Thank you Dr Altman

My name is Les Catterwell , and I live in Adelaide

I’ll be distributing your Facebook and Substack posts & writings onto my face book political group -

I am part of Malcolm s & Gerards freedom groups

I am involved with Malcolm’s strategy for election 2025 ...

You have amazing talent & resolve

Thank you , on behalf of every Australian effected by Covid



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Thank you for your quality material Phillip.

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So much evidence and still no arrests. Our TGA is 100% captured by big pharma. They are being paid to hide the truth and are responsible for the harm and deaths of thousands of Australians😡

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I am of the mind that the only way we stop this genocide is for people to refuse the jab not matter the consequences.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


It Is Time To Re-Frame

“Unexpected Deaths”


“Expected Deaths”

For the Vaccinated.

Who Are Dying “As Expected”.


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I see your March meeting in Brisbane ...

If you plan to have any in Adelaide , at any time , please let me know ... thanks

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excellent information thank you for this informative substack

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Dr Altman, could you please consider speaking down in Victoria-central Gippsland area? People are quite spread out here, and an event with you would gather people together, actually physically talking to others-to network against this mRNA rubbish, and all the other things since “covid” that none of us consented to.

Thank you for all you are doing!

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