(Did that get anyone's attention?)

I published Australia's Novavax contracts four months ago. I am not sure why other prominent Australians never talk about this or reference my article. It's not a secret and I have sent it to everyone. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

Maybe it was point 5 from the executive summary:

Australian politicians may know about this Agreement and associated information if they requested the information and adhered to confidentiality agreements.

They all know.

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Thank you .

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Dear Phillip, if you continue to NOT do you research all you are doing is supporting the false narrative.


It is all a TOTAL FRAUD. Please do the science. Read drsambailey.com Test the SCIENCE.

Viruses have NEVER been isolated

It's all total Fraud to bring fear to humanity and enslave humanity for ever with endless 'vaccines'

Please if you will, give me a SINGLE piece of evidence showing that viruses exist.

You're only continuing and supporting the fraud

Study Dr Stefan Lanka, theendofcovid.com

Please spread the Truth

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Do you really think that attacking with the ‘there is no such thing as a virus’ story is going to help our cause? Do you really think that attacking Dr Altman’s good work so far is going to help our cause? Do you really think most people are ready to listen to a ‘there is no such thing as a virus’ story after the last few years of being terrorised by a virus story- WHETHER THE DAMN THING EXISTS OR NOT? Pick the battles that we can win instead of shooting the messenger of help you sanctimonious dimwit.

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Dear Karyne, I, like you, have the greatest respect for the excellent work that Dr Phillip Altman is doing and I raise the subject of the non-existence of viruses in no way to disparage dear Phillip or his excellent work. On the contrary, because of Dr Altman's good works and prominence and responsibility, I believe it is to our benefit that Dr Altman be exposed to the scientific reality that viruses do not exist, and that Dr Altman in my opinion, should not be inadvertently assisting Big Pharma in marketing false virus fears which are resulting in the killing of millions and maiming of billions of innocent human beings.

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The poor reliability of the tests are a feature toward these ends, rather than an anomaly. Gives authorities the pretext to fear monger at will.

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Go to the Eric Coppolino segment

Start at about 10 minutes in, he describes in detail how it’s a computer generated virus, it is very interesting


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bull shite

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Explain the polio ‘virus’

1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'

1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.

1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In his report the Government Inspector Dr. Charles Caverly noted that parents reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that 'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child, and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).

1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.

1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69 children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.

1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead arsenate residues.

1921: Franklin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.

1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.

1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.

1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitoes. Neighboring Philippine settlements were not affected.

1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are damaged in infantile paralysis.

1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.

1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to human polio.'

1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend, notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion residues.

1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on infants and children have even been considered.

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Another emotive unscientific dogmatic pseudo-religious mindless aggressive nonsensical comment. Science please not bull shite

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so the gain of function bio weapon never came out of the Wuhan lab? It's all a con. Only unscientific rubbish is emanating from your keyboard.

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your logic is sadly lacking. Nowhere have I suggested this. The labs are producing poisons not viruses.

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hmmm ... I see so all the eminent virologists/doctors etc are wrong about it? You know people like Geert Vanden Bosch, Mike Yeadon, Bhattacharya, Kory, McCullough etc . And Dr David Martin is wrong on the patent of the synthetic genome of the SARS-COV2 virus and that all the pathogenic variants of the coronavirus were laboratory developed, man-made bioweapons from the original coronavirus? So there was no original virus to be used for gain of function?

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Sarscov2 by definition is not natural. You cannot patent something from Nature. Sarscov2 is a in silico (only exists in the minds of men) gain of function psychological bio-warfare fear mechanism that has been extremely successfully deployed in order to open the 'legal' path to mRNA and other nanotech bio-warfare and trans humanism technologies, by creating a totally non-existent pandemic emergency utilizing USA government contract mechanisms put in place for this very task. This has been planned for decades. Nobody in the entire world has proved the existence of 'viruses', including all of the people you mention above. They are all unknowingly (and unscientifically) marketing a mechanism for super funded big pharma to produce poisonous 'vaccine' and transhumanism products forever

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No Martin is not wrong

The patents are all there

A patent does not mean the virus exists in reality, it definitely exists in silico ( on a computer or computer simulation)

But Martin recently has concluded the virus does not exist

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The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society , and we are as a people inherintly and historically opposed to secret societies secret oaths and secret meetings JFK. Sadly our world is ruled by Freemasonry, the epitome of evil.

