It’s unbelievable to me that a ‘professor’ could be so blind and ignorant. These sorts of people take the easy way out. Without question they simply take what another has told them as being the truth. He should know better. I wonder what part of the word ‘experimental’ he didn’t understand. It’s a sad reflection on our education system when a supposedly highly educated person could be so lacking in common sense and knowledge. Worse, they influence others who believe them. I wonder how many people he inadvertently injured.

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I guess he couldn't risk losing his elite position or possible grants/sponsorship that he may or may not receive. When you don't look, you don't see and thus can sleep quite well in his medical bubble.

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I agree with you. I don't think his "elite position" will afford him a safe haven as the 1% will be perfectly happy when his time comes to shuffle off. He mistakenly thinks he's protected.

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Looks like he hasn't really done much research then. If he had he would have found out that these so-called vaccines are deadly and useless to boot!

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Where does his funding come from?

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Anyone, doctor or nurse, working within the allopathic system at this point, dutifully getting their umpteenth booster, is beyond hope. Time peeps pulled them from their unworthy pedestals. The problem with studying medicine / nursing is, it's not complex material, you simply have to remember what you're taught and studied - just need a good memory; very, very, few are 'intelligent' people..... i.e., able to cohesively, intelligently and respectfully, entertain a thought they may disagree with, or perhaps never have considered before. It's not like working with maths or coding in I.T. or any other form of complex engineering. Most in medicine & nursing just follow the "bouncing ball" and have never thought critically about most anything in their life; critical thinking does not occur to most of them. "Comfortably numb" comes to mind. Few read anything apart from allopathic medicine journals - while those awake have known these were captured decades ago by drug co's..... They often have no other interests apart from their job; not read anthing since high school; have read nothing from the philosophers. Their narrow education makes them flounder post-retirement - like fish on a river bank, unless they happen to have a passionate out-of-work hobby.

The intelligent ones, are most often incredibly curious and good listeners; they question everything, can respectfully mill over differing points-of-views; they have often had a breadth of different interests in their lives — which includes vast reading across different subjects - and they often have a good sense of humour as well. They are the ones that questioned why changing the term of application from "Experimental Gene Technology" (EGT) to "vaccine" fell into the marketing, and pondered how "Safe and Effective"came to be pulled out of thin air in a matter of mere months. The intelligent ones question, but they would be in the 10 to 20% group, they are truely elite.

It's unlikely these ones are still bound in the allopathic system where EGT boosters are demanded of staff. Their intelligence (the scientist in them) makes them question, look at data, look at reasoning, they review corresponding information, come to their own conclusions. These intelligent doctors and nurses are the ones who have paved the way to progress. Pure joy to work with.

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He’s just “in on it”. I call liar, liar pants on fire

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Not enough of the resistance are using the word "transfection" injections for these shots and explaining exactly why, even without the contamination, the spike, the long-lived RNA, the SV40 promoter, etc, etc, transfection itself is a BAD IDEA for healthy humans - it hasn't even passed the test for safety for people with terminal cancer! How this idea ever got past the brainstorming-idiotic-ideas phase beats me! I really suspect it is the "biosecurity emergency" crowd who have convinced ignorant military and politicians that we need this "ready-to-mobilise" platform to be well-oiled, churning out jabs to domesticated humans and animals, "just in case" there's a BioW attack or real pandemic (totally without biological plausibility). Most narrowly-educated doctors are just the useful idiot-pushers in the global biosecurity machine who are earning too much to care about truth.

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It's a cull. And to top it off it will be accelerated as I see it panning out with both a contamination of the food supply with these genetic therapy products and an induced global famine.

The famine impacts are likely to be evident even to the USA (now a net importer of food since 2019). I see food prices acceleration to the point I witness more and more grocery customers calculating each and every product placed in their carts. Never saw that a decade ago. Lots of seniors doing it probably struggling to keep from being homeless. And now elected representatives are also limiting fuel options for heating. We just had a multiday power outage happening after an early snow.

Thousands of households were with no electric power. Imagine now the stupidity of Gavin Newsome's unelected climate disaster mongering California Air Quality Board that just moved to mandate conversion of gas heat to electric. I just had a friend of mine speaking about the new cost of a mini split installation of over $5,000 for one unit and most rental homes take two or three. You will see another acceleration of rental and mortgage costs driving people to escape Californication. In Europe its even gone worse. Truely a revolt is in the wings as I see it.

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What are the odds this guy is getting some source of financial reward for the promotion of these dangerous and ineffective poisons?

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Yes !!

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Since when “a lot” and “a bit” been scientific terms? What a fool !!!

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He’s just trying to talk equitably to us dumb general public 😒

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The Professor should get his facts right - it's not a vaccine - it's an mRNA Gene Therapy injection NOT comparable to the vaccines of old, even though these could be questionable too. I would like to send him a copy of Dr. Naomi Wolfe's book "The Pfizer Papers" - extracts/interpretations of the Pfizer clinical papers they wanted buried for 75 years which were obtained under a FOIA request. It's unbelievable that Australia is still pushing this BS; my thought is that whilst they continue to do so it "normalises" the propaganda of "safe and effective". To do otherwise, ie, pulling it off the market or to stop advertising it may have a negative impact with the public and thus start to question their safe and effective propaganda.

