Thank you Phillip - yes the awareness and our outrage must be kept alive - people like my mum who died of heart failure from the booster was never acknowledged as a vax death - but they then had the audacity to count her as a covid death! I guess option 1. Govt bureaucrats on your doorstep looking at you very closely and potentially suspending you or sending you for “re-education” - or option 2. Get paid to call it covid and pad the numbers! Or option 3. Hospital loses the millions in “grant” money given! If their so called vax was so successful why would they be counting more deaths now as covid deaths than they did during the world worst pandemic (read scam/plandemic)..they will never willing capitulate.. they are all too complicit

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I listened to a fantastic discussion between Sharon Cousens of Open DAEN and Charles Kovess. During her talk she said that 140,444 had been seriously injured by the jabs and 1,023 deaths, as per reported on DAEN. 9 children are dead, and about 400 miscarriages can be attributed. 17 stillborn babies. These figures apparently are 30% underreported, which means that the true numbers of injured are 4.2 million, and deaths should be 30,960. Still the protocol from the TGA is to administer this deadly cocktail, along with pertussis and flu, to all pregnant women. I have no words.

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I have words: 'evil at work', before your very eyes

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Why don’t we ask gov’t and other bureaucrats to take it themselves, and why were gov’t allowed to not have the jab, when everyone else was mandated to? That does not make any sense!!

I asked my local fed. member if he’d had it, and of course he said he had to have it in line with dictator Dan’s mandate in Victoria. And I could see his vaccination status on Facebook. I don’t go on fb, and don’t believe him anyway.

Pregnant women should not have any “vaccine”-it definitely would harm the foetus/baby.

When are these morons going to realise we don’t believe them, don’t trust them, and in most cases don’t like them. Plus, we outnumber them. (I mean the gov’t s).

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The dangerous batches should be seized by the resistance and used under the correct protocols on those that pushed this crime upon humanity. Simply have adequately masked qualified medical people pull them off the street and film their medical intervention using only necessary force carefully to ensure they receive the correct dose. Then let them deal with the very consequences that they are denying exist. We need to start playing by the rules of war they are playing by.

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I like it! And you are right-THEY made the rules of the war.

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Can't see my submission on there, nor that of one of my friends... Is there a link to more submissions somewhere?. The two pages of submissions seems light on ...

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There are only 35 submissions listed at 2.05 pm Thursday 13. They corrected the problem with Submission 24 after I let them know. Apparently they have refused point blank to have another day of hearings.

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This seems an extremely short list... I submitted one, as did my friend... I know another person who said they submitted to this enquiry... Can't see any of these, even in the unidentified listings

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Good point!

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Posted this today on my free substack - it seems appropriate here too - time to ask the politicians you elected to Politics to look after you some difficult questions: Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 19


No doubt, when she volunteers or is called by the Australian Parliament to testify before the Parliamentary Inquiry Into Excess Deaths ...

...Jane Halton, the Australian woman who is presently Chair of CEPI (the Bill Gates/BMGF-instigated and funded "Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations") will be able to shed some light on the extraordinary Moderna timeline that you have provided above.

Of course, no Australian Governmental Inquiry Into Excess Deaths would be REALLY trying to discover the cause of excess deaths (nor to prevent them) unless Jane Halton is required to appear and give her testimony under oath. That is simply because Jane Halton is more experienced in critical health-related areas than anyone else to testify...

1. she is an Australian

2. she was an "eminent" and very influential member of Scott Morrison's National COVID-19 Coordination Commission that advocated the "no jab - no job" vaccine policy

3. she was Chair of the Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Preparedness (2007-2009)

4. she was Commissioner of the Australian Commission on SAFETY & QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE (2006-2014)

5. she has insights that are INDISPENSABLE to any serious Excess Deaths Inquiry as a result of her active participation on 18 October, 2019 in the "Event 201" pandemic response simulation

6. she has publicly acknowledged that her husband, Trevor Sutton's, (then) senior role in the Australian Bureau of Statistics assisted her to better understand statistics and to make sense of reported statistics

7. she and her husband are both directors of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, USA that is funded by Bill Gates/BMGF

8. she was OECD Co-Chair for the Ad-Hoc Group on Health (2002-2007)

9. she was President of the 60th World Health Assembly (2007)

10. she was Chair of the Executive Board of WHO (2013-14), and board member (2004-07, 2012+);

11. she is a former member of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council

12. she understands the COST of poor health to the community because her Commonwealth service has included responsibilities for providing advice to government on the administration of Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, aged care and private health insurance, and her government-paid roles involved implementing billion dollar budgets. In 2014 she was Secretary of the Department of Finance and she is presently on the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Bank) Advisory Board.

