I am so sick of all the lies and coverups from the last 2 gov’ts. Scotty from marketing and AnAl are just doing what WEF/UN/WHO and their higher ups tell them.

It’s time to tell our gov’t-all of them-they work for US! They need to do what WE want.

I think we want Australia back, and we want it NOW!!!

This digital rubbish coming in, TExID or whatever it is, will destroy us. They can foist it on those who are unaware-they’re lost, sadly we can’t save them, but we will save ourselves by NOT COMPLYING in this foolishness. We are not going to give the gov’t that has committed TREASON our data, access to our healthcare, and certainly not access to our MONEY! Who would comply with such rot. This treasonous gov’t will take away all of our independence and make us slaves.

ANAL- we know you are working for WEF, and we’ll never forget you and that hateful Gates together, grinning it up for the cameras. What deals with him did you make, and how much money have you personally gained since becoming our SELECTED P.M.? We know elections are rubbish now. Lab/Lib/Nat/Green/teal = all one uniparty! All of you! Get working for us, not for what you will receive you prideful gang of satanists.

Everyone, help by listing why we shall not participate in digital ID, please!! OUR future is at stake not this smelly gov’t. They are not going to take our money, health, possessions, what else??

I’m not on any other social media, so please pass it on-we may save some souls. Gov’t members have SOLD theirs. They are just evil !!

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At least you have several politicians who are willing to call the lies out directly. Have a prayer for New Zealand where blunt truth seems to be lost in the mists of decades of propaganda.

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Yes, I understand!

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Peak insanity, 2020 to 2024: Malcolm Roberts not holding back - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/LfgxQNeM88U6EsDg/?mibextid=ox5AEW

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Three hours in and nearly 4,000 reactions - encouraging.

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Nine hours in and approaching 8,000 reactions. ✊

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Shame people “bicker” so much on fb. We all need to stop bickering and unite! We have the numbers…..!! United we stand, just like during Vietnam war. They spoke a lot about action during that time.

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rrodynmac said "bickering . . . " That is exactly what your Illegal Corporate Grubberment wants!

United You Stand, Divided You SHALL Fall as a Nation to Servitude for These Individual Grubberment Treasonist Entities called Polutiticians Who Are Puppets to a Purported Gobal Corporate Entity That No Aussie Referendum Had A Vote On.

What Dirt does the Gobal Corporate Entity have on your Polutiticians to Harness Such Hate Against the Aussie Families?

Wake Up Aussies!

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Indeed they are treasonous! Yes they want more than bickering! I would like to send a few messages their way!

As you said Jacq Wake up Aussies!

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Anger helps.

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Fair enough! I certainly do not doubt that!

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Anger is an Emotional knee jerk reaction that your foes want! What a Waste of Energy!

Logical Thinking with Logical Outcomes Rule the Day.

YOUR Illegal Corporate Grubberment can only Operate with "What Should We Do Next/What is the Plan/Lockstep O'Wise Unelected Gobal Corporate Entity?"

Piss Off the UniParty and Create a Government Worthy To Uphold YOUR NATION'S Survival.

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Anger may seem to help, but all it does is cause chaos in your own body (stress, high BP) and doesn't affect the guilty ones. Better to sit quietly to figure out a solution and to stop this ever happening again.

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The only solution is to make our gov’t irrelevant, obsolete, gone!

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Anger looks to the good of justice, as Thomas Aquinas said. Anger doesn’t mean behaving irrationally.

This is the worst thing that has ever happened to us, but public apathy is still too commonplace.

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Facebook’s making it hard for me to see much again David, but I saw enough! Thanks for posting!

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Thanks, rrodynmac. The response numbers are telling. This poor young man - absolutely inexcusable: https://substack.com/@meshwork3232/note/c-66971249?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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Shocking-I can’t make a comment on your note, even though I subscribed, I’ll try later-figured it out-it’s because I’m not on instagram, but again, I read enough. Just terrible. This young man could be anyone’s son, sibling, father. This is what these untested jabs do. This is what our gov’t is going to try and make us have, when Dig ID comes in, just to get food, medicine, because they follow the globalists directions.

