Totally hear you. I liken this decades-long vaccine fiasco to having invited in a guest who stole the silver. Let that person back in the house? Are you kidding?!!? I will not trust any vaccine, nor anything out of Big Pharma for the rest of my life. Nor would I trust the government health "authorities," nor the average doctor. For certain prescription medications I might— maybe— trust the recommendations of a doctor who did not fall for the covid psy-op. Those doctors who did fall for the criminal nonsense, and still haven't figured it out, or admitted it, the Lords of Karma will deal with them. Not me. I'm going nowhere near them.
I am 62. In 79 I didn’t believe you could control someone’s mind and make them an asset a Patsy. Now the world is full of bloody Patsies. Prime minister’s President’s Pope’s and Porn Star’s Politicians and Physicians. Wonder who was or is the biggest Patsy????
In a sane world, bypassing the body's mucosal defense to inject toxic cell culture made from other species, along with toxicant metal adjuvants would be considered an abomination. Of course it elicits an immune response just like any other poison.
What always seems to be overlooked in this discussion is that, unlike all other classes of drugs, vaccines are given to HEALTHY people to PREVENT contracting a specific disease caused by a specific pathogen. In this respect, it should result in far HIGHER benefit/risk applying to vaccines, whereas the opposite is the case. They had also damn well better protect against infection by the stated pathogen.
In fact, the clinical support for most vaccines is appallingly bad and few if any of the vaccines available today, including those on the childhood schedules, have support from any RCT employing a GENUINE placebo arm. Read the above paragraph again. This makes no sense whatsoever.
That is the supposed intent of vaccines, however history demonstrates relatively clearly they the have always been a tool of control with genocide as their primary purpose. The digital age represents the final component the eugenicist criminal elite needed to fulfil their demonic subjugation of humanity.
Having to power to compel any and all individuals to be injected with any toxic cocktail these sub human parasites wish to impose upon us, is truly tyranny at its most perverse.
Thanks so munch Philip. The question to ask though when discussing trials and placebos, is surely who are the children used for these trials and placebos? If as a parent, one was asked to be willing to inject your healthy child with a potentially harmful drug, would you do it? Who would you propose be these little baby and children participants? It is incredible how dumb we are on the supposed sacrosanct alter of medicine. WE have been manipulated and abused for so long....the great convid was a huge psyop...look at the size and the duration of the great vaccine psyop! It seems that the entire field of vaccination has been corrupt from go to woe.
I experimented on my son by not allowing him to have any vaccines. He is 22 and his blood tests show he has an excellent immune system, he never even gets a sniffle. But they do not want to hear from the unvaccinated.
Good on you Koala Power! My cousin who is a midwife in a private hospital in Sydney said that more Mums are requesting that their babies NOT be vaccinated with the horrid HEP B shot...let's end this from the very beginning.
Back when my son was born I do not know if they gave them Hep B shots but they automatically gave him a Vitmain K shot (without permission), and he went yellow (can't be sure if there was a connection).
Don't ever feel guilty you were doing your best at what you thought was right at the time. You only have to check out the ingredients list of all vaccines to make you wonder what they might be doing to your body. The very least is making your immune system compromised. There are much safer alternatives like homeopathy, and they do have one to help with whooping cough among other things and also as prevention if you are concerned.
It’s hard to know anything when they brainwash us into vaxxing our kids.
When I was about 52 or so, I went to the dr who had an esky full of flu jabs, and he said to me “you have flu injection? Yes, you should, “ and the needle was in my arm. I had no idea about vax harms, I was ok, so I thought the jab was ok.
Of course not. It’s extremely ´inconvenient’ that your son is extremely healthy. My granddaughter (almost one) is, so far, unvaccinated. My daughter is a new doctor so it will be interesting to see how she fates in the system especially as she begins to question more and more.
Months has had no injections either. And no colds. My other 3 have had no injections for the past 2 years, aged 6, 5 and 3. We weren’t as awake initially. Bustards the lot of them! Your daughter would likely like the NZ Dr Sam Bailey.