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Solihin - Please cite the best evidence for the non-existence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. Not a website, but evidence. I await.

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Wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity dear Phillip. Much appreciated.

You may have seen my responses to 'Bucking the Trend' above.

I like most scientists learn from study.

My studies started with Dr Stefan Lanka, who decades ago offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the Measles virus. Dr Lanka won in the highest court of Germany. There is no measles virus.

Here is the evidence you request




Why I gave you the two websites drsambailey.com and theendofcovid.com is that they include evidence from many doctors and scientists supporting the claim that viruses do not exist.

In particular, Dr Mark Bailey has written an excellent treatise:

A Farewell to Virology - Expert Edition, see


I can give a great deal more further evidence if you require it.

Many thanks for the opportunity to bring this most important subject to your attention.

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For those who don't do video:

Why is the gene sequence used in Covid tests "Commercial in confidence"? - Senate 11.09.23

Senator Gerard Rennick [Australia], Posted September 14, 2023



SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Thank you, acting Madam Deputy President. In the last set of estimates I asked the TGA* if they could provide to me which part of the coronavirus genomic sequence did they use to indicate that someone was positive to COVID, and whether that genomic sequence also makes up other coronaviruses.

And Professor Murphy responded, "We can provide our notice the specific primer and the part of the virus that's used for. We do not believe there was cross reactivity

with other coronaviruses, but we can provide on notice. Experts at the Doherty

Institute would be happy to provide that information."

Well, I finally got the answer that I have been waiting on for a very long time last week and, surprise, surprise, I'll read it out to you.

"There are a range of primers used in Australian laboratories developed commercially or in-house each targeting different areas of the SARS coronavirus. Depending on a laboratory's individual established workflow target genes include—" and I'll note the RdRp gene.**

Now the Australian, this is the bit that you'll like, "The Australian government cannot provide the primer sequence information for commercially available test kits, as this information is commercial in confidence."

So get a load of this. Get a load of this. For almost two years, we shut down an entire country, OK? We spent hundreds of billions of dollars, instilled fear into every man, woman, and child because of a virus. But when it comes to actually asking the Health Department for the part of the sequence that they use to indicate whether or not this virus, someone had a positive response to that virus, they can't provide it because it's "commercial in confidence."

Well, excuse me, but I didn't know that a virus could be patented. Or, am I missing something here? You tell me. Bring on the Royal Commission.




What binds us together is much more than what drives us apart. [signature]



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Gerard Rennick is LNP Senator for Queensland, Australia. His website is https://gerardrennick.com.au/

* TGA is the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration https://www.tga.gov.au/

from the website's homepage: "We are Australia's government authority responsible for evaluating, assessing and monitoring products that are defined as therapeutic goods. We regulate medicines, medical devices and biologicals to help Australians stay healthy and safe."

** See "RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase): A key target providing anti-virals for the management of various viral diseases" by Shelly Pathania, Ravindra K. Rawal, and Pankaj Kumar Singh, Journal of Mol Struct, February 15, 2022



"With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-viral agents have regained center stage in the arena of medicine. Out of the various drug targets involved in managing RNA-viral infections, the one that dominates almost all RNA viruses is RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase). RdRp are proteins that are involved in the replication of RNA-based viruses. Inhibition of RdRps has been an integral approach for managing various viral infections such as dengue, influenza, HCV (Hepatitis), BVDV, etc. Inhibition of the coronavirus RdRp is currently rigorously explored for the treatment of Covid-19 related complications. So, keeping in view the importance and current relevance of this drug target, we have discussed the importance of RdRp in developing anti-viral agents against various viral diseases. Different reported inhibitors have also been discussed, and emphasis has been laid on highlighting the inhibitor's pharmacophoric features and SAR profile."