I say no! Everyone should look at this link, thank you David!

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Not just deaths but there are many people suffering from all types of health problems. Even if they were not healthy to begin with any extra poison in the system would surely make it worse. The stent business is booming.

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Our government doesn’t care about us-they only care about themselves, and doing their masters’ bidding (except a few). They care about how they look to WEF/UN/WHO. They are setting us all up. It doesn’t matter what party, they are all owned by these revolting institutions that nobody wants. Politicians don’t even care anymore if they get voted back in-if they do the right thing by their masters, they get showered in money and other perks, whilst in office, and when they leave. Just think how many politicians in say, 20 years, who have retired or been voted out (cos we never vote them in, except the few), and gone to high paid jobs.

Klaus Schwab was pleased. Now the chairman is some goomer from Norway. Will anything change?

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Has to start at the bottom, local people, local governents, then work our way up to put in sensible people not aligned with the new world order plans.

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We have to be quick about it Koala! I know I went off on a rant above, but everyone has to realise how dangerous this digital ID is, and we’ve got to slow it right down, many people (including myself) have myGov accounts and the easiest thing to do is not link other things to it-nothing at all! I know I don’t have to tell you Koala-you’re very bright!

I don’t even have a smartphone, so people without them shouldn’t feel they have to get one. We’ve got to hold the gov’t back! Did I see one time that you don’t have a smartphone Koala, or was it something else-my memory! Anyway you don’t have to answer that of course!

Yes local government, we have to attend meetings (if councillors let us) and watch them like a hawk. And let them know we’re watching them!

Others will have good ideas I know! There are council elections where I am in October-I’ve watched a few meetings, and attended a “workshop”, where we could “have our say” for what we want the council to do over next five years-yeah, right! Anyway, I’d better put my money where my mouth is, and at least check out the nominees-of which there are no new ones yet! I’m not settling for the same mob if I can help it!

I’ve been scanning documents, looking for links with 15 minute cities, and all things “sustainable”. That’s about it, though.

Thanks for that reply Koala!

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I know it is moving faster than a normal person can keep up.

I do unfortunately have a smart phone (I don't use it much), I resisted it as long as possible but living in a regional area I was limited and when they shut 2g my 3g phone stopped working properly, now I am faced with the same thing, my 4g phone apparently is not designed for the Australian network. What a rort the Telco's have got going. Have to applaud Senator Malcolm Roberts for fighting for a delay and he also mentions UK are still got 2g available! There are many countries not shutting 3g either so you wonder why? Is it to force us all on 5g eventually?Why is Australia in such a hurry?

When our local elections come up I try to look up each candidate and sometimes email them, but yes they don't change much.

Happy to always discuss topics with you rrodynmac.

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Thanks for that Koala. I just remembered I have an old smartphone, we got it for our son to monitor his type one insulin dependent diabetes, but he had to get a new one. I don’t like him having to have it, but it tells him when his blood sugar is getting too low-he wears a sensor with a small wire under the skin. This diabetes is definitely a childhood “vaccine” injury. I wasn’t as informed as you, and he had the vaxes. (Not covid though). He’s an adult now.

As to the phone, I think it’s probably 3 or 4G. I’ll have to find it, and run over it with my car! Yeah, I know UK still had 2G available-I got a shock! I don’t know why the hurry for 5G here, unless it’s for 15 minute cities, CBDC’s or both. Social credit also. And of course, our leader wants to look good for WEF etc. Many countries don’t have smart meters either! When ours came out, we were told “you have to have it” end of story. I moved into a house in 2004 that already had one, then moved after about 2 years, but the current smartmeter was installed in about 2007, I’m guessing. And I didn’t know how harmful these things could be!

All this makes me want to screeeech very loudly! 😬

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I know how you feel.

The house I rent has a smart meter. I did some research it is not harmful as much as other things, just as long as it is not near your head when you sleep. Has be quite close I think.

I cannot believe people are buying into all these "smart" things.

Acronym: S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology; often written as SMART.