It’s encouraging to see that many parents are beginning to push back. I regret vaccinating my daughters but as now in their 30s the number they had was relatively few compared with today. Said no to HPV which came in when they were in their teens!
My research has led me to the justification for vaccines being promoted is because "modern" medical "science" has failed to successfully treat and cure "disease". Allopathic medical interventions kill!
The reason alternative forms of medicine (1800s-1900s to now) "had to be" systematically ridiculed and censored was because they were taking business away from big chemical, big oil, big pharma and proving that disease did not have to end up in death and morbitity. Their statistics showed that "quacks" in the organised form, actually cured the ill.
Yes, I've known for years (~2005) the suppression of cancer treatments and other medical manipulation....but unearthing the words from the archives (thanks to the WayBack Machine) gives a whole new level of understanding from my point of view, which I am sharing in my substack, to give a timestamp to the truth.
I don't know about 'eating real' since most foods are tainted in some form or another, however, removing toxic emotions such as fear, anger and hatred is absolutely possible.
The cheapest and most necessary way of reducing risk for all chronic disease is adequate sunlight exposure. Yet we are told by Authorities to "shun the sun"...or alternatively, smear ourselves in known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.
I do not consent ■ I have learned to stay away from people who support killing babies (what reasonable person should think that is a safe place to be, how does that give trust in character to any politician?), and I have learned it takes an idiot to let someone stick poison in you. I have learned that even though I was poisoned in my drink after a fight, and later have had venomous bites that are deadly, that the Lord God/YHVH has healed me through/with his Holy Spirit in the name of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. M
I thank Philip for sharing his excellent research, and I do not want to distract from the good message and positive vibes here...... But ....
Let's give Phillip the benefit of the doubt. He is in the political world, and is choosing to "play the game", which means phrasing certainties as questions, and using euphemisms where it is clear to the rest of us atrocities exist. Let's further give him the benefit of the doubt that he spent decades as a pharmacist who did the right thing and sought out information on his products, and genuinely missed the mountains of evidence for vaccine harms, the overwhelming evidence that their efficacy claims are fraudulent. Let's assume the pharmaceutical model which has so little actual benefits, kills so many and violates so many codes of ethics also somehow managed to elude him while working in it for decades. Let's go even further and agree that he has not had the time to read the books or investigate the avenues of triangulating and confirming the claims of vaccine fraud. Let's go even further and assume he has not read the piles of comments on his own articles, and is simply genuinely slow in reaching the inevitable conclusions of some of his own research.
Even assuming all those things, doesn't the title of this article - phrased as a question - seem almost dishonest, given its content? Anyone else yelling at the screen something like "Of course the friggin vaccines are unsafe, you have collated enough of the evidence yourself!"?
The "benefit of a doubt" phenomenon is definitely wearing thin when "truth tellers" still give regulators and politicians this benefit, claiming that "everyone was panicking, it was a rushed job and mistakes were made", or "sure, BigPharma is always profit-motivated", but our medical experts "meant well", etc, but perhaps there is some wisdom in laying a breadcrumb trail for those friends and family with whom we share Phillip's writings, who have not plunged into the deep water before? If Phillip were simply "yelling at the screen" he would be preaching to the converted rather than producing sharable content - there is ample yelling going on to little avail. Just a thought...?
A good thought, and from his above comment, it seems Phillip agrees. It is certainly likely (but still sad) that this strategy is achieving more than blunt honesty ever will.
Ironically, the people censoring Phillip are using the exact same rationale. Something like - 'we need to censor him to protect those who have not plunged into deep water before'. And on it goes, and our present Dark Age continues. Still, well said both of you.
There is also a fascinating exchange at the end of this long presentation and Q&A (Couey and Doctors for COVID Ethics International); if you are time poor go straight to 2:24:30. JJ describes a thought experiment which may explain why some of our "truth tellers" focus our attention on some bits while leaving alone other aspects.
