All vaccines are a fraud since about 1795.

Millions and millions are waking up to this fact everyday!


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Never ceases to amaze me that they say "vaccines are the best way to prevent illness" what a lot of croc, they don't prevent anything, but actually contribute to the breakdown of your immune system. Best vaccine is fresh fruit and veggies, along with sunshine and exercise.

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Not sure what the FDA does, sure isn't protect the public!

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TGA are still lying

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Are you surprised?🤔🤨

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This lie is the Big Lie. If the constant push behind it was to let up, even for a moment the whole enchilada would explode. If it was admitted that the poison is really poisoning us and that the ones tasked with protecting the flock are actually greenlighting the culling us the foundations of their criminal enterprise would crumble

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Allergies to soy, wheat, meat, peanuts etc etc

They add those and so much more to vaccines

It’s deliberate

Injecting is completely different to swallowing those via gastro intestinal tract


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Great article, thank you Dr Altman. I may be able to get my mother to understand my reluctance around her continued boosting! She has rheumatoid arthritis and I am sure it is affected with each booster she gets. Hearing loss, had a small facial stroke that involved tongue as well, no sense of taste or smell. Flu shot and two shingles making her a cash cow for pharma. Age 85 but still my mother and sad to see. I wish this age group had less faith in the doctor and more faith in their own research.

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Copied this Jan 2024 re shingles.

Retired General Practitioner finds ivermectin useful to treat shingles.

Received this week from retired Scottish GP Dr Alistair Mongomery:

Dear Tess,

On the Friday evening of the New Year weekend, my wife Nicola whilst returning from visiting her sister developed an itch on the side of her neck going into her upper shoulder.

On arriving home she asked me to have a look at the area thinking that any latex in her bra strap might have been causing the symptoms. There were several separate clusters of circular spots in the upper distribution of her left C5 dermatome.

The spots did not have any central puncta (indicative of bites) making early shingles the most likely diagnosis. She had also had prodromal symptoms of feeling generally under par all that day.

My heart sank as it is best to receive treatment for shingles as early as is practicable. Our previous experience of contacting the out-of-hours service has resulted in long periods on the telephone being put on hold just to speak to the first triage person with further time on hold to talk to a supervisor. That is then followed by a long wait of up to eight hours for a return call from either a nurse or doctor before finally being offered an appointment to be seen at the medical hub.

I recalled from online discussions in 2020 that there were good theoretical grounds that Ivermectin could be of benefit in treating Varicella infections, even though its genome is a linear duplex DNA molecule. I had also heard anecdotally of its efficacy in this situation. We therefore decided to start Nicola on 24 mg of Ivermectin (which had recently passed its use-by date) and see how she was in the morning.

The next day the skin inflammation around the eruptions had decreased, and the itch had lessened. She took a further dose that morning and again in the evening. By Sunday the itch had gone and the rash was more feint. No vesicles had developed and neither had she any pain. All she had felt was a little more tired than usual. We continued with the Ivermectin for a total of five days, and within a week from the outset there was no residual sign of the rash.

This was completely different from her experience the last time she had had shingles some ten years ago- when despite receiving acyclovir promptly she had vesicles and pain lasting over several weeks.

I realise that this is technically an anecdote, and some might say that "it could not have been shingles". However in my thirty years of medical practice, I have seen my fair share of early to late shingles, and I am confident from the morphology and distribution of the eruption that the diagnosis was correct.

Can I also thank you and your colleagues for all the hard and courageous work that you have all been involved in these last four years, and for the realisation that what is happening in the world is more than just COVID, but that it is just a part of an intricate tapestry of mal-intent by some as-for-now hidden persons.

Very best wishes

Dr Alistair Montgomery


PS. Nicola has corrected me that the rash was faintly visible at the end of the week. Her sister also saw the rash and believed it to be shingles (having had several attacks in recent years). You may also be interested to know that we are both "unvaccinated" and are part of the "SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Control Group". We submit monthly updates on our health to their website.

Dear Dr Montgomery,

Thank you very much for this interesting account. We are hearing of many cases of shingles these days, among young adults too. In association with Covid-19 vaccination, there are more than 45,000 reports of Herpes Zoster on the W.H.O.s Vigiaccess.org website, so it is good to know that this is not a post-vaccination occurrence. I hope that your experience with ivermectin, nipping Nicola’s symptoms in the bud, may well inspire other health professionals to try it. Shingles can be such a horrid condition, painful and protracted. As you demonstrated, when one is dealing with such a safe, inexpensive medicine, that is ivermectin, there is little to lose - even when the ivermectin is a bit past its use by date!

