Did anyone here think that this enquiry was going to uncover the REAL cause of excess deaths here in Australia. Really? It's Kabuki theatre Australian style done badly. Most of the rats have deserted the ship with a few remaining gutless wonders. These gutless wonders and the rats before them are still trying to arrange the deck chairs on the sinking ship. (Titanic comes to mind) Hopefully I will still be alive to witness the resurrection and prosecution.

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This little black duck no longer believes anything coming from “ authorities “.

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How I feel Sandy Horton. Pretty much given up but my one last wish is that I will witness justice before I go. It happened in Nurembourg but that took a long time. 😕

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I honestly believe that truth will prevail. - it's like night and day, night will always yield to day as will evil yield to truth. Nuremburg was touted as justice after WWII, however, most people were and are unaware that many Nazi's were sent to America and allowed to live and work as American citizens. Of course America only took those Nazi's who could add value to their black op projects like Wernher von Braun (an aero space engineer and space architect). A book written by John Loftus, "America's Nazi Secret" is an eye opener. John is a former high level U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer who had signed the US Secrets Act and could then, only after retirement, write the real history of how the Justice Department deceived Congress, the American people and the world on this subject. Unfortunately most of our history as told to us has been lies, lies and more lies because we "can't handle the truth"! Now, ain't that the truth!

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Met a health practitioner who worked during the plandemic and was told to falsify death and attribute it to COVID-19 when it wasn't.

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Yes but if more of them would speak up…… and if they had done so then…..

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Did he/she do it?

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Then left the hospital.

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That’s the only ethical thing to do. Speaking out would be even better. When it comes to doctor’s jobs vs public health and knowledge, there is only one choice.

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1 We are in a war.

2 Our opponents keep breaking all the mutually agreed (societal) rules of engagement.

3 We keep repeating the same pattern of attack- using the field of engagements that they chose and entrenched for years.

The only avenue for success is the numbers of the peasantry and education at the ground root level, win over the sleeping and they'll be our shield. Fail to do so and they'll be the knife in our sides and backs.

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I know someone in WA who just covid jabbed for a job and this person peacocks around, considering themselves 'awake.' Another person got the flu vax because they 'got an hour off from work to get it.' I have spent a long time in the past talking to these people, helping them, showing them evidence, telling them about non-compliance.

I'm done.

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Even intelligent people rarely learn from others mistakes, most have to learn from pain. The "masses" are far from intelligent so I suspect they're be getting very hurt.

Still we have tried and I continue to do so. I get how you feel and you have done enough to be proud.

For what its worth, if it goes to shit you have a spot at my refuge mate

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I’ve given up trying to alert those around me. In the end I’m just alienating them. So, I stick with the “broadcasts” to the unaware ‘public’ … which is probably just the aware people reading this now … thanks for your support!

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💯 percent correct.

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Even a lot of the big names I've spent years sharing are becoming suspect. Look at Peter McCullough, now pushing this shit to fix what this shit has done.

Personally something is off about JJ Couey BUT he raises exceptional points on some glaringly obvious issues in our "heroes"


There will be no heroes but ourselves and I suspect dark days are in front of us if we don't wake up the comfortably numb. This is my last year I'll spend online and irl waking people up because its getting close to the tipping point and we all need to be prepared to survive.

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Can't argue with any of that Damon. They'll be woken up but far too late. I'll be in the cave up the road, come & visit.

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I'm looking interstate

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I don’t think any state is safe, unless you go bush !

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I agree and will even though if bad they'll turn up eventually

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Maybe you’d be interested in this n watching Dr Sam Bailey (Kiwi) on how they actually created Covid- hint it was not a bat kissing a pangolin, Ai strikes again they also have written a book on farewell to virology .

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Yes, I know about the Baileys, thanks for that ! I don’t believe in viruses anymore, thanks to this covid disaster!

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You are so right about the “big names”!

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What I find REALLY curious is the deception isn’t coming from one country. The deception is in all western countries. At the start when I heard safe and effective follow the science, I thought the narrative was put out by the Canadian government assuring us. When I realized that every country was using the same narrative something felt out of whack for me. It didn’t sit well. Of course I didn’t start investigating things until after I was vaccine injured. It is remarkable that in every country we all have the same unanswered questions. What entity was pushing this agenda? It’s the exact same play book for us all. The propaganda, the weaponized terms anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, anti science. The skewed statistics. Not one country was doing active, independent data collection on something that had never been tried on humans before, which is mind blowing. This was a well oiled machine at work.

We keep hearing ad nauseam how the shots saved millions of lives. Oh really, how do we know that? Norm Fenton U.K statistician found out that hospitals in the U.K and I’m sure everywhere, wouldn’t call a death from the shot if it occurred within 20 days. Those people were counted as unvaccinated. So many injuries were deemed not related, no causal evidence. Without a diagnostic test how can they determine that? For instance here in Canada in the Greater Toronto Area, 5 doctors died suddenly within two weeks of the 4th shot. 2 days later the media was screaming out that the deaths had nothing to do with the shot. How can you report definitively with no diagnostic test. Also, I believe deaths are occurring months after the shot. Never in my life have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis and 5 are now dead. I can’t prove it was shot related but it sure is a signal, something our governments are massively failing at.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 16


Do you remember those who - ostensibly, to prevent us all suffering badly and/or dying from COVID-19 and/or spreading it to others - so enthusiastically promoted the experimental gene therapy COVID-19 injections that they (incorrectly) described as "vaccines"?