Absolutely fantastic reference, thanks. Also presenting almost irrefutable evidence that JJ is correct are: Matthew Crawford (mindwars), Sage Hana (SPARS), Theresa Corragio (deep dive on Malone), Michael Ginsburg (ARC) (who also commented on this stack), and many, many more.
Let’s not forget the WHO’s propaganda machine is state of the art. And it’s been creating the illusion the WHO hides in plain site. By removing Death by Immunisation from the International Coroner’s Code the WHO gave themselves a licence to kill.
This is globally coordinated democide - not once has the MSM reported on the injection deaths as injection deaths. Not once have they quoted the massively understated VAERS numbers.
They stopped the use of cheap and available “anti-Covid” treatments which have cost the lives of at least a million Americans – far more in the rest of the world.
They have forced people to have their injections or be fired from their jobs. Did that ever happen before in human history?
Now there is an increase of 40% in deaths amongst those between 16 and 64 (those who were subject to the illegal workplace mandates).
I figured out what was happening in March 2021 because thousands had died in the initial “Vaccine” roll-out and no-one was interested – tens of millions have now died and still no government is interested in investigating.
If this was all a big accident then they would have stopped the use of the "vaccines" after 30 deaths - like they did with the Swine Flu Vaccine.
But no – they are still pounding out "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" on their Cabal owned MSM.
But wait – there’s more.
The same lethal nanotechnology is now included in all “Vaccines” and injectables including local anaesthetic shots, dental anaesthetic shots, steroid shots and Insulin shots.
You see .. they knew that people would learn to avoid the Covid bioweapon shots – so they anticipated in advance how to proceed with their depopulation program.
Remember they’ve been planning this in detail since 1968 when they set up their project team – which we know as “The Club of Rome”.
Yep, the nanotech-are you a fan of Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea? Or someone else doing this important (understatement) work?
My son is type 1, insulin dependent diabetic, which I’m sure he got from childhood vax. Also autism, but he’s not too bad with that.
So you can bet I’m concerned about this nanotech, on top of everything else! It spreads to the unvaxxed! Dr Mihalcea has hundreds of unvaxxed patients, she sees the nanotech in their blood.
Many people are unable to take more bad news.
But I always say this-Type 1 diabetics-do NOT STOP taking your insulin.
Worried more about the 3M tooth-colored product they use to fill the chip. Had it done several times in the past. Never thought about it. After “COVID,” definitely hesitant.
Before we get to safety ... what about proof of efficacy? Germ theory, virology and vaccinology simply form a big house of cards that can be crashed to the ground with the slightest touch.
I have been sending emails to various companies asking searching questions about how they are testing their ingredients for ‘cleanliness’. Needless to say I have had some rather frosty responses! This has led me to believe I cannot trust supplement companies either.
So far, I cannot get injured, cannot get sick, cannot get teeth problems, cannot trust food in the supermarket. It’s going to get difficult to function as time goes on. The number of sick, injured and disabled people in my area in NZ is very scary - so many deaths in people under 60. I have several family members with vax injuries and one almost died in the pharmacy 20 min after her first shot. She was told to go to hospital for her second shot so she could be revived! Was denied an exemption. That would have been wilful murder had she gone ahead with the second shot. The next couple of years are going to be very tough.
Yes, supplements-some brands are owned by big pharma. Vigilant Fox has a chart showing which ones. I don’t know how to post it here, I only work with an ipad! Natures Way, KAL, Swanson are ones I can think of. I saw a ref to an article saying Blackmores D3 has graphene in it-long time back, I can’t find the article. Sorry. Do look up Vigilant Fox substack or his news blog.
Ok. Looking forward if we have to assume all vax & drugs are toxic we need someone to devise a cheap test where anyone can test a solution or break a tablet up in distilled water to test for the presence of LNP and Q dots, hydrogel or spike before partaking in the continued poisoning of the human race. Same for food, supplement powders, etc. Then those batch numbers that are found clean could be published on a ‘clean platform’.
Must be some clever scientists that could do this for mankind?