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That Senator has made an exceptionally valid statement, particularly the point about the virus genomic sequence being "commercial in confidence"!! What a crock of S H one T . . .

I personally, do not believe even a full RC will do any good as these no longer hold the same power that they used to have. The 'terms of reference' get manipulated far too easily & we all saw that with Turnbull & the Banking RC. The terms for that one were designed to protect his buddies in the banking sector. Not only are the terms manipulated, but the recommendations rarely get enacted upon & are also subjected to party political shenanigans too.

Only a full court of law with punishments of imprisonment rather than fines would be better than a full RC.

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How accurate were the tests, allegedly conducted in the sewage treatment plants? Another pack of lies used as ammo to keep the great unwashed locked down. People forget these things, I don't. National Cabinet Documents will reveal ALL.

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Exactly, a feature by design for political purposes.

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"The world has never seen deception on such a grand scale." Yet is the penultimate and ultimate deception not even recognized - as for now "cheap tricks" by those "downstream" occupy the consciousness of those who do seek to understand Reality?

Why are people dying? Why the "non covid" categorized, in reality "stealth", excess deaths in the "vaccinated" west.

Imo, based on evidence I have watched and read, the reason is stealth, "unlimited war", "economic war". Via a stealth, 2 front, bio-engineered spike bioweapon attack on the west launched by the "Strategic Support Force" in the "People's Liberation Army (PLA)" - which is "the armed wing of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)". that in quotes is from wickedpedia and the ccp/pla

Front #1) repeated "spike" infection in the west via sars-cov-2 "delivery vehicle" built using stock ccp/pla bioweapon lab viral components, known to be on the shelf in the ccp/pla bioweapon lab from 2017. With pandemic level of human to human infectiousness, the 2, in sars-cov-2, made possible with the fauci "transferred", ccp/pla taken, US bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure military /industrial/ pharma "complex" developed furin cleavage site technology. Repeated infection via continuing bioweapon development and release of immune escape variants. High initial virulence causing disability and terrible deaths in the untreated high risk population that had not acquired immunity via prior infection from a virulence inhibited sars-cov-2 variant. "Slow kill" effects, to some degree, in all infected based on total accumulated viral loads and from

Front #2) repeated toxic "spike" injection, which the ccp/pla induced the US bioweapon countermeasure program to initiate with "warped speed", as the ccp/pla knew it could be induced to do, with skillful, well planned, ccp/pla trade-craft and fear inducing showmanship / 5th generation warfare (term used by Malone) including video showing? people dropping dead in the streets, apartment exit doors being welded shut, fully suited up people and truck mounted sprayers fogging the streets and public areas and the phenomenal construction of hospitals that would soon be closed down. Real suffering and death? yes! Quite the "pandemic" show, yes! All as "cover" and to generate the sufficient fear necessary to induce the known US pre-planned "warped speed", lock down, damaging on so many levels, with pre-planned denial of treatment so there would be the "no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" treatment status for covid necessary to obtain a "emergency use authorization" EUA from the fda so that our "protectors" could use their planned Mrna countermeasure response. Repeated toxic "spike" injection using the never shown safe bioweapon/pandemic "countermeasure" Mrna used to generate the ccp/pla "provided" bio-engineered toxic "slow kill" "spike" for the Mrna "vaccine" antigen. Infection, injection, infection, injection, infection, injection leading to death and debilitation in the west. China largely protected with widespread prior immunity (ethical skeptic) until delta and with actual, short term, lock downs and eventually a vaccine reported (by a FLCCC group Real Doctor) to be effective against the most severe gamma/P1 variant in the over 70 year old high risk group and ..... . https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/11/15/chinas-ccp-concealed-sars-cov-2-presence-in-china-as-far-back-as-march-2018/ "ccp/pla" Go players vs complicit "western" checkers players. evil working through the ccp/pla and western bioweapon "complexes" and western public "health" won "round covid" .... evil here, evil there, evil here - evil won round "covid" continued below using "reply"

