Dr Phelps states in the video we need Drs to have a high level of curiosity and a high level of engagement. How about do no harm and do your job🤦‍♀️.

There is no excuse for Drs, specialists and nursing staff to not know and understand the black triangle and how important it is to report any adverse events. Drs on mass should walk away from the TGA and demand justice for all their patients. The actions of the TGA are deliberate and criminal. Dr Phelps stop looking for excuses, it’s time to step up and reclaim our health system, this is not the time to sit on the fence and defend the corrupted🤯

How much was our corrupt government paid to allow a black triangle pharmaceutical to be unleashed and mandated on the Australian population. Informed consent was taken away, these criminals need to be bought to justice😡


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She speaks the truth about treatment of vaccine injuries- the gaslighting at our public hospitals 🏥 s atrocious. There’s a gp 🧑‍⚕️ n QLD trying to ascertain the number of child deaths from the TGA- they claim there’s only seven. I read on a recent post that on a trip to Fawkiner cemetery 🪦 n Melbourne there are fresh rows of children’s graves - very unusual according to this person. I suspect because there was a death benefit in compensation. That parents signed NDA’s and are not speaking up. I’m vax injured and am aware of at least one 8 yo in the extended family who spent 8 days in ICU . I’m an old lady restricted mainly to my unit first in Vic lockdowns and then the vax injury. Result is I’ve read a lot. This vaccine was designed to kill and injure,, and the excess death rate is rising year on year. I recently read they are developing another vaccine- Si RNA to combat the evils of this one- SERIOUSLY?

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Video is blocked, article really reveals a reason for concern…

No child should be hurt!

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No one should be! Totally unbelievable!!!

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What came up via the link was something I cannot even put a screenshot up of…. I need another browser. I think I am being blocked by Duck Duck Go, & Google won’t get off of my phone!

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Maybe delete and re-download?

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Ross Walker?? That's not James A Thorp?

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This was the link FB took me to?

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Pfizer vs Moderna = RUSSIAN ROULETTE! A no brainer - but some still take these poisons.

NO MORE JABS until they ACCEPT LIABILITY for Vax injuries and Vax related DEATHS!

So, not only is the SAFE and EFFECTIVE experiment useless on both counts, it can also kill you. Perhaps that was all part of the Plan?

They tried to poison everyone with Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) to maximise the Coronavirus, along with a pretend 'Vaccine', but many people soon realised it was a Depopulation Plan. So, instead of modifying Covid still further, they've switched to modifying the 'nearly harmless' BIRD FLU. They could open Pandora's Box with their evil experiments and then we're all doomed.

The WEF's New World Order, along with the NOW OBSOLETE and CORRUPTED World Health Organisation are trying to justify the NEXT SCAMDEMIC = Lab modified Bird Flu along with another DEADLY injection (which they'll again pretend is another (deadly) mRNA VACCINE') to complete the carnage!

The know we've sussed their Control and depopulation Plan and are retreating back into their pathetic existences, under the slimy Davos slime pit from which they operate.

We're ready next time and they'll be lucky if 20% of the surviving world population will believe their Bird Flu lies.

Maybe half will accept the lies about the associated BIRD FLU VACCINE which has probably been formulated simultaneously in an adjacent laboratory.

Their MASS MURDER will not go unpunished.

No doubt the Bird Flu VAX will come with ZERO LIABILITY CLAUSE, but they know we're coming for them so they'd better be scared. Their MASS MURDER will be dealt with by the most aggressive punishment imaginable and the main protagonists will be PUBLICLY terminated.

We the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick - UK (I'll live longer without evil medical interference.)

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Exactly , Mike ...

Iv been with this , for the entire period ... but this is , BEYOND the pale - the depravity , is truly shocking

Perhaps if you have the ability to forward to Andrew Bridgen , pls go ahead ...

I will fwd to both Andrew B , and Aseem Malhotra

This is a new low , ... a new and shocking revelation-

This just has to be stopped

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Thanks Les! I will attempt to forward the article to (our hero) Andrew Bridgen. I'm sure he's already on the same page as us anyway. He's not backing off and thinking Covid and the DEATH SHOT is a thing of the past. Lab modified Bird Flu is their next Trojan Horse to further depopulate the planet. Regards! Mick (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Agree -- who’ knows what’s next , when the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing

Thanks for forwarding ....on to A B ... he is a huge hero , here in Australia too

Confusion out of the USA. ...a t m , whom ever created this kaki f mess , has to be brought to justice

I hope it’s trump that nails big Pharma / Fauci / WHO. & CDC -

Bring on NURENBERG 2.0 ...hanging too good for them

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Dr Altman , thanks for this .... extremely disturbing information-

Phelps has obviously realized the size, scale , depth of depravity & the pure sinister outcomes of this -

And I think they are pre conceived !

This stuff doesn’t happen by accident ---

I have forwarded to Steve Kirsch - I’m willing to promote the story , in ALL of its SHOCKING detail

Warts and all

As far as it can be distributed

The world must Know of the sheer depravity of it

Thank you Dr Altman

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Sounds like a Plan Les!

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Does anyone know if Dr Thorpe has published the data his graphs refer to? I do dislike these video clips that go around without any substantiation of claims. Is there a full-length video or an interview which goes into more depth? The whole "long empty board room table" shot and the eerie music just make me think it's another PsyOp - love to be proved wrong!

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The graphs with Dr Thorp in the video stops after 2022. Do we have any numbers from 2023 or 24? Is this from injecting poison while being pregnant, or is it a permanent effect?

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the LNP, should be described as PNP, polymerised nano particle.

The heart attacks, cardiac inflammation are related to the break up of the nano particles in the heart. It's toroidal vortex physics. The gold core of the polymerised nano particle can break down to 2nm Gold rod infused with Graphene nanotubuals, they could also break apart to 1nm monoatomic gold and spew the infused GNT out. When these particles break down to 16 to 2nm they infiltrate the cardiac tissue very easily, which causes the inflammation.

It needs to be chelated out.

If you do not look at the reality of the technology, for what it is. You will not find a cure.

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