With so many formerly extremely healthy YOUNG SPORTSPEOPLE and ATHLETES dying suddenly, Jane Halton's insights from her Australian Sports Commission advisory roles (2008-2010 and 2013-2014) will prove invaluable to the Parliamentary Excess Deaths Inquiry.

But perhaps more important than all of the above, Jane Halton will understand our PARLIAMENT'S & THE INQUIRY'S ETHICAL OBLIGATION TO PREVENT EXCESS DEATHS - thanks to her advisory role with the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (since 2007).

No doubt the Parliamentary Inquiry Into Excess Deaths has ALREADY requested Ms Halton to attend and give evidence under oath..... Or has it?

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Sorry, Im not australian and I've never heard of Ms Halton. My father went to RAF Halton before World War 2 to learn to be an aircraft mechanic, that's all I know of the English RAF Halton.

As I posted earlier today, this is a deliberate extermination program set in place by the Elite to get rid of us Human Rubbish and it is your politicians, who along with Bill Gates, WHO and the Military are deliberately doing that - probably because after the next election, like XI and Putin, they will have their jobs for life.

Unfortunately, or at least for the moment, they have won and we have lost with more than 70% of the world's populations now vaccinated. If kids make up a large proportion of the not vaccinated ,with a few oldies like myself who will die off in the not to distant future, the Elite will be in control with digitization to control the remainder and that's that?

An honest politician - that would have to be a first.

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I'd be deeply surprised if Putin was not a considerably better bet as an honest leader that protects his citizens considerably better our grubby "leaders" from the genocidal psychopathic Central Banking dynasties that inflicted genocidal Communism, the Nazis and the UN on humanity.

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I'm sorry you're not an Australian, too, Christine but what you tell us about RAF Halton is interesting.

The Jane Halton I mentioned probably knows about RAF Halton as she was Born in Wickwar, Gloucestershire and her family moved to Australia in 1973 when her father, Charles Halton, was recruited from Canada by Australia's then Whitlam Government to lead the Department of Transport. Perhaps she has an old Halton family connection to RAF Halton.

There is no doubt at all that she does know a great deal about the WHO and Bill Gates.

Many governments - including there in the UK and here - have, so far, failed to tell their citizens the whole truth about the experimental COVID gene therapy injections. They have also deliberately withheld (or denied access to) crucial information that would help independent researchers to prove what is causing the post-2021 excess deaths - and, thereby, prevent them.

I was, thus, very concerned to read recently that your UK Government is seriously considering MILITARY CONSCRIPTION in the context of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Obviously, no one can trust their politicians about ANYTHING if those politicians have obfuscated and been dishonest about post-2021 excess deaths and put OBSTACLES IN THE WAY OF INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS who are trying to *discover and prove what's causing excess deaths and to prevent them (*including your MP, Andrew Bridgen, Professor Angus Dalgleish, Dr John Campbell and so many others like Steve Kirsch +++).

Until politicians and governments everywhere do everything within their power to find out and reveal to the public what is causing (especially the post-2021) excess deaths...

...and do everything within their power to assist others who are trying to do that ...

...one would have to take what they say about other matters (like military threats, military conflicts and conscription) with a grain of salt.

By deliberately hindering the efforts of those who are trying to PREVENT excess deaths, dishonest and corrupt politicians and governments have RENOUNCED any legitimate right they might have once had to CONSCRIPT anyone for military service and to put even MORE lives at risk.

This very recent interview with Professor Meirsheimer..


...is just one of many others like it that can help people evaluate the truthfulness and/or competence and/or motives of their politicians and governments who are advocating MILITARY CONSCRIPTION in June, 2024.

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The Politicians and WHO and The Elite are trying to exterminate us all - that is the purpose of what is happening now. If you volunteered to have the vaccines, it is just the same as if you volunteered to be euthanized, except the people who you think will save you, are actually the ones who determine the method in which you are killed: Pfizer Documents confirm Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target & not just an Estimation By The Exposé on July 14, 2023

A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order. And sadly, the evidence strongly suggests that Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. What is Deagel?

The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collect data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. It is known to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.

This means its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are not mere fantasy but instead based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.

What has Deagel Predicted?

Deagel.com’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025.