I use Chlorine Dioxide ifI get a cold/flu, whatever. I have no idea if I’ve ever had covid. Aussies can’t get ivermectin, I think. I also take Boron, once a day, the 3 types of Boron. It’s not expensive.
It's sometime difficult to find. I bought mine here. I am not related to this company and I do not receice money or bonus from them. Very good price and fast delivery. Two bottles.
Bottle one : Mineral Solution - Bottle two : Activator solution
Mix one drop of each in a small amount of water. Wait one minute for the mixture to activate. Then add water. No more then one drop at the beginning. After few days, follow your feeling.
I am 63. I will never voluntarily take another shot under any circumstances.
Totally hear you. I liken this decades-long vaccine fiasco to having invited in a guest who stole the silver. Let that person back in the house? Are you kidding?!!? I will not trust any vaccine, nor anything out of Big Pharma for the rest of my life. Nor would I trust the government health "authorities," nor the average doctor. For certain prescription medications I might— maybe— trust the recommendations of a doctor who did not fall for the covid psy-op. Those doctors who did fall for the criminal nonsense, and still haven't figured it out, or admitted it, the Lords of Karma will deal with them. Not me. I'm going nowhere near them.
Me too #
I am 62. In 79 I didn’t believe you could control someone’s mind and make them an asset a Patsy. Now the world is full of bloody Patsies. Prime minister’s President’s Pope’s and Porn Star’s Politicians and Physicians. Wonder who was or is the biggest Patsy????
In a sane world, bypassing the body's mucosal defense to inject toxic cell culture made from other species, along with toxicant metal adjuvants would be considered an abomination. Of course it elicits an immune response just like any other poison.
Very true. And with nano tech these days, you could add the kitchen sink to the list of potential ingredients in a Vaccination Potion.
On v@ccines. Witches brew.
A bit long for me to watch at the moment! Thanks though Susan.
What always seems to be overlooked in this discussion is that, unlike all other classes of drugs, vaccines are given to HEALTHY people to PREVENT contracting a specific disease caused by a specific pathogen. In this respect, it should result in far HIGHER benefit/risk applying to vaccines, whereas the opposite is the case. They had also damn well better protect against infection by the stated pathogen.
In fact, the clinical support for most vaccines is appallingly bad and few if any of the vaccines available today, including those on the childhood schedules, have support from any RCT employing a GENUINE placebo arm. Read the above paragraph again. This makes no sense whatsoever.
That is the supposed intent of vaccines, however history demonstrates relatively clearly they the have always been a tool of control with genocide as their primary purpose. The digital age represents the final component the eugenicist criminal elite needed to fulfil their demonic subjugation of humanity.
Having to power to compel any and all individuals to be injected with any toxic cocktail these sub human parasites wish to impose upon us, is truly tyranny at its most perverse.
Thanks so munch Philip. The question to ask though when discussing trials and placebos, is surely who are the children used for these trials and placebos? If as a parent, one was asked to be willing to inject your healthy child with a potentially harmful drug, would you do it? Who would you propose be these little baby and children participants? It is incredible how dumb we are on the supposed sacrosanct alter of medicine. WE have been manipulated and abused for so long....the great convid was a huge psyop...look at the size and the duration of the great vaccine psyop! It seems that the entire field of vaccination has been corrupt from go to woe.
I experimented on my son by not allowing him to have any vaccines. He is 22 and his blood tests show he has an excellent immune system, he never even gets a sniffle. But they do not want to hear from the unvaccinated.
Good on you Koala Power! My cousin who is a midwife in a private hospital in Sydney said that more Mums are requesting that their babies NOT be vaccinated with the horrid HEP B shot...let's end this from the very beginning.
Back when my son was born I do not know if they gave them Hep B shots but they automatically gave him a Vitmain K shot (without permission), and he went yellow (can't be sure if there was a connection).
In 61 my 6 month Whooping Cough immunisation nearly killed me, so the parents say. I feel guilty I immunised my three kids.