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Need to go to Canberra and drag their sorry asses out and shut the place down and throw out ties to the not a Commonwealth but a global lunatic asylum promoted by money sucking elites like in the Good Club.

Still recall Warren Buffet in that group who even as his fellow billionaires put out the climate change emergency is caused by fossil fuels, his BNSF railroad was running hundreds of tanker cars daily from the Dakotas to the refineries on the Washington March's Point. Money grubbing hypocrisy. And they push the ineffective genetic therapy shots as their next round of subsidized by us moneymaking. A pox on them and their houses.

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"...I had totally lost track of my Covid immunisation status. .."

Me thinks the good professors memory has been damaged by previous injections of an mRNA Gene Therapy!

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Surprised that he still might remember his "pronouns"

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Good point about the memory. That occurred to me as well. It seems it is the most educated of people that fall for this nonsense.

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I was working in someone’s house today who had 6PR on, which is Perth talkback radio, I have not listened to it for years, stopped listening when they started pushing Covid shots

In the 2 hours I was there, an emergency call was piped out twice about monkey pox vaccines for gay men and also an add to get your child a RSV vaccine as rates are up

As I was in different rooms I didn’t hear it the whole time

24/7 fear porn

IMO they are all poison

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In one trial of RSV 31 babies died,and 80% of the oldies had strokes within 8 weeks.

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Good lord

For some reason I can’t like posts

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Number of deaths by month of occurrence, 2019-22

                                2019.      2020.    2021.   2022

January.              13,192.   12,995.   13,368. 16,257

February.             11,971.   12,513.   12,022. 14,073

March.                 13,176.   13,546.   13,624. 14,727

April.                    12,993.   13,300.   13,574. 14,845

May.                     14,185.   14,025.   15,035. 16,466

June.                   14,658.    13,269.   14,876  17,139

July.                     15,183.    14,479.   15,903  18,279

August.                15,286.    14,858.   15,395  17,698

September.          14,269.    13,689.   14,759  15,704

October.               14,010.    13,430.   14,966. 15,232

November.           12,845.    13,034.   14,032. 14,629

December.           13,046.    13,508.   14,422. 15,345


                            164,814  162,646.   171,976. 190,394

First jabs March 2021. Note what happens in May 2021 and subsequently. Just a fluke repeated 19 times??? It continues into 2023, not quite as deadly, but still excess unexplained deaths.

Source: ABS.GOV.AU

Now safe to say 60,000 excess deaths since May 2021 and 44,000 fewer births since 2020 based on 2015-19 data.

MSN claims current heart ❤️ problems are caused by cholesterol, and fewer births by dearer housing.

Just the usual rubbish.

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Did the same thing for the state that had a very high vax rate of its population, the State of Vermont. It was very obvious something sinister was afoot.

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Nicely done!

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The only people who still believe that dill are beyond assistance. Taking a gene therapy to save others, what a crock.

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I would let him get on with it although I suspect it is pure propaganda to encourage the very gullible.

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Fantastic responses, and post, thank you! I marvel at how this doctor is still alive.

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Prof. Steve Robson is clearly compromised, could that trip overseas he talks of be sponsored by Pfizer/Moderna💰😱

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It is said that only 8% of the Australian population watch/listen to ABC tv and Radio National. No wonder when the quality of journalism has descended to the base level with such crap mis-information (? mal-information) as the following link demonstrates: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/radionational-breakfast/us-elex-rfk-jr-health/104586966

The narrator posed loaded questions to Prof Offit and didn't attempt any critical rational enquiry of Offit's ludicrous narrative that has been so often debunked by numerous examples credible peer reviewed literature that are freely available on the internet. Is there no accountability for the ABC?

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None of this is surprising.

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MURDERNA has opened it's billion dollar factory in melbourne yesterday so look out australia, 100 million doses per year about to come on line, mass genocide is just around the corner from these parasites

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The new Moderna factory at Monash is up and running and they are ready to start using people as guinea pigs again.

Given the downturn in use, I would bet money that this is to pump up demand for the new factory.

Despite the fact that pharmaceutical advertising is ILLEGAL in Australia. This is just how they will get around it. Pay some shill to write an op ed.

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That has changed- they’ve been using Ita Butrose to shill for Pfizer vaccines Covid and shingles- there is a small Pfizer logo in these ads at the bottom rt hand of the screen. Same with a brand of eyedrops.

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I think they want all vaccines to be mRNA platform, including all childhood vaccines. In my opinion that is a very unsafe platform and it is that and it's contents that is causing all these excess deaths. Both mRNA vaccines are just as bad if not worse than the AZ one.

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And do you think the Australian newspaper will let one comment on or make this association?

Not on your life.

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Fair to say Prof Steve Robson is a fool, a coward, a con artist or a cynical opportunist … perhaps even a God-complex riddled sociopath … either way, another example of the Australian shitting out useless opinions from useless, corrupt, dishonest people.

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Like most of his ilk who don't question edicts..... they mosey along...... doing what they're told...... don't see anything untoward with blinkers firmly on — much like abused partners who don't want to see what they've married, they remain happily and steadfastly, UNaware.

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