The Expose

Now I'm not very good at mathematics in the Billions, so for conveniences sake let's say that a population decline leaving 25% or less by 2025 of 8.5 Billion World wide = 2.2 Billion, spread around all of the Countries of the World and many of these will be either old people, like myself, who refused the vaccines and Bill Gates, Trump, Soros, etc (who will all die off within the next 20 years) and young people, whose parents have refused to vaccinate their kids and those who are genetically perfect for "Genetic Modifications by Moderna, having bodies not affected by the vaccines, which did not die and were not injured, so that, In my opinion, as a species, it is highly likely that we could be exterminated off this planet, as a race, in the next 5 years or so, by these vaccines and the ultimate purpose of them, which is now unstoppable.

But let's presuppose that Ruling Elite have not had the vaccines, or their children - then there is going to be a lot of empty, computer controlled, automatic industries managed World and not very many still left alive to inhabit it and probably those few will be in clumps, because we don't like to live alone, in what were great Capitals of the World, while the surrounding Countryside will return to nature and the reason that Farms and Farmers are being shut down, is because a declining World population makes what Farms produce - a declining market and purpose, deliberately, after vaccines. No Laws, the structure of this planet controlled by computers and AI, sound about right?


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Great stats Christine! Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without future deadly injections!

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Staggering indeed. And I would've like to have read more but hit that pay wall hook ('hook' being continue with 7 days free trial).

Another case of 'Truth V Money' ....and the winner is.....

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Very strange ..🤔

My computer won't let me LIKE this comment ..and clicking on the link generates a "CAN'T FIND THE SERVER" message

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This has been happening a lot across ss; it has been said to me that AI started in ss Dec 2023, and problems have been happening since then. Censorship?

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🇦🇺⚰️ AMPS’ study into excess deaths shared on the Facebook page of former Deputy PM John Anderson (who has 22k followers): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0sBVJURquE3wTA6tceCfAYBN2QBh2JE5gbPh7A1XgGspgtCgSyDYHDoJo7uvDuKwRl&id=100047000771920

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I still am amazed at fb, twitter/X readers’ comments! It’s like a different world to me David! But 22,000 followers-a good place to post the AMPS study! I hope they look!

Good on you David! (No response is necessary when I comment on your comments David. Most of the time you respond to me, which is much appreciated, but you can just hit me in the heart, that’s fine!)

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Thanks, rrodynmac. People criticise Facebook, but it’s a powerful platform for getting the message out. I rarely get ridiculed now.

If I missed replying to you…busy online.

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Hey David, maybe you misunderstood my comment above-I’m saying I appreciate it when you reply to me, but you don’t have to.

And by hit me in the heart, I meant just click the like button is fine!

It’s good that you rarely get ridiculed now, but bad if it used to happen. I say again, you are doing a great job!

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That link you shared just lead me to a 29 May John Anderson FB comment that "leaders are readers". but I am delighted to learn that he has shared the AMPS' study into excess deaths.

I know I am sometimes guilty of being impatient when I can't see obviously good people (like John Anderson) leading the charge up the ramparts to expose wrongdoers and wrongdoing.

However, some people (like John Anderson) who are capable of influencing even more influential people than he is - to make changes for the better in all our interests - have to negotiate a very difficult path.

It's well-nigh impossible for them to satisfy those of us who (like me) often wish they would do more (and do it more quickly) - while they simultaneously, sustain the confidence and respect of those (often very timid and easily "truth-spooked") even more influential people who operate in even more exalted circles.

The "John Anderson Direct" interviews on YouTube that "our" John Anderson conducts with thought leaders (like Professor Meirsheimer, Victor Davis Hanson, Douglas Murray, Ayyan Hirsi Ali, Denis Prager, Dr Albert Mohler, etc) all reach, inform, educate and influence for the better, a huge and growing worldwide audience.

So, I guess it is a matter of us recognising that there "horses for courses" and "courses for horses" - and appreciating that not everyone is at their best as a keyboard warrior.

I certainly, need to be more patient and to keep believing that - despite so many disappointments - there REALLY ARE good very influential people out there - still working in our best interests ... even though they sometimes seem to work slowly, subtly, below the radar and "in mysterious ways".

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🇵🇭 ⚰️ Excess deaths and decreased birthrates, the Philippines: https://open.substack.com/pub/pharmafiles/p/explosive-hearing-philippines-house?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Great video David, I encourage everyone to watch this, it’s <4 minutes.

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🇵🇭📈 Yes, rrodynmac, the data are chilling: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-projected-baseline?facet=entity&country=~PHL

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Oh my, so much data! I’d heard of this website, ourworldindata.org but never looked at it. One can search so many different things! 👍👍

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In the report, covering the period up till December 2022, it is stated: In 2022 there were 190,394 deaths that occurred by 31 December and were registered by 28 February 2023, which is 25,235 (15.3%) more than the historical average. Source: Too Many Dead, p.278 , Australian Medical Professionals Society.

