This remains the most abiding frustration of this entire scamdemic pantomime … the absolute wall of silence (compliance) from legacy media in this country across the board, the lack of skepticism and outright cowardice of those whose job used to be to challenge the authorities, but now have become nothing but paid propagandists for “The Science”. Whether it’s Covid or climate, whether it comes down to money and prestige or not, I remain staggered that there are supposedly intelligent and educated members of the media who en masse have decided that they are part of the intelligentsia because they believe in the new scientism religion(s) and have determined that anyone who doesn’t is some sort of delusional apostate, unworthy of even debating. Infuriating.

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Nobody wants to think that they may have placed their own health in danger (regardless of the implications of their other actions affecting the public). So there is a huge cognitive barrier to be overcome here. Sufficient time must pass for those who have allowed themselves to be injected to be satisfied that their own health has not been affected so that they can begin to consider alternative views regarding what happened during the period of mandatory vaccinations. On top of that, people in authority are afraid of being exposed for incorrect actions so they need time to "escape" (resign/retire etc.) to allow successors who were not involved to begin to speak openly about what happened.

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There should be laws to ensure resignations do not negate personal liability!

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Yep. Many rats abandon the sinking ship well in advance of the sinking.

Hold them to account...

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every single one of us is wide open to Private Liability; any politician or bureaucrat who thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world; their Unlawful acts, legislations, statutes and implied immunities to prosecution are not worth the paper they are written on;

there is nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide....only death can save them from what is coming.

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But they've gotten away with it. So far.

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Oh! I forgot.....death does not save. Postpones. (Good luck with that)

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I was screaming at the telly. Thank goodness for the voice of reason from Gi Gi Foster AND the audience who were silenced by the host. The fat TGA spruiker who said the TGA needed more funding (Aaaaargh) and the pharma schill nearly did my head in. The LIES they told. Sooooo disappointing. They are preparing us for the next “one”, but by the sound of the audience, they’ll be up against a growing discontent and disbelieving population. The peasants are revolting. Thank God!

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i did not watch it nor could i bring myself to watch it; the way it was 'advertised' was enough for me to know that it was going to be yet more propaganda dribble; turns out i was correct in my assumptions and ultimate decision;

call me a conspiracy theorist, but i think the whole idea about having a 'studio audience' was to measure the temperature of the peasants as the 'bird flu' is pushing ahead like an out-of-control locomotive coming into a terminus packed full of waiting passengers.

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Correct, MSM is always used to float potential plans, and to gauge society's position.

Remember two years ago the scum media referred to old age pensioners as burdens. Pushback was huge and they dropped the demonisation.

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I’ve only seen bits of this programme, thank goodness. The lies and BS by the two shills made me want to smash my phone so I can’t watch the rest. Gigi Foster is the one voice of reason.

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Thank you for watching this and reporting. If I watched it I'd be dead caused by an (non clot shot) aneurysm .

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Legacy media did not disappoint, they continue to lie and mislead the public. There were no hard hitting questions. Booy and Senenyake need to be forensically audited🤯

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Start here for Booy. https://www.immunisationcoalition.org.au/about-us/

Check out the list of sponsors at the bottom of the page. Very informative.

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As an Australian, you have 2 options:

Remain in Fear


Trust your own innate Sense of Self & self worth.

Every moment of every day, keep Believing.

The Lies & Fraud will be revealed, seen & heard by every living Man, Woman & Child.

The Spotlight is now on Australians.

How long will this Medically administered Genocide be allowed to continue?

BAN Channel 7

BAN Channel 9

BAN Channel 10



Don't give them Ratings!

Don't be frozen in this Fear narrative!

We are living & surviving in a Global Mass formational operation of psychological/pathological Mind Control & manipulation.

Main choice of Weapon deployed is Fear & narcisstic, toxic behavioural overreach of Gov both State & Federal.

Further damage & destruction to our livelihoods & Family Nationwide was further enforced by Employers of Organisations who wilfully adopt draconian, unlawful, unconstitutional Employment requirements.

Its the Worldwide MSM journalists, celebrities, commentators who have wilfully complied in what is the biggest Fraud ever staged & committed against Humanity.

Trust the Science?

No jab No job?

No jab No Uni?

No jab No Childcare?

PCR Tests?

Face masks?



Border closures?

QR codes?

MRNA safe & effective?

Judges announce No Standing?

Doctors Censored?

2020 - 2024 Covid Fraud

We Will Remember them & hold everyone of them accountable.

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Agree. Except I would amend your first option of 'live in fear' to: 'live in ignorance and/or fear'.

I really hope your last sentence does come true. It should. There are signs the worm is turning, but it's slow & hesitant and world 'events' may overtake and the covid scam & murder, with its participants may slide through the cracks. We'll see.

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Thanks for your comments.

May their be Peace on Earth 💜🌏💜

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1m% AGREED! Phelps was no more than an apologist. So what if a few got killed - there was a greater good and they did a fine job “protecting” the community. Never mind the bioweapon being unleashed on innocent civilians.

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Did you notice the heavy emphasis on “long Covid “ too during the entire show. Just priming their excuses.