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The facts, that the surveillance state ccp/pla "china" 100% knew what was circulating person to person in wuhan and 100% deliberately worked to conceal this while keeping travel open from wuhan to the world, show ccp/pla intent. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" - "pandemic explanation" cover and 2 "red herring" (ethical skeptic) trails 1) zoonotic origin with wet market outbreak center, set up to be easily supported by the west's US bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure / military / industrial / pharma complex, who had full knowledge ("Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 through Recombination and Strong Purifying Selection" published March 22, 2020) as to the real origin of sars-cov-2, as a cover for their own complicit gain of function (gain of effect) "contribution" ie. the furin cleavage site, the "2", the pandemic level of human to human transmission, in sars-cov-2 and other technology transferred to and taken by the ccp/pla and used by the ccp/pla for the lab recombination "creation" of sars-cov-2. Effective "cover" for 3 years yet still being debunked leading to "red herring" trail 2) "ACCIDENTAL" lab release. How long for this to be debunked? .... evil here, evil there, evil here - evil won round "covid"

Sars-cov-2 Variant studies, which to be published must adhere to the zoonotic origin narrative, yet with references to humanized mice, golden hamsters, serial passage in convalescent plasma, more even and Shakespeare too. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34255352/ The variants question: What is the problem? (Why this opening?) “Whether it is nobler to the soul to endure the outrages, stones, and darts of unfair fortune, or take up arms against a sea of trouble and fight to disperse them” quoting a historic sentence from Hamlet in a famous drama by William Shakespeare (Act III, Scene I) written in 1600–1602, where Hamlet's many doubts led him to claim, “the obstacles (in that sleep of death … from the development of this mortal life…) must induce us to reflect.” my comment; the Truth may be known but not published.

How effectively easy it is to "generate", to brew up, a new immune escape variant in 80 days is seen here: "SARS-CoV-2 escape from a highly neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma" "Abstract To investigate the evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the immune population, we coincupibated the authentic virus with a highly neutralizing plasma from a COVID-19 convalescent patient. The plasma fully neutralized the virus for seven passages, but, after 45 d, the deletion of F140 in the spike N-terminal domain (NTD) N3 loop led to partial breakthrough. At day 73, an E484K substitution in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) occurred, followed, at day 80, by an insertion in the NTD N5 loop containing a new glycan sequon, which generated a variant completely resistant to plasma neutralization. Computational modeling predicts that the deletion and insertion in loops N3 and N5 prevent binding of neutralizing antibodies. The recent emergence in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, and Japan of natural variants with similar changes suggests that SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to escape an effective immune response and that vaccines and antibodies able to control emerging variants should be developed."

Delta emerging in India in an area "coincidentally" with ccp/pla vaccine testing / effectively free vaccine distribution in that area - this pattern seen repeatedly with immune escape variants with increased transmissibility that became more virulent including the most virulent P1 Gamma in Brazil. Against which the ccp/pla vaccine was shown effective in the high risk, over 70 year old group. All while the narrative was repeated by the "credentialed" that viruses evolve to greater transmissibility with reduced virulence.

Continued stealth bioweapon attack consisting of infection / injection cycles in the "west". Then a omicron variant, showing long "evolution" in "mice"?, was released (now without the prion generating site seen in prior variants and the Mrna created "vaccine" spike antigen), doing much damage to the depleted, altered, "western" immune systems, little damage to china's protected immune systems. All this infection and injection leaving western immune systems primed for severe disease, stuck producing worthless and damaging antibodies.