Don't ever feel guilty you were doing your best at what you thought was right at the time. You only have to check out the ingredients list of all vaccines to make you wonder what they might be doing to your body. The very least is making your immune system compromised. There are much safer alternatives like homeopathy, and they do have one to help with whooping cough among other things and also as prevention if you are concerned.
It’s hard to know anything when they brainwash us into vaxxing our kids.
When I was about 52 or so, I went to the dr who had an esky full of flu jabs, and he said to me “you have flu injection? Yes, you should, “ and the needle was in my arm. I had no idea about vax harms, I was ok, so I thought the jab was ok.
What was the hospital’s reasoning for giving Vit K without permission??!!
Of course not. It’s extremely ´inconvenient’ that your son is extremely healthy. My granddaughter (almost one) is, so far, unvaccinated. My daughter is a new doctor so it will be interesting to see how she fates in the system especially as she begins to question more and more.
Hilary and my youngest grand daughter 10
Months has had no injections either. And no colds. My other 3 have had no injections for the past 2 years, aged 6, 5 and 3. We weren’t as awake initially. Bustards the lot of them! Your daughter would likely like the NZ Dr Sam Bailey.
It’s encouraging to see that many parents are beginning to push back. I regret vaccinating my daughters but as now in their 30s the number they had was relatively few compared with today. Said no to HPV which came in when they were in their teens!
Hell YES !!! They are pure unadulterated poison !!!☠️
Actually I would say that the poison is adulterated just enough to make it not immediately appear like systematic mass maiming and murder.
Time-release poison?
Thank you Dr Altman,
Del and Aaron have a lot of great content and yes this weeks episode of The Highwire was a good summary.
My research has led me to the justification for vaccines being promoted is because "modern" medical "science" has failed to successfully treat and cure "disease". Allopathic medical interventions kill!
The reason alternative forms of medicine (1800s-1900s to now) "had to be" systematically ridiculed and censored was because they were taking business away from big chemical, big oil, big pharma and proving that disease did not have to end up in death and morbitity. Their statistics showed that "quacks" in the organised form, actually cured the ill.
"Vaccines" and anti-serums are the result of policies were manipulated and established by big money interests, not for "health".
There are many ways to treat and avoid starts with eating real, removing toxins, removing toxic emotions like fear and hatred... has a great history of the medical cartel and how it all happened, killing off any doctors who said they could cure cancer included.
Yes, I've known for years (~2005) the suppression of cancer treatments and other medical manipulation....but unearthing the words from the archives (thanks to the WayBack Machine) gives a whole new level of understanding from my point of view, which I am sharing in my substack, to give a timestamp to the truth.
But yes, cancer cures are have been suppressed.
B17 see Ed Griffin 1974
and the great Dr Burzynski
And much more...
I don't know about 'eating real' since most foods are tainted in some form or another, however, removing toxic emotions such as fear, anger and hatred is absolutely possible.
The cheapest and most necessary way of reducing risk for all chronic disease is adequate sunlight exposure. Yet we are told by Authorities to "shun the sun"...or alternatively, smear ourselves in known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.
Never again, I had to take many for work and immigration and I wonder what my health would have been if I had been able to avoid all.
The entire vaccine industry is one huge scam.
No vaccine has ever been proven to prevent any disease. They are poison to keep the medical cartel operating and kill off a few people as well.
Check out this and also Greg Beatties work:
I do not consent ■ I have learned to stay away from people who support killing babies (what reasonable person should think that is a safe place to be, how does that give trust in character to any politician?), and I have learned it takes an idiot to let someone stick poison in you. I have learned that even though I was poisoned in my drink after a fight, and later have had venomous bites that are deadly, that the Lord God/YHVH has healed me through/with his Holy Spirit in the name of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. M
Praise to God!
I thank Philip for sharing his excellent research, and I do not want to distract from the good message and positive vibes here...... But ....