I can understand your son needs the phone. Here is a good alternative article about diabetes:


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Good that you researched about smart meters-Americans and UKians are freaking out over them. I think the wifi computers people are attached to are more dangerous! I’m trying to cut my use, but I’ve got a back problem (failed back surgery-which is a “syndrome” now), and it’s really playing up on me lately, so I’m not managing very well, using machine more than I want to. I’ve got to go out today, that will be fun! Maybe I’ll see a difference away from the house.

I know there are microwaves all around us, but I don’t think there are as many satellites in “space” as they like to tell us.

Thanks for the article, we’ve tried lots of things, but he’s basically got no pancreas.

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Simple. The companies producing pink bats don’t own the media and politicians like big pharma.

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Politicians get money from big pharma. Media is owned by globalists, just like gov’t is owned by globalists. Stupid politicians don’t realise they are owned!

Good comment Marc!

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Well, it doesn't matter where the influence and power comes from, more importantly how many of us awaken to the lie and act.. However, one only has to look at media in the US to see how often Big Pharma is touted as major sponsors for major network media organisations. The corruption is deep and systemic and it will not stop unless WE stop it.

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I certainly agree with what you’ve said, we must stop it, but we are so spread out!

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Personally I think Denis Rancourt's work on all cause mortality was and is excellent and worth mentioning as well.

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One of he best charts I have seen which can interactive to plug in whatever your criteria


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For surveillance under the skin including chips on organs, yes they needed everyone jabbed up. For the IEEE and WBAN they needed everyone jabbed. I first saw this technology deployed on exercise Talisman Sabre in 2003, including the cypher technology, which everyone calls crypto now. Wireless data bursts... It was 3G back then, now it's 5G, greater data transfer.

The self spreading, only yeilds the 4D mapping. Still makes people sick.

It's synthetic biology. I first saw it under the microscope in 2005 in 2nd HSB in pathology section.

What "IT" really is would freak everyone out, including the idiots who deployed it.

I can only see Devine intervention giving a fix to this. As our leaders are too corrupt, lack foresight and really are just too stupid.

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Thanks for that MedMan-you’re good at explaining things! I need to pray more. Thank you!

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Corruption and greed by the corporate government🤢

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That chart says it all! Thanks Phillip - these short sharp article are just what the doctor ordered!

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Govt doesn't want a Royal Commission because they already know where the blame lies ... and are not willing to face the music!

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I don't care how much grifting the uniparty do, but I do have a problem when they try to maim and kill.

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But they grift off of us, also. I don’t like that part, either! And they have bad plans for us, and others they didn’t manage to maim and kill. If we don’t stop them we are cooked!

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A new interview on the injections with Canadian physician Dr Mark Trozzi by Australian radio broadcaster, Melinda Richards: https://open.substack.com/pub/drtrozzi/p/two-ways-c-19-injections-trigger?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Just in case anyone doesn’t know, apparently Klaus Schwab phoned AnAl to congratulate him on getting the digital ID Bill approved in parliament. 🤮

Not much work for AnAl-he sent it to the Senate first (not the usual house to hear a bill first)-so some senators were shocked, not to mention public. At the senate, the vote was called for with NO DEBATE!!! Of course approved, then leisurely sent to the house of reps, where of course AnAl and his green mates assured the success of this bill.

Many of the public (me included) made submissions about this bill, I bet none of us opposing the bill were even looked at.

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Boom gates have popped up suddenly at NSW/QLD border https://substack.com/@michaelginsburg/note/c-66746855 Anyone else seen anything ominous? https://substack.com/@michaelginsburg/note/c-66977586 These are just quick notes to look at.

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G'day Phillip , let's dance...

so what it boils down to , in a nutshell , we ought to fly the flag of the Federation , beware of the arrangement of the Southern Cross , and 'Australia' was being fucked over since the 1930s , and since the numbers of aware Citizenry has become too aware of a certain pyramid or ponzi scheme the numbers needed to be culled ???

So , who do you think will win this "game of 'thrones' ?

Of course the One's that didn't take the shot.

If there wasn't a legal avenue for a legalese solution they wouldn't have assassinated a heap of legal and Constitutional Advocates...