For non-medical readers:

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. It manifests as rash that appears on one side of the body or face. The rash develops into blisters, which usually scab over in 7 to 10 days and go away completely in 2 to 4 weeks. Although shingles is rarely life-threatening, it can cause excruciating discomfort. Additional indications of shingles include fever, headache, chills, nausea, and vision issues. It is more likely to occur when one’s immune system is not working optimally or when one is ‘run down’. The Herpes family is also associated with ‘cold sores’ and genital blisters

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I understand that heavy dosing of vitamin C early in the Shingles condition is very beneficial. At least it won't harm you if you're not open to such procedures. Better safe than sorry, in my estimation

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Keep at it Phillip! You are a modern day hero. We will triumph over the evil rulers who are killing and injuring citizens and attempting to take away their freedom.

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Agree first statement. Hope & pray for the second.

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Thank you Philip. Just this week I heard a young mother enquiring at the pharmacy about getting boosters for herself and her children. When will people learn? Only a document like this will make them think twice. The government and the TGA have bee complicit since the first vaccines (so called) emerged. At the time i argued with my GP that they were not really vaccines at all but he still defended them.

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The young mother lives in fear, sadly.

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—- T H E R E I S N O

S A F E U S E FOR CV-19 ++, … N O R, ANY OTHER —

V A X X… E V E R —

N E V E R H A S B E E N ….👁️👁️ ….. THEY A L L A R E SIMPLY — O N L Y —

“K I L L A G E N T S“ — ONLY — M U R D E R — AGENTS, …




— Y E T 👁️👁️ 🔱🔱🔱🔱…????? W H O D O

Y O U CALL ON …???

W H O C A N S A V E -

Y O U 🙏🏼 Y E SSSS …!!!



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Were these unpresidented 'Boosters' ever formally and properly 'Approved'? My hunch is that money passed under the table to create another opportunity to make more enormous Big Pharma PROFITS! Did 'Boosters' ever go through Safety Trials? When, historically, have any injections against viruses needed more than one or 2 shots? Why do Booster manufacturers enjoy/demand ZERO LIABILITY? Why do Governments enter onerous suicidal Contracts with mercenary Big Pharma? Did the FDA fail to [properly evaluate the danger of 'Boosters' for their super-rich friends in Big Pharma? Do the FDA record 'Excess Deaths that follow 'Boosters'? I think there a lot of 'no's' here and Boosters are purely for PROFIT only. Who's ready for Booster number 11? Boosters are a joke! Perhaps with a smidgen of DEPOPULATION thrown in?

If any of my wild supposition is accurate, the FDA are complicit in Mass Murder of children and adults!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer by refusing the Death Shots!

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That is indeed an airy blurb used by the Australian authorities, but simultaneously the detail in their table with age-specific advice indicates otherwise.

Eg their table on the primary course now says that children are ineligible for the jab: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-08/recommended-covid-19-vaccine-doses_0.pdf

and their table on boosters - scroll down to end here - https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/getting-your-vaccination - says they are "not recommended" for the under 18s without severe immunocompromise. The advice for the healthier adults in the various age categories is rather more lukewarm - typically involving 'eligibility' rather than an active recommendation - than it used to be.

When calling out the Australian government's shady collaboration with the jab sellers, I think it's important that we acknowledge that even it is unwilling to explicitly recommend the products as previously.

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Ban the bloody murder weapons. We don't need them; never needed them for health and vitality. Ban these satanic and genocide bioweapons. Call it out for once and for all. I do. Archbishop Vigano who has been speaking about these 'serums' - has stated in his own words, that Satan's face is being exposed. Satan being the satanic intent of people.

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The download link does not appear to be working

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I'd also like to add Dr Phil, there is NO credible evidence of a "virus" labelled Sars Cov 2, It has never been isolated , characterised and proven to exist to cause illness in any patient, There is No credible study showing this without contaminated cell culture experiments that prove it is a "virus" causing the CPE, Would love to hear your thoughts Dr Phil, regards Allen M.

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True. But where are the other 186 countries and all their individual states, saying similar things?

I'm not sure when (if) people are really going to understand the concept- IT DOES NOT MATTER ABOUT THE TRUTH. The "truth" is whatever the media tells the average person, that the average person can "fit" within their particular narrative of "how the world works".

The Governments' government, has decided on a particular plan of action, quite without consultation, or informed consent by or for Us, and they are proceeding with it, all on course. All to the particular schedule, and quite undeterred, because it is "for the greater good".

It has happened. It IS happening and it will continue to happen, until the populations are dead or dying, in an efficient manner, deemed acceptable enough for the plan.

It will continue until enough public defiance is unable to be censored/spin-doctored. Then the gloves come off.

Btw the download link is returning the following error:



<Message>Header value cannot be represented using ISO-8859-1.</Message>


<ArgumentValue>attachment; filename="Updated_Guidance_For_Covid_19_Boosters_For_The_Fall_And_Winter_2024–2025_Season_|_Florida_Department.pdf"</ArgumentValue>




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