I'm thinking of people like Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, former NSW premiers, Gladys Berejiklian and Dominic Perrottet and - that champion of informed choice (NOT) - good ol' Brad Hazzard and, of course, (Sarah) Jane Halton...

They were just SO concerned about the welfare of ordinary Australians and just SO determined to do everything in their power to prevent suffering and to save lives.

🤔🤔🤔 Weren't they?



Did THEY volunteer their own services or assist to recruit or compel the services and the testimony at the Senate Inquiry Into Excess Deaths in Australia of all their SCIENCE & MEDICAL EXPERT colleagues... to help discover what is causing the excess deaths and to prevent them?

Did they bring their enormous influence to bear on the present government and on the ABS to ensure that the crucial anonymised record-level all-cause-mortality data is made available to the Inquiry and to all those who are trying to prevent the excess deaths?

Am I alone in thinking that those who so enthusiastically promoted the experimental COVID-19 gene therapy injections COULD NOW PROVE THEIR BONA FIDES if they were to bring all their considerable resources and influence to bear on discovering the cause(s) of excess deaths and PREVENTING THEM?

Or do those people mentioned above give THEIR allegiance and THEIR accountability to a higher authority ...

... to an authority that is higher than those ordinary Australian taxpayers who obediently rolled up their sleeves to get the experimental jabs?...

...whose taxes still pay the incredibly generous salaries and retirement benefits of those who, unashamedly, refuse to answer in Senate Estimates and/or knowingly dissemble?

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R.S Owen’s, here’s my thoughts. I was reading X this morning by Josh Walkos, it was lengthy with all kinds of links to papers. It supported my beliefs. Pharma has infiltrated all of our health agencies and many political figures. Pharma has a huge operating budget for funding medical journals, politicians, universities and our oversight health agencies. The corruption in our healthcare is despicable. Pharma calls the shots. Pharma is obscenely wealthy and influential. They hire PR firms to troll social media for instance. I would love to see the contracts that all countries signed with pharma. None of this is good for our health.

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No one questions superiors in the chain of command if they want to keep their job which equals lifestyle

They prey on it - and it works

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Yes, this 'shots saved millions of lives' is quite ridiculous as one cannot ever prove a negative, there are too many variables.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

This Parliamentary Inquiry Into Excess Deaths was what Genghis Khan would probably have described as "the first step on a journey of a thousand miles".

...or to borrow from what the essayist, Macaulay, wrote in a letter to the Edinburgh Times in 1830:

“Now and then there has been a stoppage, now and then a short retrogression, but as to the general contingency there can be no doubt. A single breaker may recede, but the [TRUTH] tide is evidently coming in.”

Here is a little story for those who think the 13 June Australian Senate Inquiry Into Excess Deaths in Australia was the end of the matter and that they survived. It is about the fearsome fighting reputation of the British Gurkha Army soldiers and the razor-sharpness of their kukri knives. ⬇️

Confronted by an enemy soldier during WWII, a Gurkha soldier swung his kukri knife to defend himself...

...The enemy soldier said "Haha. You missed"...

The Gurkha soldier replied...

"Shake your head and see"

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Excellent note RS! Anyone who actually believed that the inquiry was going to be anything but an attempted white-wash was delusional. For me the most motivating presentation was Kara. I was so angry that she was in that position. She has her life ruined by politicians and bureaucrats who must have known better, and who chose to be “willfully blind”. Of course to admit there are people like Kara are vax injured, is to admit fault. So, they will essentially abandoned her, and the tens of thousands of other vax injured Australians. Pretending they don’t exist. That's why we must relentlessly pursue justice. And bring those responsible to account!

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I actually have TGA proof that they accept I’m vaccine injured, but there is no compensation or support.

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I’m so sorry to hear that you are suffering from that toxic stuff. I can only assume the injury is substantial given your assertion that the TGA has accepted its a vax injury. Well, I’ll be in the trenches for justice until I breathe my last breath or we win!

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Yes I got pericarditis and ongoing cardiac issues, also loss of balance. The worst part is the lack of energy, and loss of the quality of life I had. I was 68 when this happened, and symptoms set in within 48 hrs, never had COVID and no positive COVID tests. Because of my age at the time, most patients were being told that their problems were age related despite pathology saying otherwise. I was recently advised I “need” 7 more vaccines. I’m now 71 I was told I need whooping cough tetanus diptheria flu COVID booster shingles and pneumonovax. People need to be aware that LNP the dangerous delivery system is being included in all vaccines now. The government is now putting millions toward pushing vaccines onto elderly, disabled, and mentally ill. We are the killing fields they are targeting.

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I love your optimism. I sorely lack it. I’m vaccine injured and just feel they have every angle covered. I hope you are right.