Let's give Phillip the benefit of the doubt. He is in the political world, and is choosing to "play the game", which means phrasing certainties as questions, and using euphemisms where it is clear to the rest of us atrocities exist. Let's further give him the benefit of the doubt that he spent decades as a pharmacist who did the right thing and sought out information on his products, and genuinely missed the mountains of evidence for vaccine harms, the overwhelming evidence that their efficacy claims are fraudulent. Let's assume the pharmaceutical model which has so little actual benefits, kills so many and violates so many codes of ethics also somehow managed to elude him while working in it for decades. Let's go even further and agree that he has not had the time to read the books or investigate the avenues of triangulating and confirming the claims of vaccine fraud. Let's go even further and assume he has not read the piles of comments on his own articles, and is simply genuinely slow in reaching the inevitable conclusions of some of his own research.
Even assuming all those things, doesn't the title of this article - phrased as a question - seem almost dishonest, given its content? Anyone else yelling at the screen something like "Of course the friggin vaccines are unsafe, you have collated enough of the evidence yourself!"?
It seems you have got the intended message.
The "benefit of a doubt" phenomenon is definitely wearing thin when "truth tellers" still give regulators and politicians this benefit, claiming that "everyone was panicking, it was a rushed job and mistakes were made", or "sure, BigPharma is always profit-motivated", but our medical experts "meant well", etc, but perhaps there is some wisdom in laying a breadcrumb trail for those friends and family with whom we share Phillip's writings, who have not plunged into the deep water before? If Phillip were simply "yelling at the screen" he would be preaching to the converted rather than producing sharable content - there is ample yelling going on to little avail. Just a thought...?
A good thought, and from his above comment, it seems Phillip agrees. It is certainly likely (but still sad) that this strategy is achieving more than blunt honesty ever will.
Ironically, the people censoring Phillip are using the exact same rationale. Something like - 'we need to censor him to protect those who have not plunged into deep water before'. And on it goes, and our present Dark Age continues. Still, well said both of you.
There is also a fascinating exchange at the end of this long presentation and Q&A (Couey and Doctors for COVID Ethics International); if you are time poor go straight to 2:24:30. JJ describes a thought experiment which may explain why some of our "truth tellers" focus our attention on some bits while leaving alone other aspects.
Absolutely fantastic reference, thanks. Also presenting almost irrefutable evidence that JJ is correct are: Matthew Crawford (mindwars), Sage Hana (SPARS), Theresa Corragio (deep dive on Malone), Michael Ginsburg (ARC) (who also commented on this stack), and many, many more.
Let’s not forget the WHO’s propaganda machine is state of the art. And it’s been creating the illusion the WHO hides in plain site. By removing Death by Immunisation from the International Coroner’s Code the WHO gave themselves a licence to kill.
Learning in university/college, especially in health field, has simply become very clever brainwashing.
Yes. Next question.
If anyone needs further proof, feel free to review these:
This is globally coordinated democide - not once has the MSM reported on the injection deaths as injection deaths. Not once have they quoted the massively understated VAERS numbers.
They stopped the use of cheap and available “anti-Covid” treatments which have cost the lives of at least a million Americans – far more in the rest of the world.
They have forced people to have their injections or be fired from their jobs. Did that ever happen before in human history?
Now there is an increase of 40% in deaths amongst those between 16 and 64 (those who were subject to the illegal workplace mandates).
I figured out what was happening in March 2021 because thousands had died in the initial “Vaccine” roll-out and no-one was interested – tens of millions have now died and still no government is interested in investigating.
If this was all a big accident then they would have stopped the use of the "vaccines" after 30 deaths - like they did with the Swine Flu Vaccine.
But no – they are still pounding out "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" on their Cabal owned MSM.
But wait – there’s more.
The same lethal nanotechnology is now included in all “Vaccines” and injectables including local anaesthetic shots, dental anaesthetic shots, steroid shots and Insulin shots.
You see .. they knew that people would learn to avoid the Covid bioweapon shots – so they anticipated in advance how to proceed with their depopulation program.
