These are heros of our day, I thank all the warriors who are fighting against this tyranny. All vaccines are poison, they do not work, never have and there has never been any proof they do. My nurse friend told me today she is on her last days of working because of mandates of vaccines and she does not want anymore. She has been having to get exemptions to work and said they are flat out because of lack of staff, so many are either leaving, getting sick or getting sacked. This is a breakdown of our community that has worked so well until 4 years ago when it was attacked severely all in the name of profit and control.

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This is an Australian hero like Phillip Altman and all the rest of the heroes who chose the road less travelled and are still fighting to survive against seemingly impossible odds

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🇦🇺💉It’s disgraceful that Paul Kelly will still insist in Parliament that the injections are safe. The government ignores its own data, as well as tragic stories like this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4aJSYqRhJi/?igsh=MXhwbHphMnBxd3RmdQ==

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Paul Kelly is a disgrace of a person. Let alone being Chief Health Officer for Australia. I’m embarrassed often for my country, but he is a huge embarrassment. He was sent to WHO to sign something terrible (I can’t remember exactly, but James Roguski would know) the day after our federal election 22nd May, 2022, or something like that was the date-all those twos! This was when Africa saved us some time, by not signing Biden’s (Obama) amendments. Soon, we will run out of time, and corporation Australia will be owned by Bill Gates, who owns the WHO!! I was able to read the first page on instagram, thanks Dave. Poor lady. Poor world.

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Remarkable speech: Capt Hood is sincere and highly qualified. A most impressive professional.

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It’s one thing to have a Royal Commision, but we need to STOP these jabs. We can’t wait for a Royal Commision that will maybe never come, because the WHO’s pandemic policy will be here soon, and people will be locked down to have a million jabs, because of some rubbish pandemic or even climate change!

Stop the jabs first. As you see, no one is interested in what the Captain says, in parliament I mean.

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Graham Hood is a hero for humanity. Thank you, Dr. Altman, for all you do, too, and thank you for posting this video.

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Thank you also Transcriber B, I love what you do for those of us who prefer to read, rather than video watching! I think I’ve thanked you like this before, but I mean it, with my soul!

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Thank you for reading!

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You are so humble-you are one of God’s Children for sure!

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Graham Hood and John Larter have been an incredible source of information during the pandemic. Always there for us and it’s so obvious how much they both care for humanity. They’re heroes to so many.

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We won't get a royal commission while the "rats scatter to higher ground". They know what they have done, denial will ultimately be futile when impunity is revoked.

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They certainly do know what they’ve done, and the tactics will be delay delay, obfuscate, divert attention, etc. We have to get at them with australiaexitswho (I think that’s the website), and standupaustralia (another website), James Roguski-he’s an absolute legend when it comes to WHO, he just never stops working!

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'denial will ultimately be futile when impunity is revoked'

I'm holding my breath

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You won’t make it by holding your breath!! Caution! Caution!!!

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Excellent. I hope he runs for a high political office!

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High political officers are all corrupt. He’d be heading into enemy territory, where they do initiation ceremonies, aka satan worship. I’m not joking.

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Enemy territory yes. I don’t think he would be invited to those kind of initiations though. 90% is not 100%.

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What they do, is threaten members if they don’t do the satan stuff. It’s not just people like rock/roll singers. They do it. Kylie Minogue is a witch-a real witch! Like Taylor Swift, Madonna. They’re Illuminati. That’s how they keep making money. The WEF/UN/WHO all do it. Every Royal family does it.

Satanism comes from Freemasons,Illuminati and many more. Don’t rule anything out!! Trust no one in authority, police, higher up public servants. Remember male/male sex taking place in Parliament House in Canberra!

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This speech touched my soul. This is why we must not give up. Like a dripping tap we will eventually erode this damage to the human race

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💉”Indeed, Operation Warp Speed was a resounding success…” ~ Professor Arup Chakraborty, MIT, at 19:40 in, in the included podcast of 15 March 2024 following the link below. Professor Chakraborty will be a guest speaker at the Doherty Institute in Melbourne on Monday, 25 March 2024. (What is wrong with these people?) ➡️ https://www.doherty.edu.au/news-events/podcast/a-brief-history-of-vaccine-development?fbclid=IwAR1tnF9AlNDvNSZaraSKwLi8QZB6NTvF6SXFqtnvvLONoWTgCIqPymyy-bg_aem_AYrsuorCUXAdwLM8yUIFiTA22AJ41Dw3Kia-MXqH8yEDEKET4qRxqsGnIxraFJH6b94

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Aieeee! MIT is so corrupt!! These vaccines must be stopped. Exit the WHO!! Now!!!

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Government currently supports 'vaccines' through the NCIRS. Here is an extract from recent publication.

Key points

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SARS-CoV-2 can change over time, leading to new variants of COVID-19.

Older people and people with certain medical conditions – including infants and children – are at the highest risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and are available free of charge, even if you don’t have a Medicare card.

COVID-19 vaccine recommendations are based on several factors, including age, time since last dose and presence of certain medical conditions. New recommendations are made based on the changing COVID-19 situation.

Omicron XBB.1.5 variant vaccines are now preferred for all individuals who are recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

An XBB.1.5 formulation for use in infants and children aged 6 months to less than 5 years has been approved for use but is not yet available. Availability is anticipated in 2024.

COVID-19 vaccines can be co-administered with other vaccines in people aged 5 years and over, including influenza vaccines.

It is preferred that infants and children aged less than 5 years separate routine childhood vaccinations and COVID-19 vaccination by 7–14 days. If this is not practical, routine vaccinations can be given on the same day as a COVID-19 vaccine.

Also IT even advises that a vaccine approved for children is NOT YET AVAILABLE

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This is so sick! I hate it so much!!! I’m like a child, who won’t eat their spinach!!! If people stop testing for covid, which doesn’t exist, it will go away!!! Please, everyone tell others to stop testing! Even if they want a few days off work!

I know this is obvious, but covid is destroying our society!! If we, as a country are to survive, we have to reject covid, i.e., DO NOT COMPLY!! Or else we will have the WHO and Bill Gates, saying we can’t participate in society if we don’t have all these new vaxes they come up with.

PEOPLE-These people are trying to KILL US ALL, or keep us as SLAVES!!! Think about this everyone, and Do Not Comply!!!!

Sorry GB, this is not all directed at you-it’s directed at everyone!! We can all do something!! Before the mis/dis/mal information laws come in to stop our free speech!!!

We can all write letters, send emails, phone our local members of lower house and upper house! If we do enuf of this, it may rattle their cages,!! Politicians are being used, and they don’t even know it! Some Senators know, but they are not enuf! Do politicians think the predator bankers, etc will want them around in “their” brave new world? Of course not! They are just useful idiots!! All of them!

And to the billionaires, and trillionaires, we are just cattle. We will be killed if we let the WHO take over. Where are some decent lawyers who can prove the WHO is invalid, especially since Bill Gates owns the WHO. That eugenisist is insane. We should be challenging him in court, or something else with more of an impact.

A lot of us, working together, can do a lot of things. See Riccardo Bosi and “Commo John” website. See Michael Ginsberg substack “Actionable Truths” He has some great ideas!! These are all Aussies. Also, substack/newsletter “ExcessDeathsAU “ and Dystopian down under substack, by Rebekah Barnett I think is her name. Also “Resistance Action Australia” this is a great substack. Most are free.

See what you can do. I try to warn people who may not know. All these writers give us great advice and knowledge, let’s read them, and see what we can all do together. Otherwise we’re all going to die together-this is the truth!!! Do you ALL WANT TO DIE??

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