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Does anyone know that there's no virus but our reaction to toxins in air (chemtrails alumium demenita or sulfur dioxide blocking sun respiratory illnesses) medicines, radition, food.

See Aust Prof Edward Steele suggest there's contigion was from atmosphere

Dr Thomas Cowan and Dr Andrew Kauffman thats we are being poisioned by toxins Toxemia ("Virus" is the dying of cell exposed to toxins) no germ theory

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All part of the New World Order's (WEF) Cull of humanity! Unjabbed to live longer - Mick (UK)

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MOK, I should have said about the chemtrails, I agree strongly with you there. I’ve heard “they” are spraying aluminium, strontium, barium, microplastics, human plasma and more.“They” said a while back-oh no, the microplastics are washing up on our beaches/shores around the world, and they most likely are coming from our synthetic clothing. How pathetic.

And sun blocking chemicals, but I don’t know much about that, except them using sulphur, as you say. And yes, all this junk floats down to be in our water, food, air-everything!

The Drs Bailey of New Zealand disagree with germ theory as well.

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I agree strongly! Especially about radiation causing illness-some would say how stupid, but I don’t care what they say.

You are right MOK78!

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Yes, my niece who worked in a clothing shop had to exhaust all her leave during this whole debacle for wisely refusing the jab. Then she was stood down from her job and was living off her savings, but at least she has her health!

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One of the smart ones-great to hear!

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If there are not honest and open trials for crimes against humanity of politicians, bureaucrats including senior police, medical officers and also the corporate criminals, there will be an increase in the moves to make a worldwide terror state subjecting humanity to genocidal eugenics intended to murder billions of people under the umbrella of the UN that was set up by the Psychopathic Central Bankers specifically to oversee this perverse reign of terror.

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I think you’re right. We’re only at the beginning of the unfolding holocaust.

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As suspected, the injections, which they pretended were vaccines, kill more people than man-engineered Covid ever did! That was the Plan - It's the WEF's (New World Order's) Double Whammy!

We long suspected that Covid, is/was deliberately being engineered by evil opportunists, out to increase their fortunes by pretending to have a 'cure' (vaccine) from which they rapidly and phenomenally increase their fortunes. The other beneficiaries are the 'self styled 'Elites' who imply the planet is vastly overpopulated which supposedly contribute to Global Warming.

Most of us now realise these diseases have been modified by elitist sub-humans with ulterior and sinister motives. They use an innocuous-sounding process like 'Gain of Function' to water down the real reasons behind their experiments to deliberately maximise the health impact on humans.

We, the people, have concluded from 4 years studying the enormous amount of evidence that the creation and launch of CoronaVirus back in late 2019, must conclude, was deliberate and calculated.

1. To justify the creation of experimental but highly profitable (UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE) 'cures' from Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to make enormous profits. Their useless and dangerous injections have frequently proven DANGEROUS and sometimes DEADLY! They laughingly call their 'deadly' injected poisonous experimental jabs 'VACCINES'. They result in a deteriorated resistance to viruses, injuries and DEATHS.

2. The World Economic Forum (the 'Elite's' New World Order) make no secret of their supposed belief that 'Global Warming' is caused by our planet being 'vastly over-populated'.

The WEF's Elites believe that if most of the world's population is CULLED, Global Warming will start to reduce. They need most of the injected 'plebs' to be terminated. That's evidenced by the enormous number of injuries and DEATHS that follow the injected poisons supplied by Pfizer and others. Long-term vax issues are by design, and are protected by a nonsense leniency of ZERO LIABILITY for the companies like Pfizer who create these dangerous injections which kill millions.

Many vax recipients that were not harmed or terminated by the deadly jab should now expect a reduced LIFE EXPECTANCY, or a subsequent life of poor health because these mRNA injections destroy natural immunity.

What a fantastic Business Plan by Big Pharma and the WEF (New World Order) and all others who benefit financially from Covid and other engineered viruses in the 'pipeline'.

Unjabbed to live longer! Mick (UK)

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Global warming-what a ruse that so many have fallen for. (Of course I don’t mean WEF and others-they’re just using it as an excuse) Global warming/climate change is a psyop that’s been going for about 3 decades. How to deprogramme the people who believe in this is the problem.

I personally would like it if it got a bit warmer, plants would flourish too. But we can’t have that!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Of course they'Il try to exonerate themselves but I for one intend to keep hounding them. See my letter to Tas Health Minister and rep. in my electorate: https://open.substack.com/pub/ianbrighthope/p/letter-of-truth-to-the-australian?r=12zfs2&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=58570158 I cite many more deaths than you.

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