Those injured out of ignorance or arrogance need to help themselves , those unable to , be assured you will be taken under the wings , to those fallen , silly buggers , R.I.P.

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It's self spreading so it will be in your blood to a degree.

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if it is truly self spreading, and I have my doubts on that , who ever came up with turning a fungi or parasite , natural or synthetic , into an organism that feeds of by the looks of it of 'red blood cells' to convert what ever it takes to what ever it needs to grow , you're an absolute genius , but an evil one. It might be 'self-spreading with the help of plenty of terra-forming and a lot of nasty frequencies , but it is not the holy grail of this insanity.

They didn't need billions shot up , they could just bide their time...

Will it grow in organic coffee bourbon and red wine ?

What do you think this 'IT' is ?

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They want to be rid of most people, so I’m guessing the legal and Constitutional Advocates don’t matter anyway.

The only way the people are going to win is by cooperation (don’t argue about silly things amongst each other) planning, and making existing government irrelevant! Make our own constitution-I believe our gov’ts (federal at least) have been illegal since at least mid 70’s, maybe longer, because they are a corporation, and have made Australia a corporation which is the property of America.

Perhaps this is why you speak of the legal and Constitutional Advocates? I don’t know much about law, except it’s far too complicated, and needn’t be like this. If we make government irrelevant, we can make our own simpler laws.

I don’t really understand your first paragraph though Michael. And never seen game of thrones. But I’m interested in what you are saying!

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G'day mac

when you say property of America , is it rather property of an american corporation that is owned by the vatican , which is owned by ???

Yes we're all out there to put our 5 bob of knowledge in to figure a way to actually live a live...I really believe , because of their actions taken , that there is a legal way to rid ourselves off this corporations , everything they do is contractual by deceit and they have continuously violated those contracts - maybe that's a way to claim all the gold and whatever stashes back ? so in a way it does matter very much to have lost all that advocate knowledge...

on the other hand different new solutions might take longer but will be more grassroots...

One of the two red flags , and the blue one , is representing the 'trading company' , Admirality Law...

The other represents the Commonwealth of Australia and the Constitution...

Possibly there is a way to claim back the debt America asked to be paid , since all wars are ponzi schemes...always refreshing to see that it's the truth that is radical , not one self :)

Game of thrones , mesmerising as Vikings - a telling of a possible history and timeline of events , touching on certain 'issues' one isn't supposed to tend to discuss or mention , very raw , sort of the who is who in the circus...

(and of course hot chicks and splendid music , did I miss something not having seen the last (new) season ? fuck if I care , together with mates we're working on establishing a market garden and a fruit orchard with chickens and other meats and milk (products) to eventually restore some sort of health in the district , it's all organic,biodynamic and demeter. hard yakka. Who knows if anything ever changes for the better unless some sort of greater percentage of evil fuckers comes back as good cunts , we'll find out aye.

I pray every moment that a many find a way to realise their power and remember the way to tap into it. We are an incredible force to be reckoned with.

I'm buggered mate .good night

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Wow, you’re doing great things! Thanks for explaining all that you did. Yes I do know that pyramid.

I’m not into hot chicks though-🙅‍♀️-you’d be surprised at how many people think I’m a bloke! I like being called mate though-it makes me think of when I was younger, in better times-everyone called me mate or mac or both!

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It's an Honour My Lady , well played mate

You may never know what you're missing out on :)

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Ahh, thanks I guess! 🙂 Now you can get back to work Michael !

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nah fat chance , cut it short on 14 hours today.

see ya when I look at ya

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Oh unless you had a PCR test or fornicate with the vaccinated, you might get a high enough dose to make enough chips, sensors and antennae.

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you mean if instead of unless ?

mate i am happily married since 1988 , bore the revolution nine children and I don't do 'modern medicine' anymore for quite some time

I lost 70-80% of my 120% eyesight overnight just disregarding the insert of the oh so innocent looking (p)harma quickfix and our firstborn still suffers from early quackses and I am 'lucky' to live where there is bugger all reception for mobile.

on top of that I asked kindred spirits to protect me.

you need not worry about me , that shit can't touch me.

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