I personally believe there is a connection between V’s and ADHD. One of those things that didn’t exist 50 years ago (not was it missed )

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the amount of study done on the use of vaccines and their adjuvants shows a reasonable correlation; and especially now with the new mrna tech that shows it goes to the brain

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Thank you, Phillip

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I’ve been using chlorine dioxide for a couple of years now, I take a decent dose of it. I take it when the feeling like a cold or a flu is coming on, and CDS has stopped symptoms in a day or two max!

But, on reading lots from different doctors, and many articles, I don’t think I believe viruses exist anymore. Exosomes made up of who knows what seem to be everywhere, and radio waves have been correlated with “disease” e.g. Spanish flu problem.

I believe I get “hit” with a lot of radio waves that can bring on symptoms of a cold.

Except, 10 days or so before Christmas, I had the feelings of a cold coming on, I took my usual regimen including Chlorine Dioxide Solution, but 4 days on I was still feeling ill, and developed the symptoms of a “chest cold”. I have no idea why this happened, but we are all exposed to the nano junk “they” spray in the air. I am usually having a mildly productive cough, but this last episode left me coughing very badly.

Whatever. Chlorine Dioxide is safe-I use it.

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Thank you for promoting Chlorine Dioxide which I have used twice to get rid of Covid in less than 24 h and which I have used successfully for many diseases and preventative for over ten years safely.

The Kory article is another important step in promoting and normalizing Chlorine Dioxide. The only small correction I want add is that the witch hunt didn't start with Covid:

Regarding the smear campaigns against it, you are right that it was ramped up during Covid but it was always there to a lesser extent for more than 20 years and people went to prison for selling and promoting it long before Covid.

I wrote in great detail about this topic and how Trump was involved about two years ago:


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Immediatly after feeling a slightly sore throat Gargling with very warm salted water and, or breathing vapour with a couple of drops of Eucalyptus or TeaTree oil will knock out most cold and flu viruses very effectively.

The Pharmaceutical medical establishment is primarily a fraudulent perversion of healing created by the predominantly psychopathic Billionaire Crime Families that infest the Wests over blown Banking/Corporate monopolies, and who see eugenics and genocide as the perfect end game business plan.

In the West the heads of all main political parties, government authorities and MSM are now so obviously and profoundly corrupted by fraudulently printed currency and paedophilia that they are now blatantly a treasonous mercenary army of puppets for demonic Billionaire/Trillionaire parasite caste.

There is no coming back from the precipice without confronting their violent criminal assaults on healthy, wholesome civil society without those committed to common decency employing any and all force necessary to eliminate this extreme threat from it's head down..

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As I pointed out at the time, Trump was asking the doctor if they should look at disinfecting the lungs of Covid patients, he was asking a doctor, sitting RIGHT THERE for anyone to see, if we should look into it, which for a layman is pretty smart as we already do. Lung / blood wash / disinfectant. . The solution is a technique known as lung lavage, or lung washing, to flush the surfactant build-up from the lungs. They stream a mild bleach solution through the lungs effectively to ungum them.

Clinicians insert twin endotracheal tubes into the lungs while the patient is under anesthesia. They stream saline / antiseptic into one while the other receives oxygen to keep the patient breathing.

As for blood cleaning with antiseptic or disinfectant that's also already done with HIV / nocosomial infected patients' blood, which is actually disinfected with ethanol.

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I wouldn’t want the anaesthesia, as it’s possibly contaminated with nano structures.

Karl C. knows more about this than me!

But of course sometimes we need anaesthesia!

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And don't forget OWS another Trump initiative.👍

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Yes indeed Roc, I know how he likes people to know he initiated it! He’s not dumb, so what could be behind him wanting to be known as “The Father of” it? Maybe a bit of blackmail?

Here’s my 2 bob’s-Jeffrey Epstein, Zionist jews. Join the dots people! I’ll add freemasonry in there also.

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Then he gets on stage, does his silly arm dance ( the mugs go wild), makes his freemason signals ( that's important) babbles on about what he is going to do ( heard it all before) then his disciples get on their various platforms telling the gullible how great he is whilst completely ignoring OWS, the medals he has awarded to traitors,the fake assassination attempts ( no scar) & his campaign funding. Most of his choices in his new administration are life long Democrats including him. If he drained the swamp he'd be the first one down the plug hole,imo, so that will never happen. It's a great big act.

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Well said Roc, we are all watching a show. All politics in every country are a controlled act.

That”assasination” attempt was so nuts! My first question was-where did the bullet go? Nothin’ said about that, that I know of.

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And still the self proclaimed "freedom movement" appeal for the perpetrators to investigate themselves via the fake court "system" or a do nothing Royal Commission. I see John Larter is now the Chairman of the Aligned Council of Australia & a bloke who lives out of his car is on the committee. No-one else gets a look in if you don't follow their instructions, I know, I've tried. 1.7 million followers now & not so long ago it was 1.8 million, bs. The recent Port Hedland Council initiative is now suggesting that we engage with our Councillors & take them out for a coffee to convince them about the jabs being, you know, no good. This is, imo, a stall tactic,or a running down of the clock.It appears they are more interested in trying to stop the WHO ( absolutely no chance), rather than hammering these grubs. I've said it many, many, times the National Cabinet Documents unredacted is the way to go, talking about SV40 promoters, lipid nano particles, spike proteins & all of that stuff is far too technical for the average dill out there but a concentrated DEMAND for OUR documents, along the lines of, if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear & keep DEMANDING until everyone gets on board.It is a winning proposal, imo. It's the common denominator that has literally affected ALL Australians & is not too hard to explain to the slow witted, of which there are many.