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Good on you dear Phillip. We will WIN! I'm in the Melbourne Magistrate's court on trial on the 17/18 July. It's been FOUR years since I was arrested for protesting and this rubbish is still going. Keep up your good work.

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Good luck. I hope you smash them.

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It truly was both frustrating and pitiful. The audience were silenced very quickly at the end and there were some VERY angry people there.

I did appreciate that the camera operator focused on Gigi Foster’s face quite often though. Her head shaking and eye rolling was epic!

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Hats off to Gi Gi Foster for keeping her cool, when she had the opportunity she was concise and articulate - loved the facial expressions

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Thanks for the heads up.

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness 



Ways you can Take Action 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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We could copy this entire format for Australia so that it is localised emotionally. It would be technically easy to do.

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Please do that Christine! We would be happy to share once it’s up and running :)

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I had to laugh when the promo used the word “debate”, then the actual panel was stacked and the audience participation was edited, their anger was palpable. So something went down, but as usual we were not allowed to see it. If legacy media wonders why its reputation is in tatters, they don’t need to look too far. The “debate” was laughable. What was not laughable was the parents of the girl who died due to the vaccine. Barely any discussion, their comments were glossed over by the unsympathetic Michael Usher. I wonder what sort of questions he’d ask if that were one of his family members?

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Thank you , Dr Altman .... grimacing throughout the Ch7 “ program “ - wishing you were there to correct the lies, deliberate obfuscation and weirdness of those obscene ‘ university professors ‘ that got us into this predicAment with their disastrous , inept and obviously flawed projections, knowledge and low grade resources.

Thank you for your amazing efforts in setting the records straight

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There seems a reluctance to acknowledge that a nasal spray, Viraleze developed by Starpharma ASX

is an effective treatment for Viraleze, Influenza A and B , RSV, and the common cold. The active component, Sodium Astrodimer has shown to be fatal for every known virus is under 30 seconds!

Viraleze is available in many countries throughout the world where the major drug companies cannot influence the release which is probably why it is not available in Australia or USA.

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Haven't you Heard? 'Glen 20' appaRentLie 'KILLS' 99.9% of ALL Germs & is 'Effective' against Virus - INCLUDING 'COVID-19' - ON THE CAN! SO, why does ANYONE - NEED anymore 'Jabs'?

I emailed the Manufacturer of said product back in 2021, or there abouts, & Congratulted them on 'Finding' COnVID-19 (The n, is for novel corona, which 'Magically' MIS/DISappeared), when No one else could, & could they produce 'Scientific -Independent'/ Sterile/ isolative evidence of the Wee Beastie & not just a Sino 'arranged' Computer model - Just for a Lark! I'm still waiting, AND, they Still have the 'Evidence' stated in Plain sight on their product cans!

Wellness - John D.

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there's an opening there for an enterprising man or woman...

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WHAT, did Folks ACtuaLie expect? THE MS Media 'Hosting' a Charade, with the ONLY person NOT 'Buying IT', was the Lass in the middle of the Panel, who rolled her eyes when the Industry Reps were making the USUAL 1 A.C.T StateMeants from the CONVID Lockstep playbook! Industry Reps include the Dogs of Watch (TGA) & The Ex Qld Premier, who looked like she was ONLY Suffering from an Over Indulgant Lifestyle! NO mention -NOR Disclaimers from the FULLY pHARMa OWNED T.G.A about IT'S 'Sources of Funds' OR Biases! THE A.T.A.G.I References were NOT Inclusive of 'Advisory Institutes' such as the Doherty Institute, Who's MAJORITY of 'Funding & Sponsorships' come from The Who's who of the Global Pharma Empires! = Again,obviously NOT a CONflict of Interests NOR Bias! NO mention about same said Leeches & Institutes such as Doherty & Burnet Institutes 'Collaborations' NOR their 'DRIP FEED' into the Public Purse via the AU$22 BILLION Australian Medical Future Fund! NO mention about THE OZtopian Bureau of Stats being 'Creative' with Excess Death statistics. NO mention (That I know of) of the Commonwealth Govt Funded Research & Operational program - I believe 200 + Professional Medical & Scientific Inputers into Pandemic Responses Circa 2009 [?], which Noted that; Masks/Social Distancing & 'Isolations', DID NOT appear to be of Benefit/ value on the whole = WHAT happened to this 'Program' come the 2019/2020 PlanDemonic CONVID-19 'Exercise'??

Again. WHAT did Awake Folks ACTualLie expect?

Last; NO mention of Qld premier Anna PalaceChux's father Henry, is Chairman of a Gene data storage & sequencing centre. = Gene Technology Alliance Foundation! Is that 'Chinese to Go', with your Blockchain technology?

'Til the Next PLANdemic OR, other 'Exercise parameter' then!

"Control a Nation's oil, & you control the Nation.

Control a Nation's Food, & you Control the Population' - H. Kissinger.

& for those who 'Somehow' stILL believers in The CONVID 'Mythical Beastie';

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”

& “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” Thank you Mssr Adolph Hitler!

Wellness - John D.

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