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Goodness - I read that nonsense from the ABS which pretty much infers all excess deaths were due to Covid-19, even if not directly attributed to Covid-19. Given that 2 of the greatest political puppets and sociopaths in Australia were awarded King's Birthday honours, nothing should be surprising. The criminals are unlikely to implicate themselves.

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Those 'honours' were simply the elites/globalists that rule us, rubbing our faces in it. They are saying, 'Look what we did and you can do nothing about it. You know. We know you know. Suck it up'.

And the best is yet to come unless We the People wake up and soon. Unlikely, in my view.

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When you do not want the truth to come out you have a Senate Enquiry. The lies come out and the data manipulated. We need an Enquiry like the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) -Canada's Response to Covid-19

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I’m so appreciative of the National Citizens Inquiry but so far nothing has moved the needle, unfortunately.

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Agree, or the Scottish enquiry. But it f you think governments are going to give a damn dream on

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Let's see the record-level death data for all of Australia with only year of birth, year of death, manufacturer & product & batch & number of days between injection and death for each injection. It could be sorted by batch number and product and then number of days between first injection and death. No personal information revealed.

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ABS conspired with WHO to hide the code for Jab induced Death

For recent subscribers who might not know.

I mentioned this in my Submission to the Excess Mortality Inquiry.


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Your Substack this morning...

... "BOMBSHELL! Finally The Analysis Proving VAERS Does Not Publish All Legit Reports Received!"

....is also very informative.

Your work and the detailed - checkable- information you make available is amazing (and much appreciated by me and many I know). Thank you.

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Regarding the ABS being complicit in the cover-up of excess deaths - what do you expect? ABS Top Dog Trevor Sutton is the husband of Jane Halton who single-handily masterminds the Australian Covid Vaccination Push on behalf of CEPI and WHO. The concetration of power is mindblowing. How else can a handful of people manipulate a whole nation of 26 million?

Proof: The WEF Calls The Shots On Australia's Covid Vaccine Future


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deletedJun 15
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Careful, Rose. Until a reader here pointed out my likely error, I, too, incorrectly believed and also stated that Trevor Sutton is the brother of Brett Sutton. Brett Sutton has denied that Trevor Sutton is his brother and I now believe that to be the case.

...Interesting though: neither of the two individuals wants to be associated with the other.

I can't help but wonder why.

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It is actually worse than that. There is strong evidence, based on ABS numbers, that each mRNA vaccination not only caused a wave of excess deaths, but also a wave of Covid deaths. This analysis is eye-openeing:

Strong Correlations That Each mRNA Vaccine Rollout Causes A Wave Of Death


While frustrating that the "offiicial channels" whitewash and hide the facts, most people with a brain and a heart "know" already. Judging on the massive drop in vaccine uptake in Australia, they vote with their refusal.

Those who still want to believe the false narrative are very welcome to take more shots. This will take care of them. After four years there are no innocent victims anymore that need saving. If you are ignorant and stupid you will suffer and evolution will eventually select for the smarter ones.

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On tv they recently announced millions for aged care disabled and mentally ill to boost their vaccination numbers- you know the ones who represent Kissinger useless eaters. If you listen to Vernon Coleman’s latest post our fates are sealed off bless people rise up.

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Getting jabbed is a measurable variable: Quantifiable and recorded. Does it predict individual disaster? Why is it so hard, today's world, to analyse individual level data as held in databases regulated by governments? Why is it secret?

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Smoke & Mirrors, Lies & Deception from Gov & Mainstream, as usual.

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The medical profession cannot dodge complicity in all this, and I won’t hear them not being held responsible….they took the money over lives……..no excuses, I for one will never trust a Dr or their drugs again…..not that I ever had much confidence ……. Most of them have no idea.😡

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Phillip, I feel quite dejected because of governmental whitewash but I didn't have much hope either. I wonder if the Outsiders show would be interested in interviewing you. Most of the info at the moment is about politics but only last weekend they were talking about how wrong it was for Dan Andrews to get an award (it's supposed to be for community efforts not for power brokers) His orders were horrendous and I believe every proponent who backed the mandates and spent monies on policing travel and borders has jumped ship just in case there was backlash. It's worth a try to get the public ready for the next scam. The show is a breath of fresh air usually in that they argue against climate change and the Investment of government (our tax) money on non sustainable wind towers and solar panels etc. I don't want your hard work to go un rewarded.

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It would indeed be wonderful if Rowan Dean would have Phillip as a guest on Outsiders.

Alas, I believe the plug would be pulled on the show before Phillip had a chance to share what (for good reason) he believes to be the truth...and Rowan would lose his job as Outsiders host.

A full-frontal attack is not always the best (military) strategy and what Rowan manages to do is a pretty effective alternative.

Given that we REALLY ARE at war, we all have to do what is necessary, in a military sense, to survive and last the distance to victory. (The relevant military principles are "Economy of Force/Effort/Resources*", "Mobility*" and "Co-operation*").

For anyone who is interested, the principles of war (that my late father (a WWII Lt. Colonel) taught to me) are:

Maintenance of the objective

Offensive action


*Economy of force/effort/resources



Concentration (of effort)



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