Sadly too many are still taking the poison.

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No one I know thats for bloody sure.

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I spoke to an old neighbour recently, he is a bus driver, said he is up to his 6th! Some people seem to be immune to the poison, I guess until they are not.

A current neighbour had 4, got 4 blockages and recently had another blockage so they put stents in. They are off on an overseas holiday next month despite all of that. I fear she won't make it back.

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You have to be realistic, we cannot save them all and they chose.

Geoff Pain does an excellent substack on the endotoxin contamination and there is so much out there on the batch variation.

Personally watching someone beat the odds in Russian roulette doesn't inspire me any more to join the stupidity. The worst thing is the shedding and the now exploding use of the tech.

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Well, we cannot know what is in each vial but I have been saying for 3/4 years maybe, it is like Russian roulette. One day you may spin the chamber and get the magic bullet.

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I worry about the bus driver having some sort of episode whilst driving!

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Yes, he is in his early 60s but still surfs so quite fit, maybe when he is surfing, crazy though he was no fazed at all about it. I resisted to say anything.

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You can’t really say anything much to people who have taken 3 or more doses. They’d probably “unfriend” you!

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I have to wonder about poor Dr Michael Mosley, given his enthusiasm for a Covid vaccine 4 years ago: https://youtu.be/JqSgyjo2v5k?si=xwgySP_Bs7Jk5HZh

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I'm not sure about 'poor' as he pushed the nonsense. If he really is dead of course, there seems odd things about the circumstances.

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Well, ‘poor’ as in ‘pathetic’. Early on in the piece, a number of media doctors in the UK volunteered their services in the testing of Oxford’s AZ vaccine. Each were (initially?) paid 22,500 pounds to roll up their sleeve. I don’t know if Dr Moseley was one of them.

Dr Michael Moseley R.I.P.

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We have found out that there is an insane mental blank in the medical field when it comes to vaccines. The holy grail that can do no wrong. It's also had the general public in a trance for how long? Don't worry about injuries, just gaslight like you're not a virgin. Pay per dose incentives. However, there seems to be an unfortunate correlation with the rise in other diseases, and even SIDS. A blind spot because they themselves continue to take flu, covid, and other shots themselves...or do they? Should all those that administered or influenced be required to show proof of their own certificates?

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Anyone reading what Geoff Paine is writing about McCullough & his associates? It's important to pay attention to everything they promote.

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I’ve looked at a bit of what Geoff Paine says, but not sure if I’ve read what you mean. Do you have a link?

The Wellness Company is being managed by Foster Coulson, and he manages a lot of other companies, like Vigilant News Network (from vigilant fox), and Zev Zelenko’s company. F. Coulson says he is creating a parallel economy.

I don’t have evidence for this, but I’ve heard he is a transhumanist.

I don’t trust McCullough or other “big name” doctors and scientists, they’ve gotten a bit too big for their boots lately.

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Yes, I’ve seen this elsewhere! Amazing! Thanks for the link!

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Ivermectin would help with those cancer cures that’s why it was banned… quite funny that anti parasites drug works for a “virus” shows that covid is a parasite! .. I know of a scientist whom was working on trial in Australia before Plandemic on worming tablet against skin cancer and he was falsely accused of making wrong slides on presentation to university for his ground breaking skin cancer treatment.. I know why now universities were preparing for dismissing ivermectin and other worming tablets as treatment; as covid being planned

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A US court has now ruled they are Not vaccines

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The tide is turning! Many are now saying they don't trust the 'Science' and they will not take the next batch of injections for deliberately created diseases.

My suspicion is that inexplicable 'EXCESS DEATHS' will continue, long after the Pfizer and Moderna deadly jabs are withdrawn, because of previous damage inflicted through previous applications of DEADLY or dangerous injections they pretended were 'VACCINES'.

Those who thought themselves 'lucky' because they experienced little or no side effects following the mRNA Gene Editing injections. Little do they know that every jab they believed was Safe & Effective had an adverse reaction which they might not yet be aware of - until one day in the future, they suddenly realise they have inexplicably become infected with deadly illnesses like the 'Turbo-Cancers' and a myriad of other Deadly diseases.

The sudden Tsunami of heart related diseases that became apparent with the first wave of Covid Injections, has created new words in our everyday vocabulary. Example; Myocarditis and Perricarditis, etc. All of these gullible Death Shot recipients will have permanent damage, but these unsuspecting stooges will have unwittingly had their normal Life Expectancy curtailed.

In my opinion, each extra jab will have reduced natural resistance for these recipients. Each extra jab or 'Booster' (whatever that really means?) will have reduced life expectancy by around 5 years. Do the maths and we can discuss my outlandish suggestions each five year that transpires.

An still Pfizer, Moderna, etc still get away with ZERO LIABILITY which is an afront to normal humans intellect. It's absolutely insulting to reality that this farcical 'Get out of Jail Free' reasoning can continue to be justifiable.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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ModRNA Made in a laboratory and Patented by US Law 2013 not "Natural mRNA" which by US Law 2013 cannot be patented: mRNA means injected humans are now genetically modified to produce "protein" toxins that their own body tries to destroy

Ever heard the term auto-immune disorder? If not, you will very soon, and quite often. It starts with even the healthiest people, who got brainwashed by the Pharma cartel into getting the toxic "forever" jab, where human cells are tricked into producing virus-mimicking "protein" prions, that are produced indefinitely (counter to medical narratives) and spread throughout the body. This signals the human immune system that every organ is under attack by foreign invaders, and the immune system is taxed, hyper-activated constantly, and the heart and CNS start breaking down too.

Just like GM corn and GM soy, the Covid-jab-injected human's DNA system is now a toxic protein creating factory, but instead of killing insects and worms, the human body is destroying itself. In other words, the "pest" is itself, and the immune system identifies it this way. Still wondering why the Covid-vaxxed masses keep dropping like flies, from unexplainable heart attacks, spontaneous abortions and stroke-inducing fibrous vascular clots?

These mRNA-injected humans are now walking bio-weapons factories, and their doctors are never allowed to discuss it. The medical industry has every employee parroting and regurgitating all the false-narratives (disinformation) about how the mRNA remains at the site of injection, and how it only produces spike proteins for a few months. Lies. Does the genetically modified corn and soy only produce worm-exterminating proteins for a few weeks? This deserves careful consideration.

Do not ever let Big Pharma genetically modify you. There are more mRNA jabs being developed right now, being created to control the populace, eliminate the undesirables (everyone but the elitists and their slaves), and turn the Republic into a third-world hell-hole.

More mRNA coming to further infect 270 million Americans with "protein" toxins that invade every organ, including the heart and brain

S.D. Wells

Update June 7 2024

COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent - 9th Circuit Court Rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legally Vaccines

"The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions and the case merits are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right."

Karen Kingston

Jun 8

June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.

Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;

“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment

Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

The Kingston Report

A Legal Precedent is a LEGAL "Rule Of Law from God". It cannot be bought or suppressed.

A vaccine which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (1995) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?

Time to get The "Devil's Tools" out and start "roasting the buggers", on this side, for the deaths and injuries, they have forced done, from May 2020 to June 2023 with the now "illegal Disinformation Laws" - and for the future - into many of "us" for a medical treatment, not a vaccine, but “safe and effective" for what? - which suggests all vaccines are medical treatments and not to be trusted, either, by Legal Precedent from June 7, 2024 .

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