There are two other podcasts you need to listen to, if you haven’t already. The first is on Jules on the beach, an interview between Julian Gillespie and Efrat Fenigon where he talks about civil and criminal cases he is mounting in Aus. The second is an interview between Malcolm Roberts and Dr John Campbell ( 2 weeks ago he n YouTube may also be on Malcolm’s website. A third reference was a Deaths au- he does a breakdown of the quiet part of the budget, and the millions put aside for “health”

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Hi Julie. Where is it Malcolm Roberts breaks down the budget? On his website?

I'm ever more impressed by Malcolm Roberts. He really does his homework. His interview about climate skullduggery on the Tom Nelson podcast is a great one.

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It wasn’t Malcolm this time with the budget it’s a substack by Deaths au- also does a massive job.

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Thanks Julie

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That substack is ExcessDeathsAU

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Thank you

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Good work Julie 👍

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I’m just an old lady (71) locked up in Melbourne for two years and then vax injured and housebound- let’s say I’ve had oodles of free time.😏

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Good on you Julie, all the best 👍

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Julie, sorry to hear you are vaxx injured. I received adverse effects from my coerced injection and lost my job because I refused to risk further injury from a second injection. I also gained time to do my homework on this evil as provided by the last two years of unemployment. Now I know my time fighting this is worth more than my job. Wishing you the best for your health.

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In the US VAERS reports provided not just a warning signal (as designed) but a continually blaring alarm shortly after mass injection of the US population began. Those who pay attention, while ignoring the politicized trash called legacy corporate media, know there has never been any doubt that COVID injections are horrifically dangerous in the short term. And now medium term harms clearly include damaged immune systems and sudden, aggressive cancers; for a virus which posed no meaningful risk for the great majority of the population (zero for healthy youngsters).

Failing to pay attention while thinking critically can get you, and those who depend on your judgement, maimed or killed in the current politicized environment.

Incidentally, SHAME on all the so called medical "professionals" who failed those who trusted them so miserably (mind numbing stupidity). They have destroyed their once considerable credibility.

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This is exactly what big harma wanted to create more sickness to sell more drugs. TGA is practically owned by big harma. The money machine wheel is the priority for big harma not the health of people. And yes most people I know that got the so called covid had also had the poison. Neighbour had 4 vax, got 4 blockages, and just told me got another one and another 2 stents put in, tragic.

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Thank you Phillip for the important information that you keep finding for us, the people who do care about our society. Has anyone heard how Barry Young from NZ is going.

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How to get out of this political genocidal mess?


Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.

The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.

The full plan exposed, and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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Strong evidence for vaccine injury has to be - all the brave politicians in Eastern Europe and Africa that have spoken out against the poison; only to be assasinated, murdered, extinguished, had their lives on this planet terminated

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Thank you for highlighting this important interview, Phillip!

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