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Roc, I just wrote a very long reply to you, and I went looking for a link, and when I came back, all I wrote was lost. I don’t feel like writing it again just now, but I was just basically agreeing with you on all counts. And I edited the AI spellcheck that changed my word bullet into bulletin!

I copied a link for the “freedom people” to read, about Jordan Peterson and the ARC : https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/alliance-for-responsible-citizenship-truth

It’s a really good article by Michael Ginsberg and Ursula Edgington of N.Z.

How do we get the illegal “National Cabinet” documents, would it be a normal FOI? I’ve never done one before. What would we have to do to get it completely unredacted? Don’t worry, I read what you wrote Roc, I’m just not sure how hard this is to do.

I also strongly agree about running down the clock-how are councils (who will instigate the 15 minute cities) going to stop jabs which are controlled at a federal, and more importantly a State level? People are losing critical thinking again. There is even a federal minister for local government for crikey’s sake!

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Nearly all councils are aligned with UN agenda's re: climate change, 15 minute cities, one health, etc. What I find interesting is that the bloke who initiated this request to the council's is now calling for a more measured or a softened approach by suggesting we now "engage" with your local councillor, have a nice cup of tea & try to convince them of your position. Which councillors? The one's that are party aligned or the independents who hold little sway? This is when I really pay attention to these people who try to "arrange" convoluted appeals to the very people who are in on it. As you know, my consistent mantra has always been, the DEMAND of OUR National Cabinet Documents. This illegal, unconstitutional, National Cabinet was a thought bubble conjured up by these crooks. A fake NATIONAL crisis administered by State & Territory "leaders" who had vested interests. Speaking of crooks, do you remember Clive Palmer publicly declaring Berjiklian taking tens of millions of dollars? If untrue ( excuse the poetry) why not sue? No follow up, just forgotten. I've been in touch with Mike Ginsburg & he's not interested in the National Cabinet Documents either. Former Senator Rex Patrick was supported by Justice Richard White back in August 2021 that the documents should be released but they were heavily redacted, why? The one thing that unites ALL of us are the decisions made by these creatures by way of this fake National Cabinet. The court requests & council requests are being run by people who either want to be the hero or they are just muddying the waters. My idea is the single purpose idea that everyone can actively become involved in as it has most definitely affected ALL Australians. I'm not too sure about many of them now, unfortunately.

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There is absolutely basis behind Trump's bleach statement. Without direct understanding of all the biowarfare constituents and processes it is always going to be the case that non discriminate reactive chemicals will be disruptive to at least some part of complex synthetic processes. Bleach, chlorine dioxide, h202 are all highly reactive, oxidize metal particles, temporarily disrupt hydrogels, synthetic lipids and more. This is why I used the gentler h202, charcoal, NAC, sodium citrate, quercetin, resveratrol, high dose ginger and Curcumin in my protocol. It has made all the difference and has kept me going. It keeps my neurology down and at manageable levels. But I know what kind of materials we are dealing with and why these materials disrupt it. Chlorine dioxide and bleach are aggressive and obviously bleach is even more toxic as chlorine. There are low levels which can be used, but absolutely do not do it. I used to put a cap of bleach in my bath 4 years ago when I head the lesions, skin outbreaks, and horrible issues. The bleach at one cap in the bath or in the pool at high chlorination my skin rapidly improved. Needless to say that I stop as soon as my skin got back to normal. But yes, anything that is reactive is offensive to some diseases and synthetic complexity. I am reading a new book on nanotechnology constraints and uses. It covers everything in today's world created at the nano to micro scale, and it includes creating computing in wet systems. It describes how to make ram and registers for small biosystems, CPU's, sensing, etc. all of it invisible and at the cellular integrated level. The book is about a 3rd complex formula showing you how it is all achieved. The guy writes with experience go back to 1977 in his case. Interesting book, but we have papers going back a lot longer ago than this. Funny how they try to Vail what we know about transhumanism but fail because of the trail of papers that were left on journal sites. Folks, do not drink bleach, and even be careful with chlorine dioxide which is charged differently to bleach but still also dangerous. These reactive agents should never touch metals, or some other materials and they will oxidize and destroy good things too.

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Thanks again for all your work and I hope your xmas was a good chance to relax a bit. I was going to write a story about chlorine dioxide and dmso but I see the comment underneath covers it. This link covers the product in detail.


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Will people just look at this article? It truly is shocking! Just even look at the BLACKMAIL DRUG part! 👀👀😡🔥🤮💩‼️🇦🇺🇦🇺

Here is an excellent substack article by Josephine Cashman, about how politicians are controlled by certain drugs, then blackmailed. YES, OUR fantastic gov’t including some of/if not all of the “freedom politicians”. PLEASE LOOK 👀 here, and read : https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/unveiling-the-global-governance-con?utm_source=substack&publication_id=1113275&post_id=151842624&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&isFreemail=true&r=22lupr&triedRedirect=true

THIS explains a lot !! There’s a lot of bad stuff about Peter Dutton-he is really exposed, and you’d need to check out the link in the article “blackmail drug”

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A way for people to connect, all around the world : https://localresistance.org/

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He's a good man.

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