresh air. Shedding is real.
Edited: receiving MEDICINE. Not messages. Why does autocorrect do that??
Re: Shedding......
There is a shedding study being conducted in Germany, Austria etc. Gene therapy shedding.
Study: Project Scan 2000
IgG as an indicator of spikeopathy and shedding symptoms
And Mechanism of action
DR SABINE STEBEL (biologist, protein engineer)
A good argument (cued) from Denis Rancourt that it is ALL codswallop
Denis Rancourt Interview - The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia
Beyond that, the nocebo effect is strong in this one.
Further, Jonathan Couey strongly argues that transfection of healthy people is nothing less than a crime.
There was no novel coronavirus.
Agreed. EMF and Intra-bodynano-network are the killers
So is the crap being sprayed on us from airplanes in the sky
Do you remember when there was a mouse plague in Victoria a couple of years ago, prior to Covid? Farmers were reporting that the mice were so prolific they were running around their bedrooms and literally over their faces. When they made a potion which they administered to just a few mice, these mice were able to infect and kill the others. It was the first time I had heard of such a thing, shedding. It worked very well on the mice plague. I remember finding that a chilling development.
That wasn't shedding; Mice, being mice, hump like no tomorrow; They are also all over each other with saliva from their noses; That is how they infect one another
It works just like the caliche 'virus' does with rabbit infects 20 more rabbits due to their near constant humping and sniffing each other.
Shedding or some sort of interaction does seem to occur. I am 60yo female. Never vax. However my situation is to do with transferring some sort of preventative 'shedding'. We came to this conclusion when I met my partner 25 years ago, he was always sick, and vax to the hilt as he use to be in the army, STOPPED getting sick. After a few years being together we use to joke about it. He would only get sick when he had to leave town for work. My partner is rarely sick to this day.
About 10 years ago, a new person started at my work and she was sick alot. We ended up on a project together and became besties. She too STOPPED getting sick for the whole 7 years we worked together.
I noticed my adult children when they live with me at various times are totally fine. When they live independently (away from me), they get everything thats going around, to the point my son started getting the flu shots and my daughter was going to get her tonsils out hoping that would stop her from getting tonsilitis all the time. I've only just started being health conscious, so it had nothing to do with what I was feeding them lol.
I have lots of experiences when I look back over my past. And now the vax shedding. I thought that I was in danger of being shed on. But it never happened to me. I still noticed that people who work closely with me on a daily basis, dont get sick, even though they were vax. While many many others at work were off sick.
Is that shedding? I don't know. And anyway the problem is, the people get sick when not living or in daily close proximity with me. So theres probably no benefit to finding out.
Thanks for your hard work. Its very much appreciated by many of us. Kind regards Stansy
Well, it’s got to have infected all the blood banks. That’s of real concern.
It has indeed John and the medical establishment will not sign peoples notices to the administration that any blood they are given is not contaminated with mRNA nor will they allow 'pure bloods' to provide their own supply.
For me it's real. I'm not vaxxed (injected with bioweapon). I sat next to a person at dinner who had just had a C19 booster. That night I woke up with severe hives all over my lower body. Never had it previously. Kept me up all night but by morning it had gone. I put it down to shedding.
I have grappled with the concept of shedding in terms of I believe it happens - I just fail to understand how. Particularly as person-to-person viral transmission has never been clinically proven (a fact which rocked my world) The most plausible theory I have heard to date is that 'virus' particles that can been seen microscopically are just cellular waste or junk, cast out by the cell in response to 'insult' or damage. In theory, it is possible that the injections damage the cellular membrane potential. As we all emit electro-magnetic frequencies (with the heart emitting a measurable frequency up to 1.5 metres) I suspect 'shedding' is a result of frequency interference. And yes, in the early days of the roll-out, when I was permitted back in civil society I often felt extremely tired/run down/sore throat when mingling with the super vaccinated.
Could this be where the 'shedding' is really coming from?
I do belive in shedding and believe I was impacted by shedding from vaccinated colleagues.
By way of background, I decided the COVID shots were not for me as I had had a reaction to vaccines when I went to South America in 2005 - yellow fever and rabies - which resulted in a prolonged fatigue response (not too bad but noticable) and then later I became electrohypersensitive (EHS) with a particular sensitivity to digitally pulsed electromagnetic radiation (noting I think my EHS is independent of the vaccines and became apparent as we transition to the 3G network which saw introduction of smart phones and at the same time Wi-Fi became commonplace in homes and offices). My integrative medicine doctor described my case as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) exacerbated by man-made electromagnetic radiation and fields. An excellent case study on my case has been published in the ACNEM Journal but this article is NOT free access sadly: Bandara P, Hunter J. Case study: could electromagnetic hypersensitivity be exacerbating this case of chronic fatigue syndrome? (ACNEM Journal Vol 39 No 3).
I now work in a fern nursery as I cannot tolerate the ubiquitious wireless networks in workplaces and if I am too close to a mobile phone base station (MPBSs) I become ill. There is no Wi-Fi and radiation from MPBSs is negligible as the nursery site is in a bit of a black spot.
I became ill each time multiple people at the nursery were being boosted (for COVID). Prior to that, when everyone was being vaccinated in the first big push my menstrual cycle shifted by 2 weeks - the same happened to another unvaccinated friend - and my period was heavier than normal.
I'm super glad I wasn't working in high digital radiation loads as I wonder if this would have made it worse for me.