Remember they’ve been planning this in detail since 1968 when they set up their project team – which we know as “The Club of Rome”.
Yep, the nanotech-are you a fan of Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea? Or someone else doing this important (understatement) work?
My son is type 1, insulin dependent diabetic, which I’m sure he got from childhood vax. Also autism, but he’s not too bad with that.
So you can bet I’m concerned about this nanotech, on top of everything else! It spreads to the unvaxxed! Dr Mihalcea has hundreds of unvaxxed patients, she sees the nanotech in their blood.
Many people are unable to take more bad news.
But I always say this-Type 1 diabetics-do NOT STOP taking your insulin.
No more shots for me. However, I have a chipped from tooth and don’t know what to do.
Don’t go to a doctor or dentist unless someone you trust recommends them.
Dental anaesthetics contain nanotech-see post above
I had same (some time ago). Don't think I needed LA for repair.
Worried more about the 3M tooth-colored product they use to fill the chip. Had it done several times in the past. Never thought about it. After “COVID,” definitely hesitant.
Very good point!
Before we get to safety ... what about proof of efficacy? Germ theory, virology and vaccinology simply form a big house of cards that can be crashed to the ground with the slightest touch.
I have been sending emails to various companies asking searching questions about how they are testing their ingredients for ‘cleanliness’. Needless to say I have had some rather frosty responses! This has led me to believe I cannot trust supplement companies either.
So far, I cannot get injured, cannot get sick, cannot get teeth problems, cannot trust food in the supermarket. It’s going to get difficult to function as time goes on. The number of sick, injured and disabled people in my area in NZ is very scary - so many deaths in people under 60. I have several family members with vax injuries and one almost died in the pharmacy 20 min after her first shot. She was told to go to hospital for her second shot so she could be revived! Was denied an exemption. That would have been wilful murder had she gone ahead with the second shot. The next couple of years are going to be very tough.
Yes, supplements-some brands are owned by big pharma. Vigilant Fox has a chart showing which ones. I don’t know how to post it here, I only work with an ipad! Natures Way, KAL, Swanson are ones I can think of. I saw a ref to an article saying Blackmores D3 has graphene in it-long time back, I can’t find the article. Sorry. Do look up Vigilant Fox substack or his news blog.
Ok. Looking forward if we have to assume all vax & drugs are toxic we need someone to devise a cheap test where anyone can test a solution or break a tablet up in distilled water to test for the presence of LNP and Q dots, hydrogel or spike before partaking in the continued poisoning of the human race. Same for food, supplement powders, etc. Then those batch numbers that are found clean could be published on a ‘clean platform’.
Must be some clever scientists that could do this for mankind?
The best thing to do now is to take Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide regularly. This is what I do. Also Boron (Borax).
Yes and zelenko’s brew
I use Chlorine Dioxide ifI get a cold/flu, whatever. I have no idea if I’ve ever had covid. Aussies can’t get ivermectin, I think. I also take Boron, once a day, the 3 types of Boron. It’s not expensive.
Methylene Blue - Methylene Blue Effects Against Micro Robots and Rubbery Clot Development - A Possible Hopeful Adjunct Solution?
Methylene Blue – a phenomenal anti- aging molecule in my most favorite color – helps with long COVID symptoms too
Yes, my favourite doctor!
Because she works hard looking at nanotech, and what can help get rid of it.
Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin's Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity
According to Dr. Andreas Kalcker, CHLORINE DIOXIDE denatures Spike Protein from Covid/Graphene “Vaccine.¨ 4:28 min
Forbidden Cure - Andreas Kalcker CHLORINE DIOXIDE 12:27
It's sometime difficult to find. I bought mine here. I am not related to this company and I do not receice money or bonus from them. Very good price and fast delivery. Two bottles.
Bottle one : Mineral Solution - Bottle two : Activator solution
Mix one drop of each in a small amount of water. Wait one minute for the mixture to activate. Then add water. No more then one drop at the beginning. After few days, follow your feeling.
Mine from “Oneness labs” in Australia.