As best as I can see now, the net result of the of the 20+ year programs of the bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure military /industrial / pharma / "complexes" in the US and China to further weaponize sars-cov and develop their own countermeasure "vaccines" and treatments. Which the ccp/pla, succeeded in doing with the lab recombination of 1) a non human to human transmissible "prospected and mined" bat sars-cov backbone, capable of a 50% fatality rate when transfected to humans with a high dose encapsulated within aerosolized bat feces, with 2) a pangolin sars-cov RBD, chosen for its ability to bind to human ACE-2, both on the chinese bioweapon lab shelves by 2017 (per Los Alamos National Laboratory and Duke (near UNC/r s barik bioweapon lab) and Texas published, hide in plain sight, zoonotic origin propaganda, "research") . Which, when the "ccp/pla" added 3) the US "complex" developed furin cleavage site with its impartation of pandemic level human to human transmission, probably before 2018, sars-cov-2 was engineered.

Then the bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure process - numbers of identified toxins engineered in, vaccines developed with human testing, higher and lower virulence versions developed, high active spike count, low, less active, spike count versions, with the release, in some manner, of a immunity building, inhibited virulence, precursor omicron version as early as March 2018 (ethical skeptic) which spread across asia and asia pacific and in areas of ccp/pla interest in Africa which accounted for the demonstrated prior immunity to covid seen there until delta . Then perhaps the breakdown of "P2"? virulence inhibitor additions in this immunity building cov-2 or other release of a higher virulence version in the wuhan area which was then 100% deliberately allowed to be spread to the world, or under cover directly spread to the world, rapidly controlled in China and was active for a short time in the rest of the world until replaced.

Pandemic disguise created with zoonotic origin "red herring" wet market cover story in place, waiting to be supported by the western "complex" to cover their own bioweapon development. Then finally after 3 years, there for "western" officials to find, the "accidental" lab release "red herring" cover story in place (ethical skeptic). evil working through the ccp/pla and western bioweapon "complexes" and western public health won "round covid"


Depraved-heart Murder (see definition at wickedpedia) on a Mass Scale. All to create the fear and the "no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" status necessary to obtain a "emergency use authorization" EUA from the fda for the Mrna countermeasure response "warped speed" "vaccine" "mass shootings" as well as to establish regulatory "pre-approval" status of Mrna as a "vaccine" platform technology and genetic manipulation delivery platform. Foreshadowing, I and others understand, evil's plan to take earth with its plan for a genetic engineered dystopian future of total control in order to forever preempt God's Plan for a Golden Age of Freedom on Our Planet Earth.

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If the TGA potentially committed fraud isn’t there predicate for lawsuit, viewing of Australia's contract by at least a few elected representatives, and this whole charade brought down?

If only…

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In my opinion nobody knows where the 'virus' came from or what it was. I think the WHO WEF Fauci Gates etc have got their sights set on the NEXT 'pandemic'. They preferred the bat origin story to be accepted because they can blame a virus emerging from nature, which has been their storyline for 20+ years. They were not happy with the lab leak idea brecause it would interere with their propaganda fror the planned next 'pandemic'. But ultimately the origin of whatever it was is irrelevant. This was a trial run of the totalitarian 'pandemic' agenda. The next time, the screws will really be on.

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Nothing more racist than the Aboriginal flag - which I constantly see flown on an equal footing with the Australian flag - most recently atop the Westgate bridge.

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And the governments still went ahead with our money and bought this dangerous rubbish and then lied that it was safe and effective and effectively mandated its use!

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The politicians are lying, every burocrats are lying, every doctors are lying, the nurses are lying, every burocrats is lying but every lying to the public is a triple lying ......

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Just tragic. A React19 post, just in (4 minutes): https://fb.watch/n3ousqhOVW/

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We are under attack

And the most devastating blow has already been dealt

It's just a matter of time

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"We are under attack - And the most devastating blow has already been dealt - It's just a matter of time" Too true.

Please read the comment and reply I posted to "SECRETS - MANY SECRETS". It is now just above your post /my reply there.

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